In an office at the headquarters of Su’s Trading Company.

The manager, Goblin Erya, invited in a man wearing a god-level disguise mask.

“Director Erya! What’s going on here? Didn’t we agree before? We purchased this batch of Abyss Demon materials at a premium, but why did you change your mind when it was about to be delivered? I need a reason! The customer frowned and looked at Erya and said:”I believe in your character, so I didn’t bother to sign any heavenly contract. If you do this, our business should be locked up in the future!”

Goblin Erya smiled slightly:”Mr. Zhang, please don’t be anxious!” Take a look at this first!”

As she said this, she took out a long sword with a level 2 god level.

This is an abyssal equipment.

Only demons can use it.

“Um? A 2-turn exquisite long knife with 12 gain attributes! ……what do you mean?”

Zhang Jiuhai was stunned. He looked at Goblin Erya without knowing why.

Goblin Erya then took out another abyss bloodline and handed it to the other party:”Look at this!”

“Gudong! The abyssal bloodline of the 2nd god level…what are you doing?……”

Zhang Jiuhai couldn’t help but swallowed when he saw this.

This thing made him extremely excited.

I can barely move my eyes away.

Goblin Erya said with a smile:”Compared to low-level materials, we have better weapons, equipment and materials! All of them can reach the level of 2nd God Transformation! You see……”

Speaking of which.

She said no more.

Instead, he picked up the tea cup and drank water.


Zhang Jiuhai’s eyes were shocked and he stood up suddenly:”You guys……”

He didn’t say it.

But he added in his heart:”Could it be that he robbed the treasure house of the Lord of the Abyss?”

“good! good! good! If you can provide 5,000 pieces of 2-level god-level long knives, or 5,000 2-level god-level abyss bloodlines, let’s continue this business. How much should be paid, I will give it to you when I pick up the goods!”

Zhang Jiuhai understood the purpose of Goblin Erya calling him over, and immediately made a decision and said:”In addition! You can tell your lord how many abyssal materials and weapons of this grade your chamber of commerce has, and we will accept them all!”

“tell him!”

“I’m not short of money!”

“If you lords are worried, I can put 1,000 lord points as many as the sands of the Ganges in your store!”

He said excitedly.

He would get these things no matter what.

This was his chance to make a fortune.

It was also his chance to reach the sky in one step.

He couldn’t miss it.

Goblin Erya laughed:”I have 100,000 pieces. Abyss weapons and equipment of this level! 100,000 pieces of universal, second-turn god-level weapons and equipment that can be used by all ethnic groups, as well as more than 1 million second-turn god-level precious materials, and 100,000 second-turn god-level abyss bloodlines!”

“At the same time, there are also large quantities of second-level god-level military spiritual food, with a quantity of no less than 500 billion tons, about 1 million tons of fruits with various functions, and about 5,000 healing pills!”

“There are about 20,000 engineering equipment that you, the Abyssal Clan, can control, plus about 100,000 various Abyss Forbidden Curse Scrolls!”


Don’t wait for Goblin Erya to finish the list.

Zhang Jiuhai’s legs went weak and he almost fell off the stool.

He couldn’t help shouting:”Did you kill 10 Abyss God Lords? This is so damn… no! 10 Abyss God Lords may not have supplies of this magnitude for the 2nd God level! This…It’s so special and scary!”

“Mr. Zhang! Don’t worry about where our resources come from! Just asking if you can swallow these things!

Goblin Erya said calmly:”If you want it, I believe you!” Keep it for you! If you don’t want it, I’ll find another abyss broker!”

“This batch of things in our hands are all high-quality materials, many of which are top-quality!”

“To be honest, this is the only batch of these supplies we have recently!”

“There won’t be such large quantities of stuff after that!”

She said confidently.

Zhang Jiuhai understood what Goblin Erya meant. He took out an unnamed point card worth 1,000 Asanji Lord Points from his arms:”This is the deposit! I want them all! You wait until I go back to get the money! Estimated transaction within 24 hours!”

These 1,000 Asamkhya Lord Points are equivalent to 10 million Ganges River Sand Lord Points. It is equivalent to 1,000 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion Lord Points.


Zhang Jiuhai really wants these things.

Goblin Erya checked Then he took out a contract of heaven and said:”I believe you! If you don’t come back within 7 days, I will sell this batch of supplies to others! If the sale fails, I will return the deposit and this anonymous points card you left!”

Zhang Jiuhai emphasized again:”Don’t worry! I will be back after 24 hours! You get your stuff ready!”

After finishing speaking, he signed the contract of heaven.

He turned around and left the store quickly.

…… at this time.

Su Wen is customizing troops in Athena’s synthesis tower.

He has completed the arrangement of talents and skills. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The final test is now being carried out.

This time in order to customize my own pro-army.

He used the first to enter the army as a model.

5 2-level god-level knowledge skills, 5 2-level god-level passive skills, 5 2-level god-level common skills, 5 god-level military formation skills, 5 2-level god-level passive skills are customized for the arms. Talents and 5 2-level professional skills.

These 2nd-level god-level skills and talents are all completed through the god-level synthesis console.

Su Wen did not waste attribute points.

These talents and skills were obtained from the Rising Sun Dragon King and Su Wen from the Abyss Legion.

In addition, skills and talent cards of various races obtained from the black market.

To customize skills.

The skills, passive skills, professional skills, talent cards, and military formation skills in his hand were all consumed.

Because skills, passive skills and professional skills all belong to the skill category.

It can be used as a synthesis material when synthesizing at the God level. only.

Synthesizing skill books in this way consumes a huge amount.

And there is a certain probability of failure[]

The effect is also very obvious.

It’s just the value of 5 passive skills of 2nd level god level.

It is enough to match all the consumption this time.

Originally, Su Wen wanted to synthesize the 1,000 resurrection cards as rewards from Heaven.

No idea.

The God-level synthesis console cannot recognize this thing at all.

In the end, Su Wen had no choice but to give up synthesizing the resurrection card.

After all operations are completed.

Su Wen nodded:”Okay! Just customize it according to this (Nuo Qian Zhao)!”


Less than 1 minute.

A crisp sound appeared on the panel of the custom-made synthesis console.

【Your customized arms have been integrated. Please provide the corresponding materials according to the material list to solidify the arms in the barracks.】

【Materials required: 1 Heart of 2nd Transformation Arms, 1 2nd Transformation Hellfire Seed, 1 Kunlun Jade Butterfly, 1 2nd Transformation Divine Pill, 1 2nd Transformation Chaos Bloodline】

“Um! I have the Hellfire Jade Kunlun Jade Butterfly! You can get the Heart of Arms just by completing the dungeon, the Divine Pill of Creation and the Bloodline of Chaos… Go to Overlord Academy and have a look!”

Su Wen pondered for a while and decided to go to the college to have a look first.

If these materials can be obtained from the college, it is naturally the best choice.

If not, then you can only buy them from the outside world. I am afraid that the rich people will be because of the Chamber of Commerce. He refused to deal with him.

No matter how he pretended to be something, he had to give it a try!

Thinking of this, he turned around and left the synthesis tower, going���Overlord Tower……

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