The first auction of Su’s Trading Company in Tiandao Market.

On every billboard in the market.

All were plastered with the same advertising copy.

The”trophy” auction conference is highlighted in the copy.

It makes people fantasize even more.

Everyone who had entered the auction early was eating the snacks provided by the auction and muttering under their breath.

“What resources and loot can a dish have? Couldn’t it be abyss material?”

“Yesterday, more than a hundred demigods died in the Tianhe Chamber of Commerce. Could it be something belonging to these demigods?”

“Wasn’t that matter done by Lord Ice Lion?”

“Shh! I have the most authentic information. In fact, it was Su Wen who took action!”

“groove! You didn’t wake up, did you? Su Wen? Level 50 Heavenly Overlord? No matter how strong he is, how strong can he be? I have only climbed the first 30 floors of my personal tower. Have I been in school for a month? What if he could kill a demigod? I ate all the garbage from today’s auction!”

“Do you think this is news leaked by the human race themselves to help Su Wen build momentum?”

“fart! This is what the president of the Chamber of Commerce of the Dwarf tribe said himself! Look at the humans in the market. Who is so capable that they can persuade the dwarves to lie?”

“hey-hey! What if Su Wen has heavenly support? Could the dwarves do this on purpose to comply with the will of heaven?”

“If that’s the case! Su Wen is not far from death!”


The venue below the stage was buzzing with excitement, and discussions continued.

The big shots in each box were listening to the discussion below.

Talking about Su Wen with the escort

“Your Highness Phipps! This human race has nothing but appearances, it’s just a push-out! You are a half-step god emperor, and you stooped down to come here, really just to meet this human overlord?”

In the most distinguished box No. 001, Behemoth’s wave-chasing god Helos was incarnating as a human. He looked at the tauren god beside him with a puzzled expression and asked cautiously.

Phoebus was interested in eating Holding melon seeds, raising her big ox hoof, and wagging her tail constantly:”He Luosi! I came here for the 3021 god-level treasure chests! Are you trying to rob me?”

“Your Highness! You are just joking! I came here just to take a look at Su Wen! If you want these treasure chests, how about I take them for you and give them to you with both hands? Helosi said with a flattering smile.

Phoebus shook his head:”Although my tauren is weak, I still have this little money!” However, I heard that in this auction, there is also a 3rd-turn, 72nd-level god-level sword. This sword may be the Puppet God Sword in your family library!”

“You are just joking! The Puppet God Sword had long been traded by that damn goblin to the real culprit who ransacked the black market. How could a small human race do that?……”

Having said this, Behemoth Helos couldn’t help but froze.

There was a hint of sarcasm on Phibbs’s face:”Not bad! If this sword really appeared at the auction! You tell me… is this Su Wen’s own (beci) thing? Or did he get it from other chambers of commerce? Where’s the loot?”

“Definitely a trophy!”

He Luosi was shocked.

His expression became intriguing.

At the same time, in several other boxes, familiar gods gathered together and communicated in low voices.

Time passed little by little.


The moment the bell rang in the venue, people involuntarily fell silent.

Su Wen, wearing a plain robe, walked onto the stage

“Hello everyone! My name is Su Wen! I’m glad you can come, and I hope you can take care of our Su’s Trading Company in the future!”

“Our firm mainly deals in Chinese herbal medicines, abyssal materials, various rare trophies, god-level materials, weapons and props, etc. We also provide you with military rations, war equipment and other military equipment, as well as territory construction drawings!”

Su Wen stood on the booth and introduced the Su Chamber of Commerce in a gentle manner.

At this time, bursts of boos came from the venue.

Someone shouted loudly:”What are you talking about! Hurry up and get on the auction! Grandpas are tired of waiting!”

“Ha ha!”

Bursting laughter rang out at the same time.

Su Wen raised his head and looked at the person calling.

He pointed at the person lightly:”Supervisor! Get this rude guest out! Give him a statue. We will not do business with such people in the future and will blacklist him directly!”


Following his voice, the light of the positioning teleportation array at the venue lit up.

The person who was heckled was directly teleported out.

This is the right given by Heaven to the auction.

Even the gods cannot resist this teleportation array.

This operation made everyone below stunned.

“Damn it! Do you have any business like this?”

“If you can’t bear this, why should you open the door?”

“groove! My mentality is too unstable!”


Immediately afterwards, he vomited again. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This caused a small commotion in the venue.

Su Wen pointed out more than a hundred people who were making noises and shouting:”Send them all out! We don’t welcome such guests!”

This operation appeared.

Some thoughtful people suddenly stood up, turned around and walked outside

“groove! What a bullshit auction! You do this right from the start, do you think you are the way of heaven?”

“Don’t buy it! Even if I had money, I would not enter a shop that disrespects its customers!”

“What the hell! What bullshit service! Rubbish!”

“complaint! complaint!”


People in the venue stood up one after another, got up and walked outside.

The distinguished guests in the box were indeed watching this scene with great interest.

The tauren god Phoebus smiled and said to the Behemoth god Helos:”You are so awesome! After those people leave, the reputation of the Su Chamber of Commerce will be ruined!”

“Just a small trick! Unexpectedly, he actually got into the condom! What a domineering, arrogant and ruthless person! If you do business with such a temper, Su’s Trading Company will not be able to get off the ground even with the support of heaven!”

He Luosi looked at Su Wen on the stage with disdain, her tone was full of disparagement.

This is actually a trick created by Beamon, Asgard and other gods using their relationships.[]

The rules of heaven prohibit them from taking revenge on Su Wen.

But they are within the rules of heaven.

It can also destroy Su Wen’s economy.

There is no economy.

Su Wen’s path to promotion will be permanently blocked.

Seeing more and more people standing up below.

Erya, the goblin in the background, was a little anxious.

Su Wen indeed said calmly:”What a pity! So many people are ignorant! I have also prepared 1,000 god-level talent cards for you, involving more than 500 mainstream ethnic groups! There are also 1,000 god-level skill books, Involving 300 mainstream ethnic groups!”

These words came out.

People walking outside suddenly stopped

“What? God level talent card? Or 1,000 pieces?”

“Damn it! 1,000 volumes of god-level skill books! I have already gone to 10 auctions for a god-level skill book!”

“Go or stay?”

A large number of people stopped.

Only those who came from Beamon, Asgard, and the Angel Tribe were still walking outside.

However, there were fewer and fewer people following them.

“Besides! I have also prepared more than 3,000 god-level treasure chests here. These are treasure chests that have a great chance of yielding god-level materials! Even if you can’t get god-level materials, you can still get heavenly props, as well as props such as territory promotion cards!”

“oh! correct! I also have a portal to the big world that has been developed!”

As soon as these words came out, the gods in the VIP box couldn’t help but straighten their backs.

The eyes of Behemoth God Heluosi couldn’t help but light up:”This thing is a reproduction treasure for the family! The portal to the big world!”

“In addition, I also have 100 wood resource secret realms with a sand count of 1,000 Ganges, 1,000 Lordless Gods, and a large number of forbidden magic scrolls.……”

Just when Su Wen was talking to himself.

Those customers who were encouraged to leave turned around and returned to their seats in despair:”I just want to take a look!”

“Um! Although there is a problem with the attitude of this chamber of commerce, as long as the things are useful to me, the attitude is just a little worse! It’s not like you’re pointing fingers at me, why should I miss out on such a treasure just because of other people’s feelings?”

Everyone found an excuse to come back with peace of mind.

The”trustees” who had just walked to the door and were about to leave were also moved.

They couldn’t go back or go at this moment.

Because Su Wen’s things were too tempting.……

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