“Damn it! I don’t have the habit of accepting my son! Don’t do this!”

Su Wen pulled up Liu Wen who was about to knock his head to the ground.

Liu Wen was like a little chicken in his hands. He was so light that he had almost no weight.

This made Liu Wen, whose limbs were hanging in the air, a little dazed.

“Don’t throw it away! Put me down! I don’t recognize my father anymore!”

Liu Wen shouted with a sad face.

He remembered how powerful Su Wen was.

If he were to throw this out, how much would it hurt?

At least his arms and legs would be broken!

Thinking of this, he then begged for mercy:”Lord! I’m not Lu Bu! You don’t have to do this at all!”


” Su Wen then put Liu Wen down:”Don’t even think about it!” I will never accept an adopted son in this life! Besides, you are several years older than me! Accept me as your father! You can really imagine it!”

After this commotion,

Liu Wen finally came to his senses.

He knelt on the ground again with a grateful look on his face.

Su Wen quickly reached out to lift him up.

He backed up to avoid the catch and said quickly:”Don’t! Please accept my thanks! Otherwise I would feel uneasy!”

As he spoke, he kowtowed to Su Wen three times.

Su Wen looked at Liu Wen strangely and said,”You look like I’m going to a funeral!”


Liu Wen wiped his tears and giggled. He looked at Su Wen and said,”My lord! You are my reinvented parent! He is my great benefactor, Liu Wen!”

“Again! I swear to God!”

“I, Liu Wen, will definitely focus on Su Wen in the future, and I will be loyal to you!”

“Even if I were asked to die now, I would not hesitate!”

“If you break this oath!”

“He will definitely be struck by five thunders, and 137 will not die a good death!”

While the oath was being made, there was a roar in the sky.

Liu Wen sensed a force that connected him with Su Wen.

This is the power of heaven.

Under the rule of heaven!

Anyone who opposes heaven All the oaths made will be protected by heaven.

Su Wen looked at Liu Wen and smiled knowingly:”Don’t say much! We will see people’s hearts over time! This ring is one of the benefits for you! have inside……”


Su Wen told Liu Wen one by one about the contents of the ring.

At the end of the day.

Su Wen was suddenly shocked. in his perception.

A majestic power was injected into his attribute panel.

This makes the properties panel pop up on its own.

Immediately afterwards.

Su Wen discovered his free attribute point.

At this moment, it skyrocketed to 534W9512 points.

There is an additional military merit in his attribute column.

【Military Merit: 50W]


Su Wen didn’t dare to carefully widen his eyes.

He suddenly looked at Liu Wen.

Liu Wen also looked at Su Wen with his eyes widened because of what was in the ring. this moment.

The two of them felt like they were staring at each other.


Liu Wen’s legs went weak and he knelt on the ground:”Thank you, Lord!” before Su Wen could speak.

The dragon kingdom lord communication channel suddenly shook.

This is an important announcement.

Su Wen and Liu Wen looked at the entrance at the same time. only saw

“Everyone! Congratulations to the frontline 12th battlefield for defeating the 30 million army of the Abyss Demon Clan head-on! Beheaded 20,983,413 abyss demons among the enemy. The Kirin Legion achieved its first success in this battle, beheading 528W1438 of the enemy troops! Obtained 528W1438 military merit points!”

“Liu Wen, the leader of the Qilin Corps, won the first-class merit of the Dragon Kingdom! The Qilin Corps won the first-class collective merit of the Dragon Kingdom!”

【Su Wen, the leader of Liu Wen’s faction, received 50W. 】

Look at the information in the channel.

Su Wen’s eyes widened.

Suddenly he laughed.

He didn’t expect this wave of generous attribute point rewards.

It turned out to be from the Qilin Legion.

This legion has never met before.

After Su Wen quit the communication channel.

He looked at Liu Wen again.

Such merit will naturally be rewarded.


Su Wen looked at Liu Wen’s panel again.

He first amplified Liu Wen’s Qilin bloodline.


After the light and shadow shook.

The Qilin bloodline advanced to the yellow level.

Su Wen did not stop

【Will the bloodline of Lord Liu Wen: Qilin be increased beyond the limit? Consume 100 attribute points! 】

Look at the prompts in front of you.

Su Wen chose yes without hesitation.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

After nine consecutive increases.

Liu Wen’s bloodline became a ninth-grade unicorn.

Su Wen still didn’t stop.


He has promoted Su Wen’s bloodline to after 1st turn and 24th.

Then it stopped. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This moment.

Su Wen consumed a total of 353,900 attribute points.

There are 4,995,612 points left.

Su Wen looked at Liu Wen’s bloodline

【Bloodline: 1st to 24th grade God-level Kirin (100 times attack power, 100 times explosive power, causing an additional 1540 times damage to evil ghosts and monsters. Spiritual perception +42500)】

“not bad!”

Su Wen’s eyes lit up.

Then, he looked at Liu Wen’s talent again.

The same thing.

He once again spent 353900 (cbbd) attribute points. He upgraded Liu Wen’s talent to level 1 and level 24.

【1 turn 24 God level Qilin vitality: the unique sacred vitality of the Qilin family, this Qi can destroy evil spirits and ignite the opponent. Automatically obtain 5600 points of Kirin Vitality every second, and automatically obtain up to 2400W Kirin Vitality every day. The maximum amount of Kirin energy that can be stored is 2400W.

Buff: Destroy! The burning damage of Qilin Yuanqi is increased by 10 times, and there is a 10% chance of causing a fatal blow to the restrained target!

Gain: Body protection vitality! Kirin vitality automatically protects the body. Defense +1W, immune to elemental attacks and reflects 10% of elemental damage】

“call! Can!”

Su Wen breathed out and stopped increasing.

This time,

Liu Wen’s army brought him a large number of attribute points.

Plus 50W military merit.

This kind of merit should be rewarded.

He then faced the man who was stunned in place again. Liu Wen said:”Liu Wen! This is a reward for your Qilin Legion’s military merit for me!”

“When you are my subordinate, you will be rewarded for your merits and punished for your mistakes! Those who refuse to admit their mistakes will be killed!”

“Run Qilin City well!”

“I won’t treat you badly!”

After finishing speaking,

Su Wen completed the arrangements for Liu Wen and immediately spread his wings and flew up without any nostalgia.

Liu Wen then hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed again:”My lord, you are so kind and virtuous! Why should Wen retaliate! Woo! Woo! Woo!”

He was moved to tears again.[]

Since his debut.

Except for Zhong Jianwen who gave him tips and guidance over the past two years.

There was only one word he felt – profit!

If you have value for others to take advantage of you, others will fawn over you, make friends with you, or entertain you.

You are of no use!

In the eyes of others, it is trash.

Let alone a friendly meeting.

It would be nice not to call you trash in front of your face.

In the lord space, various countries compete with each other, and various lords compete with each other.

When interests are present, profit comes first.

Never anyone.

Treated Liu Wen like this.

And never anyone.

Will help Liu Wen no matter the cost.

This moved him to pieces. this moment.

He couldn’t help but feel wise for his choice

“Liu Wen! Liu Wen! Be sure to let those who look down on you take a look! What a wise choice you made!”

Liu Wen quickly stood up. He looked at the endless sky, his eyes becoming extremely determined and firm.

Not long after,

Su Wen returned to the lord’s castle in the territory.

He found Han Li in the military conference hall of the castle.

Han Li Li was standing in front of the sand table at the moment, seeming to be thinking about the problem.

There was a pile of documents on the small table next to him.

These documents were the household registration information customized by the butler Mike, as well as information about the territory and various information.

Building information, etc.

It also involves the surrounding information collected by Su Wen by the Yingren and the Xianden Army.

There is also the detailed terrain from Lingxiao Palace to the Abyss and part of the abyss left by Su Wen and Yu Feiyu not long ago.

Map information around the Great Rift and the Abyss


Han Li noticed someone coming in. When he turned around, he saw that it was Su Wen and quickly bowed.

His salute was very respectful and rigorous, and even his facial expressions were controlled just right.

At first glance,

Han Li looked very humble and polite. But in the eyes of a person with a keen sense like Su Wen, this is fake!

“Has anyone told you? You are great for acting! Su

Wen looked at Han Li and said jokingly.

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