“Nothing! I just want to take a day off tomorrow! I want to go to the market to buy some daily necessities and what I need for cultivation! Let’s buy something for home!”

Wenying lowered her head and said sheepishly.

Su Wen nodded:”You don’t need to ask for leave for this kind of thing! As long as you arrange your time, we don’t have so many restrictions here!”

“I see! Thanks!”

Wenying responded with a salute.

Her expression was really hesitant to speak.

After several times, she still couldn’t say the words to invite Su Wen to stay for dinner.

She could only watch Su Wen leave.

In the end,

Wenying was disappointed. He blamed himself:”Oh! waste! I can’t even seize such a good opportunity!”



Su Wen went to other city gate areas and Huanghai one after another.

He established a branch of the Inquisition on an island in the deserted sea.

And established teleportation arrays for the island and Conch Castle.

The two teleportation arrays will also be connected to the teleportation hub next to the headquarters of the Holy Tribunal.

After completing these basic construction.

Su Wen returned to the campfire in his territory.

At present, he has built a total of 5 Inquisition branches, requiring a total of 7,595 manpower. In addition, the headquarters also needs 13,800 Inquisition troops.


He recruited 21,395 flower elf civilians.

And all of them were increased to level 12 through all attributes.

Then they were sent to the Inquisition for training.

1 minute later.

All training completed.

Su Wen looked at the panel of one of them

【Name: Qining】

【Race: Flower Elf】

【Occupation: Judgment Army】

【Lord: Su Wen】

【Grade 1】

【Rank: 12 (MAX)】

【Attributes: Strength 3324, Agility 3325; Spirit 3337302; Constitution 3321】

【Equipment: Judgment Army standard suit (special effects are fair and strict)】

【Skills: Advanced Punishment, Advanced Interrogation, Advanced Identification, Advanced Smell, Advanced Tracking, Advanced Capture, Advanced Escape, Advanced Vision, Advanced Perception. Stun, kill, special move Blade of Justice】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Note: The Judgment Army is only responsible for the security within the territory. After leaving the territory, they will lose their skills.】

【Stun: Knock the target unconscious and make the opponent lose the ability to resist. Stun lasts 30 seconds】

【Kill: Execute the resisting enemy on the spot, causing 1W points of damage to the target, 10 times the critical hit, and 10 times the attack speed.】

【Special skill: Blade of Justice: Facing strong resistance and fearless gangsters, only the Blade of Justice can destroy all bandits. Stuns the target area in actual combat, and all personnel in the area will be stunned for 30 seconds. Causes paralysis to enemies in the target area for 30 minutes. Causes the abandonment effect on the target area, and the target in the area will give up the weapons it holds.】

【Note: Continuously performing special moves will cause permanent damage to people in the designated area. In severe cases, they will become a vegetative state or even die.】

“Overall, it’s just that the attribute points have changed a lot, and that’s because I used all attribute increases. After training, the skills and equipment are exactly the same!”

Su Wen couldn’t help but murmured softly when he saw this.

He then used the upgrade talent on the Judgment Army.

After completion, he looked at Qining’s panel again.

Only the level item had changed.

【Level: 1((cifh)00.00%)】

【Upgrade instructions: As long as the Judgment Army and the Chief Judge sit in the Tribunal, they can gain 100 experience points every day. When performing patrol missions, arrest missions, trial tasks and other Tribunal tasks, they will gain different experience points based on the difficulty. 】

Seeing this, Su Wen nodded with satisfaction.

He first upgraded and blessed these Judgment Armies with upgrade talents.

Then he provided upgrade talents for Page and other old Judgment Army.

After completing these.

The time has come to about 10 o’clock in the evening.

Su Wen asked Page to arrange the trial army personnel and chief judges of each branch.

Then we went to the territorial castle

“Another fulfilling day!”

After Su Wen sat down, he couldn’t help but murmured softly.

The butler Mike led the people to serve red wine, barbecue and nutritious eight-treasure porridge.

Su Wen asked Mike to sit down and eat together.

This made Mike so flattered that he cried excitedly on the spot. After dinner,

Su Wen returned to his room.

He took out a piece of paper and crossed out some of the plans on it one by one.

Looking at only a few plans left, he breathed a sigh of relief:”The next step is It’s time to expand your army and improve your strength! Use more violent methods to get more attribute points!”

“Upgrading the Holy Light Monastery can only be postponed!”


Su Wen put away the plan.

When he was going to take a shower, there was a knock on the door.

No one outside the door came in.

There was a scent of jasmine from the crack in the door.

“Please come in!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Wen said softly.


Zhang Xiaohua walked in wearing a cheongsam.

The cheongsam seemed to be wrapped around her body.

It perfectly showed off her figure. Come out.

She seemed afraid to take big steps.

It seemed like she would tear the corner of her clothes with any force.

Su Wen’s eyes lit up when he saw this

“Lord! I’m here to talk to you about some things in the Xumitian realm, as well as some of my plans for the construction of our territory!” As she said that, she sat directly next to Su Wen and leaned hard against Su Wen.

Only then did Su Wen see.

Zhang Xiaohua had come prepared.

Her hair was filled with moisture. She was in the middle of her hair. dry state[]

Su Wen nodded:”Let me take a look at your copywriting!”

Very quickly.

The two had an in-depth conversation.

It also involves knowledge of software hardening engineering. in this regard.

Zhang Xiaohua is more knowledgeable than Xu Xiaoxiao.

That’s it.

The two had a pleasant exchange until the next morning.

Su Wen then fell asleep lazily.

Buzz! Buzz!

Just when Su Wen fell asleep for who knows how long.

A shaking sound woke him up.

The moment I open my eyes.

He saw an urgent military message from Sun Shangxiang.

There are also investigation reports from Qi Na, Tang Fen and others.

After looking carefully.

Su Wen sat up suddenly and directly opened the global dungeon channel.

I saw that the income from the channel had reached 100 Beijing.

Su Wen briefly glanced at the copy.

At this moment, there are as many as 10 million people who are completing the strategy dungeon through the global dungeon channel.

Nearly 15 million of them are still waiting.


He looked at the copy of his territory area.

I saw.

The number of dungeons around the territory surged to 3,000. and.

These dungeons are all invasion dungeons, and they are all level 99 and 100 demigod level dungeons.

This has far exceeded the normal difficulty of Blue Star’s current copy.

What shocked Su Wen was.

There are actually people who are attacking the dungeons around his territory through the global dungeon channel.

This made him a little unbelievable.

Who is so brave?

At this time.

Su Wen also saw relevant messages in Longguo’s communication channel.

We also received reminder messages from Li Buer, Ye Feng, Zhong Jianwen and others.

Li Buer: Brothers Su Wen! The density of dungeons in your territory is too high. Be careful of someone causing trouble.

Ye Feng: Su Wen! Do you want support? I have 30W elite heavy armored cavalry here! There is also a 100W volume of forbidden spells, if you need anything, just ask! Don’t leave the territory recently, be careful of being plotted against.

Zhong Jianwen: Su Wen! I have arranged for people to investigate! The situation on your side is very special. This method is not the normal dungeon process of Tiandao. Someone has moved the dungeons in different time and space around your territory through secret techniques. This is a method only available to the big clans!

Zhong Jianwen: I arranged for death squads to go to various dungeons to explore and find ways to break through!


Look at these dozens of messages.

Su Wen responded one by one.

He emphatically told Zhong Jianwen:”Director Zhong! Leave the dungeons around my territory to me to conquer! Please believe in my ability! In addition, please contact other lords and do not touch the dungeons around me!”


Zhong Jianwen quickly replied with a message:”Don’t be impulsive! If you have Tiandao Mall, buy a jade token for the instantaneous dungeon before going to the dungeon, just in case! If you can’t defeat the enemy, you can use this jade token to leave the dungeon directly. When the time comes, If Tiandao fails to clear the dungeon, he will only be punished with some money! It is better than losing his life!”

Su Wen chatted with Zhong Jianwen for a few more words.

Only then did he turn his head and glance at Zhang Xiaohua, who was still sleeping.

Then he got up and changed into clothes.

Went to the top floor of the Territory Eye Tower.

Wait until he reaches the top.

Liu Wen sent a message through the territory communication channel: Lord! The dungeons around the territory are abnormal and far beyond our strength. How about we eliminate them one by one through the dungeon channel? If they are allowed to change, this kind of copy will eventually become a fixed channel connecting the abyss and the lord space! This matter cannot be ignored!

Han Li: Lord! I have sent the Shadow Guards to explore the surrounding area, and my people have discovered the aura of the Asgardian Protoss! No! It should be said that the aura left around the copy was left behind intentionally by the other party!

Han Li: I think this is a warning! It’s also a threat!.

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