Su Wen took out a yellow treasure chest.

This treasure chest is a reward for defeating the dungeon crisis arranged by the Sixth Summoning Legion.

Su Wen received a total of 29.52 million.

He originally planned to auction these yellow treasure chests in batches.

Now has Athena’s synthesis tower.

He changed his mind.


He placed a yellow treasure chest into the synthesis and analysis console.


It lit up with a ray of light.

The yellow treasure chest was analyzed and disintegrated by the magic array.

After waiting about 12 seconds.

A synthetic formula appeared in front of Su Wen

【Unknown treasure chest synthesis formula: 5 kilograms of phantom gold, 1 set of random teleportation arrays, 1 treasure house positioning coordinates, 1 random drawing formula, 10 magic crystals】

【Note: The synthesized treasure chest can place different treasures in the treasure house according to your own needs! Please place at least 1 treasure. If there is no treasure in the treasure house, the treasure chest panel will give different prompts.】

“Um? Through the magic circle and positioning coordinates, and according to the extraction formula, various treasures are randomly extracted from the treasure house? Can you also set your own odds of winning?”

Su Wen blinked. Isn’t this just a lottery ticket?

There’s something wrong with it!

His eyes were green and purple.

It was as if he saw a lot of money.

“This matter 09 can be carefully considered!”

Su Wen muttered softly.

Phantom gold is very cheap, 5 kilograms is only 100 million lord points. The total of these formation coordinate formulas and magic crystals is about 50 million.

The cost of this treasure box is set at 200 million lord points.

Sold Priced at 1 billion?


A regular gold treasure chest has at least 1 trillion lord points.

This treasure chest with 500 billion lord points will definitely be snapped up.

I believe this will attract countless lords to rush to buy it.

This is a treasure chest that becomes more and more obsessed with the more you open it.!

It’s exciting to think about it.

After completing the simple test to synthesize the analysis console,

Su Wen came to the god-level synthesis console.

After opening it, a prompt appeared on the console

【Please add material! 】

Su Wen took out a god-level material, Liuling Copper, and placed it in the middle of the formation.

I saw a prompt appear again on the console

【It is expected that after adding an equivalent god-level material, the Six Spirit Copper can be promoted to the first-level god level. Putting in 12 equal god-level materials can promote the Six Spirit Copper to the 1st level of god level. Put in 24 equivalent god-level materials to promote the Six Spirit Copper to the 1st and 1st level god level.……Putting in 300 equivalent god-level materials can promote the Six Spirit Copper to the second level of god level!】

【The current highest synthesis limit of the 2-god-level synthesis tower】

“300 equivalent god-level materials can upgrade the Six Spirit Copper to 2 turns! This is okay!”

Su Wen’s eyes lit up when he saw this.

The minimum price of god-level materials is around 10 million lord points.

But the rubbish god-level materials for level 2 require at least 10 Jing lord points.

300 rubbish god-level materials, at least 100 million.

1 piece 2 The value of god-level materials is more than 30 million times that of 300 rubbish god-level materials.

This function is also promising!

This is more profitable than selling low-level materials separately.

Thinking of this,

Su Wen took out 1 Blue grade material mithril, 1 yellow grade material blood bone

【Please choose the ultimate synthetic material! 1. Mithril. 2 blood bones】


Su Wen made a choice.

High-level mithril is a material in great demand.

It is one of the necessary main materials for forging magic equipment.

Because of its low output, the price is extremely high.

Wait for him to do it After making the selection,

I saw the magic screen on the console showing

【Please continue to add 50 blue-level materials, or 20 yellow-level materials, to promote mithril to god level!】

【Note: Ordinary materials can be synthesized into god-level materials through superposition!】

【The mixing and synthesis of ordinary and god-level materials will be carried out according to the synthesis ratio of ordinary materials, which will only reduce the grade of the materials. 】

Su Wen’s eyes moved and he added 50 junk blue-level materials that were far less valuable than mithril.

【When the God-level synthesis array is activated, you will have a 100% chance of obtaining a standard amount of God-level mithril. 】


Prompt effect, light flashed.

The materials on the magic circle disappear.

Su Wen synthesized a piece of god-level mithril


Su Wen said with a smile.

Promoting to Athena’s synthesis tower was really the most correct decision he made.

With this synthesis tower, his Su’s Trading Company will quickly make huge profits.

Then, he took out The equipment of the demon army that was just captured. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Place a god-level long sword on the formation

【Please continue to put in 12 pieces of the same god-level weapons, and you will 100% synthesize a 1-turn god-level long sword! 】

Su Wen blinked.

12 pieces of the same equipment will be put in continuously.


A flash of light flashed.

He got a 1-level god-level sword.

And this long knife has 7 gain attributes.

It can be regarded as an excellent weapon that is slightly better than the standard weapon.

He once again placed the 1st-turn god-level long sword on the combined formation.

【Please continue to put in the same 24 1-turn God-level long knives, or 276 pieces of God-level weapons, which can 100% synthesize 1 2-turn God-level long sword! 】

Buzz! soon.

Su Wen got a 2-turn god-level long sword in his hand.

This long knife actually has 12 gain attributes[]

This made Su Wen very happy.

His equipment was synthesized from 300 pieces of standard equipment.

Among the 2-turn god-level weapons, 12 gain attributes have reached the rank of top-quality weapons.

Even the lowest selling price for this kind of weapon is 1,000 yuan. at the moment.

Su Wen has a total of 1.5 billion demon-specific standard weapons of various levels in his hands, and nearly 30 million universal god-level weapons or armors.


He can make approximately 100,000 universal second-turn god-level weapons.

There are about 100,000 second-level god-level weapons exclusive to the demon clan.

Calculated based on the lowest price.

Su Wen can get 2 positive lord points.

This is equivalent to 2 trillion trillion trillion Lord Points.

This kind of wealth is already quite terrifying���

And that’s just the weapon he got. war during this time.

He also obtained a large amount of demon blood, various materials, scrolls, food, etc.

If these things are synthesized through the synthesis console.

If it is sold as a second-level god-level boutique.

Su Wen will gain massive wealth.

Think of this.

He immediately called for Goblin Erya

“Meet my lord! Goblin

Erya knelt down on one knee and said solemnly. 877

Su Wen nodded. He explained to Goblin Erya how to use the God-level synthesis console and the synthesis analysis console, and said to Erya:”Let’s Don’t sell the low-level materials and demon trophies. You arrange for people to synthesize them here through the synthesis console!”

“All are synthesized into 2-turn items for sale!”

“In addition, regarding the synthesis of unknown treasure chests, you should make a few yourself first to see if there is demand!”

“If there are any, synthesize them in large quantities and sell them! The relevant probabilities follow the lottery pattern!”

After arranging this matter,

Goblin Erya hurriedly led his people to extract a large amount of materials from the material workshop and the public warehouse of the lord’s castle for synthesis.

Su Wen looked at the customized unit operation table aside.

This The interface of the console is similar to the previous synthesis interface.

The only difference is that it is associated with a sacrifice array

【Please set the ethnic groups and basic templates of the customized troops. Then put the skill scroll, military formation skills, or talent cards into the sacrifice circle!】

【Note: This custom array can continuously set skills for customized arms. The maximum number of professional skills for arms cannot exceed 16, the number of knowledge skills cannot exceed 36, the number of passive skills cannot exceed 12, the number of ordinary skills cannot exceed 32, and the number of military formation skills cannot exceed 3. indivual. Talents cannot exceed 6】

【Note: The talent cards and skill books sacrificed by the customized magic circle will be turned into the source of power for the customized troops. After use, they will be decomposed and cannot be retrieved.】

【Note: The higher the skills and talents of the customized arms, the more attribute bonuses will be obtained after the arms are trained.】


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