“call! The knowledge obtained through attribute gain seems to be more comprehensive. It is not limited to the knowledge of a certain wizard, but covers a wider area!”

Su Wen opened his eyes. He exhaled a breath, and there was a light of wisdom in his eyes.

In his eyes at this moment, everything around him is an object worthy of study.

He couldn’t help but bring in the witchcraft research model.

Thinking He wanted to analyze and study the surrounding lord buildings or rune formations.

However, he quickly stopped his thoughts.

He looked at the changing wizard knowledge and once again increased it by breaking the limit.

【Is there a limit-breaking increase in the detailed explanation (mastery) of advanced knowledge for yellow-level wizards? Consume 100 attribute points? ]

Seeing this, Su Wen directly chose yes.

The detailed explanation of advanced knowledge of wizard promotion is the same as the promotion of skills.

The ninth level of Huang level consumes 100 attribute points for each level.

Promotion to god level consumes 1,000 attribute points.

God level 12, each promotion to level 1000 attribute points.

Under such repeated promotions.

Su Wen’s understanding of wizard knowledge became deeper and deeper, and he became more and more comprehensive.

While he was thinking about how to integrate wizard knowledge and gun knowledge to construct magic guns that could be manufactured through the industrial system.

Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

Immediately afterwards.

There is an additional professional skill in his professional skills column

【Forbidden Spell: Barrage Attack]

At the same time as this Forbidden Spell appears.

Everything about it appeared in Su Wen’s mind.

This is a kind of 16 based on the content of Su Wen’s thinking, which is integrated with the wizard knowledge gained from attribute increase.

A skill of his own creation.

This forbidden spell can summon a large number of miniature elemental missiles out of thin air to carry out a carpet-like strike on the designated area.

【Is there a limit-breaking increase in the detailed knowledge (mastery) of level 3 to 42 god-level wizards? Consume 1 million attribute points? 】

Tiandao reminder appeared in front of Su Wen’s eyes

【Your attribute points are insufficient and you cannot perform limit-breaking increases! ]

Immediately afterwards, another prompt appeared.

Only then did Su Wen come back to his senses from the state of continuous improvement.

“3 turns!”

He muttered softly.

The large amount of wizard knowledge in his mind gave him a feeling of confusion.

He first checked his attribute points.

This promotion consumed a total of 51,453,900 attribute points.

Now there are still 260,000 left. 4412 points.

He was addicted to improving knowledge. He forgot everything.

He couldn’t control his consciousness for a while. He actually consumed a lot of attribute points at once.

Su Wen sighed.

He felt a little tired. He accepted such majestic knowledge in a short time..

Made him feel a little depressed.


He unfolded his dragon wings and flew into his room.

After entering the room, he looked at the detailed knowledge of the 3rd level 42nd level divine wizard (mastery) again.

【Detailed explanation of the knowledge of 3rd to 42nd level god-level wizards (mastery): You are familiar with the knowledge of wizard factions and have mastered the original level of knowledge. Due to the limitations of your level, you are not yet able to truly master the power of time and space.

You can regain the power of the wizard through practice and skill up the witchcraft spells.

This requires you to make a lot of repeated contacts. The spell practice field is a functional building that turns spell knowledge into skills.】

“No need to practice! As long as you master the principles, integrate the knowledge of the flower language of the flower elves, the knowledge of the alchemists and the knowledge of the Titans, and create your own power system is the way to go!”

Su Wen shook his head, and had no intention of practicing as a wizard.

In the beginning of wizard training, you need to master 12 runes.

Then you need to learn spells and master witchcraft.

By solidifying the mental power model, the solidified model spells are transformed into the wizard’s Natural ability.

Then complete the process of gasification, liquefaction and crystallization of mental power.

This is what a level 1 wizard needs to do. A level 2 wizard is 2 mental power models with two talents.

At level 3, he has three talents..

At level 4, the soul and body undergo a qualitative change and have the fourth talent.

At level 5, there are 5 talents, and at level 6, there are 6 talents.

And so on.

It reaches the ninth level of the original level.

Of course, the talents here are just the basics.

The real power of wizards lies with them. research and endless innovative witchcraft.

They will never be old-fashioned.

Among wizards’ knowledge, the most important thing Su Wen learned is innovation and integration.

As for talent and witchcraft, forget it.

Because now, even if Su Wen is not a wizard.

He also has 18 talents.

He also has various skills that are not weaker than forbidden spells.

He also has blood abilities similar to those practiced by blood warlocks. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And his bloodline has returned to his ancestors, He obtained the bloodline of the ancestral dragon and mastered the magical power of the bloodline.

He always remembered what the purpose of learning knowledge was.

Moreover, he was now under the system of the universal lords of Tiandao.

Learning wizard knowledge was to broaden his horizons, not to truly become a wizard..Besides.

Now wizards are completely out of date.


Immediately afterwards.

He looked at the promotion process.

The forbidden spell skill created by his whim

【Forbidden curse barrage attack: Summon miniature elemental missiles out of thin air to carpet bomb targets within a 1000 area. Each round of bombardment causes 1000 points of physical damage and 1000 points of fire damage to the target.

The target continues to suffer 500 points of fire damage every second for 10 seconds.[]

The attack time of the barrage attack is 60 seconds, and the interval between each bombing round is 0.5 milliseconds. 】

Looking at the forbidden curse in front of him.

Su Wen’s eyes lit up and he couldn’t help but laugh:”Okay! Okay! Okay!”

The whiteboard attribute actually has such a powerful attack ability.

What if it is increased through attributes?

Isn’t this kind of attack so exciting?

No other machine can cut grass as fast as it does.

This allows Su Wen to cast it without a weapon.

This is so cool

“such a pity!”

Su Wen sighed.

He increased the forbidden spell barrage attack.

After some increase

��The power of the curse has been greatly improved.

He looked at the panel again

【1st to 15th level god-level forbidden spell barrage attack: Summon miniature elemental missiles out of thin air to carpet bomb targets within a 5-kilometer area. Each round of bombardment causes 5W points of physical damage and 5W points of fire damage to the target.

The target continues to suffer 3W points of fire damage every second for 100 seconds.

The attack time of the barrage attack is 360 seconds, and the interval between each bombing round is 0.1 milliseconds.

Causes a blinding effect on targets in the area, lasting 15 seconds. 】

Looking at the forbidden curse in front of him.

Su Wen laughed.

He looked at the attribute points again.

This promotion cost him a total of 263,900 attribute points.


He has 512 attribute points left

“correct! I still have the Tiandao Mall that I just got through the trade but it’s useless! Take a look first!”

Su Wen took out a 910 card from the storage ring.

【Item: Tiandao Mall】

【Grade: World level】

【Function: Cultivation props needed by world-level forces, opening of relevant functional permissions, sale of treasured items, etc.】

【Explanation: Only the lord can activate this prop, and you can bind it to the mall after recognizing the lord with blood]

I saw the same panel again.

Su Wen couldn’t wait to admit his master with blood.

Buzz! as his blood drips onto the card.

An invisible light and shadow rippled out.

Immediately afterwards.

Su Wen discovered.

A shopping mall window appeared in front of him.

This is almost exactly the same as the game mall he used to play games in his previous life.

The only difference is.

There is no display of fancy luminous products on the mall homepage.

It is divided into three modules: props, functions, and territories.

Among them, the prop module includes death-free cards, Taoist seeds, regional teleportation magic arrays, small teleportation magic arrays, blood-killing crusade documents, exoneration documents, territory reconstruction documents, and other territory-related props.

The functions are divided into a series of functional modules such as regional exchange module, national exchange module, star city exchange module, universe exchange module, friend module, ranking module, points module, task release module, etc.

These modules require corresponding lord points to be opened.

The territory module includes some special Tiandao buildings, fields with special functions, improvement of territory soil quality, etc.

“Um? This is a world-level mall, which is more comprehensive than the national-level mall introduced by Director Zhong, has more things, and has more convenient communication and task transaction modules!”

Su Wen’s eyes lit up after seeing it. He had an idea and took out the national support resource ring sent by Wang Dahai.

Only then did he think that there might be something he could use in the resource ring.……

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