“It doesn’t hurt to tell you here that the finale is a 3-turn, 72-level artifact called the Morpheus Puppet Sword! This sword may contain the treasure of God Emperor Morpheus!”

Su Wen held up the bottom.

It stands to reason that a normal auction would promote the final item as very mysterious and use it as a gimmick to attract people.

But Su Wen did the opposite.

This time he read the auction list. The operation not only kept people here, but also made the venue extremely quiet.

No one was here to provoke or cause trouble.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

At this time, the dozen or so leaders who came to the door -The person was teleported out.

The Tauren Half-Step God Emperor Phipps in Box 1 couldn’t help but blinked:”This human is not bad-!” Some tricks!”

He Luosi, the Behemoth god next to him, froze:”Isn’t the Morpheus Puppet Divine Sword a level 1 to 3 artifact? How could it become a level 3, level 72 artifact? Are there two such weapons in the world?”

When he was chatting with Phoebus just now, he didn’t take it seriously.

Now the moment Su Wen confirmed Morpheus’s Puppet Divine Sword from Su Wen’s mouth, he panicked.

If this damn thing is the one in the family treasure house.

Doesn’t this mean that all the appraisers in his family are rubbish?

That sword…

Thinking of this, he quickly took out the jade talisman to contact the ancestors of the family.

At this time,

Su Wen officially started the auction.

“Everyone! This first lot is a drinking dose of spring water!”

Su Wen looked at the people in the audience and took out a 1-pound mineral water bottle.

This time, no one was talking.

Everyone was listening to Su Wen’s story carefully.

“This spring water comes from Dingdong Spring. Drinking this spring water for the first time can change your body and improve your body and bloodline by one level! Everyone, this level is not level 1! But the 1st level!”

“That is to say! If your bloodline is a god-level bloodline of level 1 and level 1, after using it, it can upgrade your bloodline to level 2 and level 1!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene couldn’t help but straighten their backs, and their breathing became rapid.

Even the gods in the box became serious and excited.

The tauren god Phoebus couldn’t help but be shocked. He shouted:”Fuck! He actually got Dingdong Spring! This is such a hugely profitable deal! Although it only works for the first time, the effect is indeed very obvious. If I… I can definitely be promoted to God Emperor!”

Thinking of this, he picked up the quotation device on the side.

Su Wen said at this time:”This lot has a total of 1,000 bottles! The bidding method is one bottle at a time. The dosage of one bottle is enough for anyone to complete a bloodline promotion and rebirth. The starting price is 10 trillion lord points! Those with insufficient lord points can use other items as collateral! Each price increase must not be less than 10 trillion!”

As soon as he finished speaking,

Phipps from the VIP box No. 1 directly called out the price:”1 Beijing!”

Most of the people in the hall breathed their last at this price call.

“2 Beijing!”

“100 Beijing!”

“1000 Beijing!”

“100 Gai!”


Crazy bidding begins.

Just five minutes.

The price of 1 catty of Dingdong Spring water has reached 1 zi.

Seeing that no one was bidding, Su Wen directly announced the final result:”Congratulations to the guest in VIP box No. 1 for winning the first lot of this auction! In order to thank you for your patronage, I will personally give you a bottle of Ding Dong. Spring water! Of course, this bottle of spring water is not included in the bidding quantity!”

Very quickly.

Dingdong Spring Water was delivered to Phoebus’s box, and he paid happily.

Phoebus held the two bottles of Dingdong Spring Water in his hand and said to the flower elf attendant with satisfaction:”Your lord is very good at doing business! Not bad!”

He said.

He started the bidding again

“groove! Box No. 1 is too overbearing!”

“That’s right! Leave some for us too!”

“1,000 bottles of Dingdong Spring water were all taken away by you!”


Some people in the hall and in the boxes soon made dissatisfied sounds. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This made them quite annoyed.

Phoebus wouldn’t give him a bottle.

He took all the 1,000 bottles of Dingdong Spring water away by himself.

He spent at least 3,000 Lord Zi points.


At this time.

Phipps leaked his aura through the box formation:”Who the hell has any objection to talking with money? Poor people with no money don’t complain! Don’t treat me like a soft bomb. If you don’t accept it, do it! Look! Look at you guys, my pair of world-destroying horns are strong enough!”

These words matched his aura.

Let everyone present turn off the fire.

Even other gods did not dare to speak.

“Lord Phoebus! Can you show mercy later? I want to take a god-level talent card for my juniors! As long as you are willing to hold on, I have a gift for you!”

A god in a box couldn’t help but say.

Phibbs sneered:”Everyone! This is an auction house! Please don’t break the rules here! We all compete fairly, and the one with the highest price wins! I don’t use my identity to oppress you, and you don’t use the family power behind you to oppress me!”

As soon as these words came out[]

The people at the venue became more active. only.

The next scene.

Everyone’s anger jumped directly to the top of their heads, and they had to suppress it.

7 hours of time.

Su Wen withdrew from a total of 7 categories of auction items.

3021 god-level treasure chests, 1000 talent cards, and 1000 skill books.

An army-level scroll of 10,000 forbidden arts, enough food for 1,000,000 civilians, plus standard armor and weapons that can equip a 100,000 demigod army.


No master god level.

Every lot at Phipps is up for grabs.

In the end, they all got these lots with a huge advantage.

This made most people in the venue hate it.

“Is this customer here to purchase goods?”

Su Wen had some suspicions about Phipps.

He then followed the process and continued to launch 15 lots.

Only 7 of these lots fell into the hall, and the rest were all snatched by Phipps. Everyone. The guests in the VIP box all had their teeth broken.

They couldn’t rob the wealthy Phipps.

Finally, the auction came to an end.

Su Wen took out the Morpheus Puppet Divine Sword:”Everyone!……”

He first introduced the glorious history of God Emperor Morpheus and the related rumors of the Puppet God Sword.

Finally, follow the auction process.

Place the Morpheus Puppet Divine Sword in the Heavenly Dao Appraisal Formation.

This is the appraisal formation that comes with the auction.

Ordained by heaven.

It is a must-have formation for all Tiandao market auctions.

This formation can identify the authenticity of items, and can also display the attribute panel of the item on the large identification screen.


This moment.

Everyone in the venue and in the box stood up


“What’s really special is the Morpheus Puppet Divine Sword! 3,000 physical god puppets with level 3 strength! This is equivalent to having an army of gods!”

“such a pity! Use it and you will be assimilated by it!”

There were exclamations in the venue.

Phipps, the half-step tauren god-emperor, couldn’t help but widen his eyes:”Fuck! There is a way to break the curse, and you can also get Morpheus’s treasure map! This damn thing is definitely the most valuable item that has appeared at the Tiandao Market auction in the past 10 years!”

He Luosi, the Behemoth god next to him, couldn’t help being shocked:”How is this possible? The sword in the family has been appraised by heaven! This sword… is that sword, with the special emblem of the Behemoth tribe on it… it… it… it… shit… soil.”

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