“It’s so magnificent!”

Su Wen looked up at the Holy Tribunal, with a dazzling light blooming in his eyes. The previous 12-story Gothic church building turned into a huge building complex that combined Chinese and Western styles.

It is an independent individual.


The lower floor The building retains the Gothic style, spire sculptures and complex architectural patterns.

The upper floor is a very obvious ancient palace-like structure of the Dragon Kingdom.

Red bricks and glazed tiles!

Above the overlapping verandahs are carved beams and paintings.

Looking down from below.

It seems like The dragon-style building is on top of the Gothic building.

It gives people an extremely strong and shocking visual sense.

But the integration of the two is natural, and there is no discomfort at all.

Looking from a distance.

This building gives people This is the feeling.

Gothic architecture is the mortal world under the clouds.

Dragon-style architecture is the heaven above the clouds.

It has become a hundred meters high.

The above-ground area has changed from 12 floors to 36 floors.

The underground structure has also changed from the original The 3 floors have become 36 floors.

The 1st to 12th floors are the trial court, 13-18 are offices, 19 is the reference room, 20 to 23 are the showroom, and the 24th conference room.

The 25th to 30th floors above are the document library. , 31 to 35 are the office of the presiding judge, the office of the grand presiding judge and the lord’s office. The

36th floor underground becomes the prison area, and the 1st to 10th floors are the temporary detention area. The prisoner’s sentence ranges from a few days to one year. The 10th to 20th floors are the prison areas for prisoners with sentences ranging from 1 year to 30 years.

The 20th to 30th floors are the prison areas for prisoners with sentences ranging from 31 years to permanent imprisonment. The 31st to 36th floors are the prison areas for seriously dangerous prisoners.

Each floor of prisons The district has an interrogation room as well as a penalty room and execution area.

The small buildings in the backyard of the trial court have become three.

Each building is 24 meters high.

Each floor of each building has 20 rooms, and each room can There are 12 members of the Judgment Army living there.

Building 1 can accommodate 5,760 warriors.

Building 3 can accommodate 17,280 warriors.

Of course, the data is calculated like this.

But in fact, there are not as many as 17,280 warriors living here, only 15,000 permanent residents.

There are also cafeterias and training areas in the dormitory.

Although the Holy Tribunal has undergone tremendous changes, everything previously arranged has been retained.

However, the office has undergone great changes.

Things in the office, materials in the material room, etc. There was no change, and it was still displayed in the corresponding room.

Even the tea just made by the office presiding judge was still steaming hot after this change.

After taking Page and others to visit the entire trial court.Su

Wen looked at the panel of the Tribunal

【Building: Holy Inquisition】

【Grade: 101 (MAX)】

【Function: Judge crimes, maintain law and order, manage personnel】

【Lord: 1/1】

【Grand Inquisitor: 1/1】

【Presiding Judge: 3/3】

【Deputy Chief Judge: 12/12】

【Advisor: 5/100】

【Judgment Army: 1200/15000】

【Division: 0】

【Codex: Red Codex】

【Gain 1: Selfless, all public officials in the court are selfless, will not bow to the powerful, will not be bribed, slander any good person, and will not mislead any bad person.】

【Gain 2: Honesty. The person being judged will honestly answer any questions asked by the chief judge.】

【Gain 3: Halo of Justice! Within a 10,000-kilometer radius of the trial court’s area, all criminal acts will be uncovered.】

【Gain 4 Alert! Within a 10,000-kilometer radius, if a homicide occurs, an alarm will be sounded to the Judgment Army, and the criminals will be marked with dark red luminous marks that only the Judgment Army can see!】

【Gain 5: Fallen Mark! Set a mark that can only be seen by the Inquisition Army on all fallen persons within a 10,000-kilometer radius, and issue a warning to the Inquisition Army】

【Gain 6: Four-dimensional increase! The four-dimensional attributes of all public officials in the Tribunal and the Tribunal Army in the territory will be temporarily blessed by 50 times. This blessing only takes effect while the Judgment Army is on duty. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Gain 7: Read minds! All the psychological activities of the interrogated persons in the Inquisition will be recorded, and the records can only be made public with the permission of the Grand Inquisitor or the Lord.】

【Gain 8: Protective Halo! All public officials of the Tribunal and the Tribunal Army in the territory receive an invisible protective halo. When they receive fatal damage, they will prop up an invincible defensive shield! The shield is immune to all attacks and lasts for 10 seconds.】

【Gain 9: Died in duty and reborn! After death, all public officials of the Tribunal and the Tribunal Army in the territory will be reborn in the Tribunal, and will retain the body size memory within 10 seconds after death. Everyone has a chance to be reborn once a month】

【Gain 10: Wings of Light! All public officials of the Tribunal and the Tribunal Army in the territory will receive temporary blessings from the Wings of Light during their missions. The Wings of Light last for 12 hours, and the user will receive a 10x speed boost.】

【Gain 11: Calm the prison area! All the evil thoughts and impulses of all prisoners detained in the trial court area will be blocked. They will serve their sentences honestly and live in peace with the prisoners around them!】

【Gain 12: Detection Barrier! The Tribunal isolates all investigation, perception, divination and other prying behaviors】

【Gain 13: Guard the barrier! When the Tribunal is attacked, a barrier of justice will rise. The barrier will be immune to all physical and magical attacks and lasts for 1 hour.】

【Gain 15: Law Enforcement Mapping! The lord can gain based on this and build a trial court branch in the territory. The trial court branch will have 3 trial courts, 1 conference room, 1 chief judge’s office, and 1 trial army dormitory building.

Together with the headquarters, the Tribunal branch can transmit information and data in real time through the magic circle, and even mobilize soldiers.

The trial court branch will have one presiding judge, three deputy presiding judges and 1,500 judges.

The Inquisition branch will map all the buffs of the headquarters, and the effective buff radiation area is 5,000 kilometers.】

【Gain 16: Police hotline! There are more police hotlines in the territory communication channel. Any territory civilian, soldier or lord can set a password to call the police!

After the alarm is raised, the information coordinates of the alarm person will be actively sent to the corresponding trial court branch management area, or to the trial court headquarters.】

【Faith related: Holy Light Tower, Faith Monument】

【Technical Relevance: Sacred Barracks】[]

【Electricity connection: nuclear fusion wireless power station!】

“It is indeed a level 101 law enforcement building! The function is not so powerful.!”

Su Wen breathed a sigh of relief after seeing it.

He immediately walked towards the teleportation center.

First, he went to the territory of the four vassal lords.

Next to everyone’s lord’s castle or the main regional building.

Construction of the Holy Inquisition branch was carried out.

No drawings are required for this construction.

Just provide the appropriate materials.

After the branch construction is completed.

The branch looks exactly like the level 12 Inquisition.

Gothic architecture.

12 floors.

There are two dormitories in the backyard that can accommodate 1 (good king, good) 500 soldiers.

【Building: Holy Inquisition Branch】

【Function: Judge crimes, maintain law and order, manage personnel】

【Presiding Judge: 0/1】

【Deputy Chief Judge: 0/3】

【Advisor: 0/15】

【Judgment Army: 0/1500】

【Codex: Red Codex】

【Teleportation array: 1】

【Law enforcement range: 5000 kilometers】

【Buffs map all buffs in the Inquisition Headquarters】

【Archive data and materials are mapped synchronously with the headquarters and updated in real time】

【Faith related: Holy Light Tower, Faith Monument】

【Technical Relevance: Sacred Barracks】

【Electricity connection: nuclear fusion wireless power station! 】

Su Wen looked at the panel information of the Tribunal branch in front of him.

Each branch of the Census and Statistics Department requires 1,519 personnel.

Just when he was about to turn around and step onto the teleportation array to return to the headquarters.

The general guarding the north gate, Wenying from Xuantian Wood Realm suddenly stopped Su Wen


She asked shyly.

Su Wen stopped and said,”Why is there something going on?””.

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