“His Majesty!”

The Xianden Army quickly escorted over.

Su Wen shook his head and picked up the Shadow Demon’s dagger.

【Item: Poison Cursed God Dagger】

【Grade: yellow grade】

【Wear level: 100】

【Attack power: 1W2500】

【Poisonous: Comes with 2W points of poison attack! Can cause the target to suffer 1000 points of poison attack every second for 5 minutes】

【Cursed God: The dagger is contaminated with the blood of the cursed god, and the person attacked will suffer a self-immolation curse!】

【Invisibility: The assassin holding this dagger will not emerge from the invisibility state when moving, nor will he leave any traces, not even breath.】

“Self-immolation curse!”

Su Wen muttered softly.

The reason why he is immune is because his skills and talents have immunity and amplification effects.

In addition, his own attributes, with the blessing of two phantom beasts, have far exceeded one million..

The most powerful spirit has an attribute increase of more than 6 million.

How can the curse shake his physique?


This demigod-level assassin died from the rebound of Su Wenhuang’s possessed aegis.

That’s it.

Su Wen led the team to continue cleaning up on the road.

During this period, Alasuo and Hongying could not help but come out to help clean up.

Especially Hongying.

Not only has a fiery personality, but also has a keen sense.

On this thousand-kilometer road, just There were thousands of assassins sensed by her.

Many assassins died under her flame dragon spears.

In more than ten hours,

Su Wen finished cleaning the battlefield.

Only then did he bring The team returned to the territory castle.

After gathering the loot from the storage rings of each warrior,

Su Wen returned to the territory.


Just returned to the territory.

Ember Sky Flame Dragon Hongying appeared immediately, and she knelt down on one knee. He said solemnly:”Master! Please let me stay on the tower! Next time the enemy attacks, I want to be in the vanguard!”

“I didn’t cooperate with your infantry regiment!”

Su Wen shook his head.

Hong Ying said firmly:”I don’t need it! I just really enjoy the excitement and feeling of charging into battle!”

“do not worry!”

“I have the awareness of death!”


“I won’t die that easily!”

She said solemnly.

Su Wen thought for a while.

Leaving Hongying in the fantasy beast space to practice would probably stifle her. He immediately nodded and let Hongying go to the tower.

2 minutes later,

Hongying came to the territory excitedly On the top floor of the Eye Tower.

She kowtowed to Qi Na:”General Qi Na! I came to support you on the order of my master! From now on, I will be a fierce general under your command!”

“good! I saw the majesty of the Red General from the tower! If there is an enemy that is difficult to deal with on the battlefield, please leave it to the general! Qi

Na nodded in return.

Hong Ying said to Qi Na excitedly:”Are you interested in playing with me?” Can you come secretly?”

“General Hongying! Now that we all have military affairs, let’s talk about this kind of battle later!”

Qi Na responded with a smile.


Su Wen took the loot captured this time and returned to the bedroom.


He took out a pile of ownerless divine rings from the bedroom.

I found one inside and examined it carefully.

Buzz! soon.

Two architectural drawings appeared in his hands

【Drawings: Material Workshop】

【Grade: Legendary】

【Function: Can be used for material processing, sorting, classification, etc.】

【Materials required: 5 tons of metal, 100 tons of stone, 100 tons of wood, 5 sets of refrigeration and preservation magic arrays, 300 magic crystals, and a large-capacity storage ring】

【Description: This is a workshop specially used to process materials and has the function of storing materials.】


【Drawing: Loot Sorting Center】

【Grade: Legendary】

【Function: Used for sorting, identifying and classifying trophies!】

【Materials required: 15 tons of metal, 80 tons of stone, 120 tons of wood, eye of identification, encyclopedia of knowledge】

【Description: This is a sorting center specially used to process trophies. After sorting is completed, the corresponding materials will be sent to different workshops according to type. Please establish an association in advance. By default, the materials will be stored in the public warehouse of the lord’s castle.】


As he spoke,

Su Wen carried out the construction of the two drawings in the reserved building area on one side of the Holy Tribunal.

At the beginning,

Su Wen did not consider these.

This time, they killed millions of people. Demon Legion.

There are countless materials obtained.

There are also a large number of storage rings.

If he is allowed to sort and select one by one, he does not know how to get it. If the civilians in the territory are allowed to do it together, let alone the issue of efficiency..

The identification problem alone is a big trouble.

He can’t summon hundreds of werewolf wise masters for this battle.

(aibi) (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) And.

If you want to obtain demon materials, you must decompose the demon.

This is a complex process similar to fine slaughtering.

It does not mean that you can just cut with your eyes closed.


Professional things.

It must be completed with professional and corresponding functional buildings.





There was a banging sound in the territory.

5 minutes later, two factory-like buildings appeared in front of Su Wen.

He first looked at the material workshop


The material workshop covers an area of 10,000 square meters.

It is divided into four workshops: sorting workshop, processing workshop, fine quenching workshop and classification workshop.

Plus 5 cold storages with magic arrays for refrigeration and preservation.

In addition, the building is equipped with a storage ring with 10W storage grids. so.

It has automatic storage function.

Su Wen looked at the material workshop

【Building: Materials Workshop】

【Grade: 0】

【Management Director: 0/1】

【Workshop director: 0/4

【Team Leader: 0/20】

【Sorting workshop: 0/100】

【Processing workshop: 0/100】

【Fine quenching workshop: 0/100】

【Classification workshop: 0/100】

【Fresh cold storage: 5 seats (can store meat materials)】

【Storage space: 10W grid】

【Processing speed: 1000 pieces per minute】

【Related buildings: Lord’s Castle, Trophy Sorting Center, Holy Tribunal, Workers’ College】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

“Um! Very good! Increase first!”

As he spoke, Su Wen increased the material workshop.


A brilliant light flashed across the material workshop.

The entire workshop underwent a huge change.

It changed from the original shed roof to an all-metal structure.

And there are also tall buildings built on the ground.

It is 5 stories high.

Each floor is about 10 meters high, and the total is 50 meters high.

It is a fortress-like building made of metal and stone.

From a distance, it looks like Military fortress.

After the change, the workshop is still four processing workshops.

However, the processing workshops have been divided into their own areas, and each floor is a workshop.

At the bottom, the area close to the ground is five cold storages and storage areas. Office area.

A large number of teleportation arrays are arranged on each floor. There are at least hundreds of large and small teleportation arrays.

This is to facilitate the transmission and transportation of materials to the upper and lower workshops.

Su Wen looked at the materials again workshop

【Building: Advanced Materials Workshop】

【Grade: Grade 12 (MAX)】

【Management Director: 0/1】

【Workshop director: 0/4

【Deputy director of workshop: 0/20】

【Team leader: 0/200】

【Sorting workshop: 0/1000】

【Processing workshop: 0/1000】

【Fine quenching workshop: 0/1000】

【Classification workshop: 0/1000】

【Workshop security: 0/300】

【Fresh cold storage: 5 seats (can store meat materials)】

【Storage space: 100W grid】

【Processing speed: 50W pieces per minute】

【Related buildings: Lord’s Castle, Trophy Sorting Center, Holy Tribunal, Workers’ College】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

“Very good! Um? Do I still need to go to the workers’ college for training before I can start working?”

Su Wen narrowed his eyes after seeing it.

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