“There really is!”

Su Wen found a talisman from the resource ring supported by the state.

This is a national communication channel function opening talisman.

He compared this talisman with the channel function talisman in the world-level Tiandao Mall.

“This thing is really not something that ordinary people can afford!”

Su Wen muttered softly.

The price of a talisman to activate the national communication and leveling function is 50 trillion lord points.

One talisman can only be activated for one person.

If you want to activate this function for everyone in the entire Dragon Kingdom, it will cost at least 25 zi. Only lord points will do.

With the current national strength of the Dragon Kingdom, it is simply impossible to get these points.


“Only a few people should have turned on this feature!”


Su Wen used the magic talisman.


The light and shadow flickered.

The reminder from heaven came.

【Congratulations on successfully enabling the national communication channel function module. You can communicate with lords who have also enabled this function in the national channel! 】

Su Wen entered the communication channel.

He looked carefully.


There are only 30 people online in the communication channel.

Among them were Zhong Jianwen, the chief and deputy commanders of the four legions, Douzhan sequence Feng Wuji, Qiankun sequence Li Buer, Shura lord Liu Wen, and some lords whom Su Wen did not know.

“It’s not bad to see the online list!”

Su Wen murmured softly.

He selected Zhong Jianwen’s name.

A prompt popped up in the channel

【You have not turned on the private message function of the channel, and your contact has not turned on the private message function, so you cannot communicate via private message!】

“A national communication channel with only the most basic functions?”

Su Wen was stunned.

He quickly tried checking friends and other functions.

It turned out that this was indeed a castrated version of the communication channel.

If calculated this way, the value of this rune would shrink to 5 trillion lord points.

“Director Zhong, you are so slow! I’ve already prepared the reception work here!”

Su Wen couldn’t help but send a message. As soon as this message came out, the entire channel suddenly became lively.

Zhang Zhishan:”Welcome Comrade Su Wen to the national communication channel! On behalf of the country, I thank you for your efforts! Please go ahead with your hands and feet, the country will always be your backing.!”

Xue Hongen:”Thank you Comrade Su Wen for your efforts! Thank you! You saved my life! If it weren’t for your reward, I would have died in the dungeon this time!”

…… all of a sudden.

Several people whom Su Wen didn’t know began to send thanks frantically.

This made Su Wen a little embarrassed.

When Zhong Jianwen saw Su Wen enter the channel, he exclaimed excitedly:”Su Wen! We expect to arrive at your territory around 8 o’clock tomorrow morning! This journey has been so shocking. The rewards from heaven you brought are better than those of our Blue Star Ten All Tiandao collective rewards in the year will have more attribute points and more lifespans!”

Liu Wen:”Niu! Niu! Niu! Brother Su! I, Liu Wen! The lord of the Qilin tribe! Now level 40! I want to become your vassal lord, Please seriously consider it!”

Wenying:”Su Wen! I am Wenying in the same class as you! I want to become your semi-vassal lord. Now I am level 10. I have brought my belongings here and passed the national test. , please feel free to include it!”

Ye Jinpeng:”Same as above! Brother! I’m here to join you!”


There was a crash.

A dozen lords who were to become Suwen’s vassal lords began to introduce themselves.

Su Wen’s eyes moved after looking at it.

He is now level 50.

If it weren’t for the checkpoints set up by Heaven.

He has probably reached more than 100 levels now.

I want to break through level 50.

He needs Lord’s Castle level 10, which he has already achieved.

The Lord’s Castle in Lingxiao Palace already has 19 levels.

The minimum number of lords is 5,000, the market has 2 shops, and the monthly turnover is 10 million lord points. and an army numbering 1,000.

The loyalty of the territory leader is 80%.

Su Wen has far exceeded these conditions.

He now needs vassal lords.

You also need to master all the alchemist auxiliary professions and flower language abilities.

This is how you advance.

As for the requirements for the level of the subjects.

In Su Wen’s case, it is basically equivalent to nothing.

Think of this.

He couldn’t help but said softly:”First of all, this national-level communication channel… there are too few people! Secondly, it only has a real-time communication module like the forum, and there are no other modules. This kind of communication channel is not suitable!”

“I will need vassal lords in the future, so I can’t rely on Director Zhong to help me choose them!”

“so……” murmured.

Su Wen opened the world-level Tiandao Mall. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He found relevant options in the function module

【Whether the Dragon Kingdom national communication channel and the channel’s personal panel display module, personal space module, group communication module, private message module, friend module, prop display module, and channel personal transaction module are permanently open to all lords of the Dragon Kingdom.

Channel level ranking, channel task release window, channel task receiving window, channel task submission window, channel task reward window, channel justice window, coordinate sharing module, channel combat power ranking, and channel wealth ranking.

Channel lord contribution ranking, channel emergency help module, channel copy support module, channel auction house module?

Note: The activation of this feature includes all current and future lords of the Dragon Kingdom!】


Su Wen chose Yes. Only through such a national communication channel can we truly help each other.

This almost meets all the functions Su Wen needs.

Among them, what excites Su Wen the most is channel trading, auction houses, Dungeon support and mission-related modules.

With these modules, he can transfer his resources from foreign trade to domestic sales.

Especially projects such as Prosperous Thorn Fruit and Dingdong Spring Water.

In this way, he does not have to worry about being snatched away by people from other forces.[]


Tiandao Mall was slightly shocked

【Your lord points are insufficient! 】

Su Wen���Stunned, he looked at the transaction amount of this module

“.Peat! Is there any mistake? 1 Ganges sand lord points?”

Su Wen couldn’t help but curse.

He looked at the purchase items carefully.

Only then did he notice”permanent” and the last note.

This made him relieved.

“All future lords of the Dragon Kingdom will enjoy this treatment! 1 Ganges Sand Lord Point is indeed not expensive!”

As he said that,

Su Wen took out 20 anonymous point cards worth 500 points. After using them all, he turned on this function again.

He got a total of 176,503 cards worth 500 points from the market. An anonymous point card for Lord Points.

Opening 1 Ganghe Sand Lord Point is equivalent to 10,000 Lord Points. The current consumption is like drizzle for Su Wen. It’s a trivial matter.


【Congratulations on opening a national full-function lord communication channel for all the lords of the Dragon Kingdom!】

【Evaluation: SSSSS never forgets the well digger!】

【Reward: 100,000 attribute points, colorful headline achievements display on all lord channels. 】

The moment when the reward from heaven is issued.

Su Wen’s eyes jumped

“Is there any reward for this?”

He simply couldn’t believe it.

He once again called up the dragon country lord communication channel. As soon as he entered the channel, he saw two merit displays exuding dazzling light on the top of the channel.

【Congratulations to Lord Su Wen of the Dragon Kingdom for permanently opening a full-function lord communication channel for all Dragon Kingdom lords! Note: In the future, all lords of the Dragon Kingdom will directly enjoy all the functions of this communication channel! purchase】

【Su Wen ranks first on the Dragon Kingdom’s highest contribution list! 】

This moment.

With the entry of all the lords of the Dragon Kingdom.

The whole channel exploded……

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