Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 558: Are you a cultivator?

   Chapter 558 Are you a cultivator?

   Zuo Qiu Ran didn't pierce him, smiled and held his hand, and the two walked towards the center of the forbidden area.

   "This is the Bodhi tree."

   Zuo Qiu Ran pointed to a tree not far in front of him. It looked very inconspicuous. If it wasn't for Zuo Qiu Ran's introduction, Mo Yichen really didn't know that it was the Bodhi tree.

   But the problem is, there is not a single fruit on this Bodhi tree.

   Zuo Qiuran frowned, approached the Bodhi tree, raised his hand and stroked a branch, on which there were still traces of the fruit being forcibly plucked.

   "It seems that someone took one step ahead of us and plucked all the bodhi fruit."

   This discovery made the faces of both of them dignified, and a large number of Bodhi Fruits were picked, which means that in a certain hidden place, a large number of medicine people are refining.

   Once the medicine man is trained, it will be another **** storm for the martial arts world.

   Medicine people are not insensitive, do not know pain, do not know tired, and because of the nature of medicine, they do not hurt, do not die, and are extremely powerful, and there is a huge energy in their bodies, which makes medicine people enough to defeat a hundred.

   After leaving the forbidden area, Zuo Qiuran and Mo Yichen accidentally saw two people near their plane.

   Liu Yukai and Liu Tang.

   Mo Qi was standing in front of them at this time, as if to stop them from approaching.

   "Second Miss, Lord Chen, are you really back? I thought this big ice cube was trying to deceive me." Seeing Zuo Qiuran's excitement, Liu Yukai waved to her.

Liu Tang, who was beside him, still had that paralyzed expression, but when he looked at Zuo Qiu Ran, his eyes were more inquisitive, but he was still discovered by Zuo Qiu Ran and Mo Yichen. .

   "What do you mean we're really back? You know my uncle and I will be here?" Zuo Qiuran noticed the meaning of Liu Yukai's words.

   She and her uncle clearly decided to come to Wuqing City on the spur of the moment, how could Liu Yukai and the others know?

Liu Yukai smiled and pointed to Liu Tang next to him, "This big ice cube said it, I thought he was talking nonsense, but thinking about his temperament, it's impossible to make such a joke if you kill him. , so I came to have a look, I didn't expect to actually see you."

  These words made Zuo Qiuran and Mo Yichen turn their eyes to Liu Tang.

   Liu Tang looked at Zuo Qiu Ran for a while, and finally said, "Second Miss Zuo Qiu, can you take a step to speak?"

   Zuo Qiuran raised his eyebrows, thought about it, nodded, and walked to the other side.

   Liu Tang also followed, and when he passed by Mo Yichen, he glanced at him one more time.

Just this glance made Mo Yichen's brows knit together. This was not the first time he saw Liu Tang. He knew before that Liu Tang's cultivation was not low, but this time, he could clearly feel it. By then, Liu Tang's cultivation had increased a lot, even higher than him.

   What made him grow so much in such a short period of time?

   Thinking of the missing Bodhi fruit in the forbidden area and the characteristics of the medicine man, Mo Yichen had to be a little suspicious of Liu Tang Xinsheng, but he felt that something was wrong.

   Not far away, Zuo Qiuran watched Liu Tang make a decision, and an enchantment arose, blocking the voices of the two.

   "Are you a cultivator?"

  Although she has never really come into contact with cultivation, Zuo Qiuran has also learned a lot from some ancient books in the Demon Realm. In addition, she has had several confrontations with the person called 'Death in Battle', which made her very sure that Liu Tang is a cultivator.

   (end of this chapter)

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