“Feel sorry! Before the coming of heaven, I was a child star! Acting is my instinct!”

Han Li said apologetically.

The expression on his face was still that of a performer.

This made Su Wen unable to see Han Li’s true emotions at all.

He is an elusive and trustworthy person!

This was the evaluation given to Han Li by the captain of Han Li’s working team.

Zhong Jianwen’s evaluation was absolutely professional.

Su Wen looked at Han Li’s face carefully, and he couldn’t see what kind of drama the other party had acted in.

The two of them were so direct. observing each other

【Name: Han Li】

【Occupation: Shadow Assassin Lord (yellow level, vassal)】

【Affiliation: Su Wen】

【Rating: 30 (99.99%)】

【Attributes: Strength 15020; Agility 15266; Spirit 15028; Constitution 15023;】

【Equipment: none】

【General knowledge: Encyclopedia of Medicines in the Heavens (Proficient), Information on All Races in the Heavens (Proficient), Abyss Information Science (Proficient), Geological Survey (Proficient), Cryptozoology (Proficient), Performance Studies (Proficient)】

【Common passive skills: quick memory, walking in the snow without leaving a trace】

【Common active skills: identification and tracking pupil】

【Professional Skills: Hidden Weapon Mastery, Drug Mastery, All Weapon Mastery, Unarmed Combat Mastery, Shadow Possession, Teleportation, Standing, Special Move Shadow Stab】

【Talent: Shadow particles, forced viewing of panel information】

【Leave no trace on the snow: your actions will make no sound and will not leave any traces on the ground or objects.】

【Fast memory: Accurately memorize 1,000 words per second, and be able to memorize words backwards and forwards, and accurately find the location of each word.】

【Identification: Identify green-level and green-level items, props and weapons】

【Tracking Eye: You can see traces that ordinary people cannot see, and can accurately determine the direction and purpose of the opponent’s movement】

【Shadow Possession: Transform into a shadow and attach to the enemy or the shadow of an object, lasting 30 minutes.】

【Teleport: You can teleport anywhere within 100 meters. Cooling time 1 second】

【Stand: Create a fake substitute for the real one. The avatar cannot move, speak, and has no attack power. It is defeated in one blow. The duration is 5 minutes and the cooling time is 10 seconds.】

【Special skill Shadow Stab: Enter into the enemy’s shadow and stab the enemy in the back. 2x critical hit, 2x damage, causing bleeding effect on the enemy. Bleeding: 1% of the body’s blood is lost every second, and the wound cannot be healed by ordinary treatment methods. The duration is 100 seconds. Skill cooldown time 5 minutes】

【Shadow Particles: You can enter the shadow particle state at will. This state cannot be locked and is immune to all physical damage. Afraid of fire! Fear of elemental damage! Duration 3 minutes】

【Forced viewing of panel information: Forced viewing of the target’s panel information. For targets with lower levels, only basic information can be seen. For high-level targets or high-level targets, only very little basic information can be seen, and it is impossible to peek into the god’s panel.】

“Your special move is terrifying enough! 1% of the body’s blood is lost every second. If this cuts the dragon’s body, wouldn’t it have the effect of breaking the dam?”

Su Wen looked up at Han Li and asked.

This is the lord with the most level 30 skills that Su Wen has ever seen.

He guessed that Han Li used all his wealth to buy skills.


Han Li’s skills and talents made him Quite satisfied.

Especially since Han Li did have advantages in life-saving that other ethnic groups did not have.

Han Li nodded.

When Su Wen checked his attribute panel, he felt it.

And instinctively resisted.


This is not possible at all. I couldn’t resist.

It felt like a parent checking homework.

Han Li turned to look at the map:”There are huge loopholes in your territory!”

“first! As a professional assassin who is proficient in espionage, your city gate is useless even if it is of high level! We have ten thousand ways to get in!”

Han Li didn’t want to talk about himself. He first pointed out the loopholes in Su Wen’s territory.

To him, it was like a bright torch.

He could see it from a long distance away.

“Secondly! The security defense force in the territory is too weak! In other words, you need to recruit more troops, and the Inquisition Army to patrol the territory! Especially in residential areas!”

“There are enough rooms there and most of them are empty!”

“If someone sneaks in, they will definitely choose that place as a hiding place!”

He said solemnly.

He pointed out more than 30 items in total.

Su Wen smiled slightly after hearing this, and he gave Han Li permission to view the building panels.

He said to Han Li:”You first check the Territory Eye sentry tower And information about the Monastery of Light!”

These words made Han Li stunned.

He quickly looked at the two buildings.

After seeing the more than ten attribute gains of the two buildings,

Han Li’s pupils shrank slightly.

There were finally real emotions on his face. Change.

This change was quickly covered up by him. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Very good! The effect of the Territory Eye is more powerful than I thought, and the Holy Light Monastery is indeed very domineering!”

Please give me flowers.”

Han Li said solemnly.

He did not expect that the buildings in Su Wen’s territory were so powerful.

Each one was at least 12 levels.

Such buildings are not unusual in the hands of a lord.

After all, the lord’s duty is to build the territory. Improve the levels of buildings and civilians.

However, if these buildings are in the territory of a lord who has just become the lord for more than a month, it will indeed look extremely weird.

Han Li still insisted:”A loophole is a loophole! In this regard, even if the Territory Eye sentry tower can cover the entire territory, it cannot cover up the existence of loopholes!”

“My biggest purpose and responsibility here is to help you fix the loopholes and then build an intelligence network!”

He has a particularly clear understanding of his responsibilities.[]

Su Wen nodded:”This is also the main reason why I chose you! What suggestions do you have?”

“The best way is to arrange for lords to guard the four gates! Improve the level of the city gate! Strengthen the construction of military strength internally, as well as the construction of internal security and defense work! Han

Li expressed his opinion:”For residential areas, personnel should be regularly arranged to patrol the area, or a surveillance building should be deployed!””

“certainly! If you have enough resources, please build me an intelligence spy agency!”

His last words were very sincere.

Su Wen nodded and said:”Now there are lords on duty on the north, south, and west sides! I am going to leave this east gate to you!”

“I am a full vassal lord and can only run a spy-assassin organization! Managing camps and building defense legions are not my strengths! Han

Li was stunned and solemnly refused:”The shadow clan I control is only suitable to become assassins and spies!””

“It doesn’t matter! I put you at the east gate after careful consideration! First of all, the east gate is close to the Great Rift of the Abyss. Your subordinates can leave the territory from here at any time and go outside to carry out exploration missions!”

Su Wen expressed his thoughts:”Secondly! Our main enemy comes from the east. With you on duty at the east gate, you can at least ensure that enemy spies and assassins will not invade from this direction!”

“Then what! My opinion is! Who says assassin spies can’t form a legion? I want to form an army of assassins! Of course, this is the name of the weak, and the addition of the strong is called the Reaper Legion!”

Su Wen said this.

Han Li once again showed his true emotions. He widened his eyes in shock and looked at Su Wen in disbelief. He couldn’t help but swallowed and asked in a low voice:”Do you know how to build a building? How much does such an army cost?”.

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