boom! boom! boom!

The sky above the central building of Lingxiao Palace.

The warriors who first entered the army are beginning to discuss countermeasures against the magic defense array of the demon army.

There are also soldiers who have gone over to discuss with the mages of the Magician Legion.

The tentative attacks did not stop. but.

The opponent’s magic defense array did effectively block the attack of the advance army.

On the battlefield ahead.

The demon army is controlling the magic circle and constantly reorganizing it.

This scene.

It was as if one bubble slowly moved next to another bubble.

However, the two merged into one big bubble.

The large bubbles continue to move forward and merge with the small bubbles.

Ten minutes.

Six large bubbles have appeared one after another more than a thousand kilometers away.

In the magic circle near the front line of Lingxiao Palace.

There are demon lords holding blueprints and constructing large-scale fortifications.

It looks like it still wants to take root there.

“This is not possible!”

Su Wen took out the Shenxiao shotgun, spread his wings and flew into the air

“Enter the army first! Prepare! Later, I will start attacking from the enemy’s magic shield that is closest to us. You should be prepared for a second covering strike! Su

Wen arranged domineeringly:”We can’t let them build any defenses within a thousand miles!””


The Xianden Army stopped the discussion and all set up their shotguns.

Su Wen first used the 1st God-level special move Meteor.

The reason for using it is that it is his most powerful skill.

The bullet can cause 20W times to the target. Critical hit damage.

This alone is enough to break the magic circle.

The split star like rain is more suitable for attacks after breaking the magic shield.



Su Wen fired the first shot.

The special move Meteor Like a real star.

It flew hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye.

It landed on the magic shield of the demon clan.

The shield flashed and was destroyed instantly.

The explosion damage attached to the meteor exploded.

The light bloomed.

Within a range of 15,000 meters. All the enemies died under 10W times the critical hit damage.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, thirty warriors in the team pulled the trigger.

The special attack Katyusha fell to the ground like a meteor shower.

In an instant, the entire The demon camp was reduced to a sea of fire.

At this moment,

Su Wen had broken through five magic shields one after another. The rest of the groups who had first entered the army also followed up.

As the magic shields were broken one after another.

The demon at the end The legion began to retreat towards an area 1,500 miles away. The rear army behind the central army was moving slowly.

The front army was still working hard to raise magic arrays one after another. The tiger and leopard cavalry on the flanks suddenly deployed in full force.

Divided into six lines, they rushed towards Lingxiao Palace in six lines.

There were also a large number of gargoyles, empty sound demons, and fallen dragon demons that covered the sky and took off towards Lingxiao Palace.

3,000 troops arrived first. 1,000 people were immediately separated from the legion.

These 1,000 people were divided into 5 teams.

They flew at different heights.

Then, they pulled the trigger against the enemy flying in front.

This time, everyone did not continue to use a large-scale range. Sexual nirvana.

Instead, they chose to kill.

For powerful enemies, they chose to use the high-flow flame skill.

At the same time, the Five Elements Elemental Magicians and the Flower Language Magicians also released their own unique magic skills.

The King’s Guard also They also drew their bows and shot arrows.

Suddenly, the battlefield became more lively.

However, this group of attacking demons looked menacing.

When they flew halfway, they realized that there were not many left of the mighty team of more than 300,000 people.

And there are companions around him who are constantly being shot in the head.

Some of them are not only shot in the head, but also exploded by a skill when they fall from the air.

The death is horrible.

On the other side, Su Wen has already led part of the army that has entered the army first.

Relying on cooperation, he directly defeated the five-hundred-kilometer-long camp sites of the Demon Legion’s front army one by one.

The powerful force frightened the Chinese army into turning around and running away.

The mighty Demon Legion showed signs of decline.

How could Su Wen be willing to do so? Let go of this opportunity.

The special attack of Split Star Rain is a crazy damage dealer who does not care about ammunition supply.

It also contains his newly learned skills.

Although these skills are a little difficult to deal with demigods, they are enough to deal with ordinary soldiers.

More than enough.

Especially the skill of Hundred Flowers Kill.

After it is released, the enemy will instantly become sluggish.

As long as it is used dozens of times behind the enemy, it will completely block the crazy escape of the enemy’s ground troops.

It can also cause powerful damage to the enemy.

and control effect.

Hua Luo Yu has miraculous effects on both the air and the ground.

In particular, it drops weapons directly below at an altitude of 30,000 meters.

This feeling gives people the feeling of dropping the scepter of God from space.

But its destructive power is much more powerful than the scepter of God.

The petals are accelerated by gravity as they fall from high altitudes.

Can easily penetrate the helmet of a demon soldier.

Explodes the demon from head to toe.

(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) Some demons without armor were directly beaten to death.

After the special attack Night Release is released, the effect is extremely terrifying.

Enemies within a 10-kilometer range instantly become stationary.

Most of those who can wake up are high-level demigod-level experts.

But they couldn’t wake up all the soldiers.

This leads to.

Those demon soldiers who entered the illusion of thinking.

In a state of complete lack of resistance.

Die from a poison attack that lasts for 1 minute.

This attack has 1000 points per second, and the 60-second save is 6W points.

6W points of damage.

For the demon soldiers, it was an instant kill.

What excites Su Wen the most is Dongfeng.

This Dongfeng was indeed what he remembered.

Dongfeng bullets become bigger and fly away


He took the initiative to bypass all obstacles on the road.

Even a range attack.

It hit the target that was locked before firing.

Not even a demigod can stop its attack.

This is just a state of being without class.

If it is increased by Su Wen.

I’m afraid the condition is better


About 8 hours later.

Su Wen looked at the enemies who had retreated out of range. He waved his arms to the soldiers who had arrived first, and took the lead to fly towards the battlefield ahead:”Let’s go! Go clean the battlefield..



The advance army followed Su Wen closely.

Qi Na stayed and ordered to the King’s Guards:”Be alert! Prepare arrows in case of emergency!”

The soldiers quickly loaded a large number of demon corpses and weapons on the ground into the large tanks that Su Wen had prepared for them in advance. Capacity storage ring.

This time.

They cleared the battlefield very quickly.

It can almost be described as sweeping the floor.

In addition to leaving a large amount of demon blood on the ground of the battlefield.

There is nothing else left.

Just when Su Wen led the team to march 500 kilometers away.

He suddenly noticed a faint chill.

This coldness is behind his back


Su Wen frowned slightly.

Then, he gave instructions to the surrounding soldiers who had arrived first through the territory channel.

After the soldiers saw the message, they all started to act.

That’s it.

Su Wen continued to move forward. After collecting the corpses of the two demons and demigods, the shadow that had been following him for two kilometers finally emerged from the night.

This (well done) was a demigod-level shadow demon assassin.

He was holding a A dagger tempered with poison.

With the temporary blessing of magic, he stabbed Su Wen desperately.

At this moment,

Su Wen’s heart skipped a beat.

However, the warning brought to him by the ninth-grade god-level cicada prophet Indeed”this attack on Drizzle can’t even break the skin!”

Realizing this, he decided to see how strong his defense was.


In an instant, the dagger stabbed his clothes.


Layers of formations stirred up.

Passive skill Yellow Level Possession God The shield unfolded.

In just the blink of an eye, three of the eight magic shields were broken.

At this time, the demigod-level shadow demon assassin had been exhausted by the rebound of the bulletproof magic circle.


He spat out a mouthful. The blood burning with flames looked at the human lord in front of him blankly, as if ten thousand grass and mud horses were galloping past in his heart:”Is this the human lord of this time and space?”

The next second.

The assassin burst into flames.

“He died under the curse!”

Su Wen’s eyes moved after looking at it, and he saw the cause of the other party’s death.

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