Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 557: go back and continue

   Chapter 557 Go back and continue

   "I miss you, so I'm here."

   Mo Yichen half-armed Zuo Qiuran, who was thrown into his arms, and rubbed her big hand on top of her head, her eyes full of affection and soft light.

   It is rare to see Mo Yichen admit his inner feelings so honestly, Zuo Qiuran smiled and dragged him into the laboratory, "Uncle, you came just in time, we just happened to have a breakthrough discovery."

In the    laboratory, Zuo Qiuran used a computer to demonstrate the discovery just now.

   "Now we can be sure that the last ingredient in the body of the medicine man is the bodhi fruit."

  Mo Yichen raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Ranbao, you just said that Bodhi fruit only grows in the forbidden area of ​​Zuoqiu's family?"

   "Yes." Zuo Qiu Ran nodded, "The conditions for the growth of Bodhi fruit are too special, so I dare to conclude that there is no other place in this world where Bodhi fruit can grow safely."

   Mo Yichen looked at the computer screen and thought a lot, "Ranbao."


   "I want to go to the forbidden area of ​​Zuoqiu's house again."

   He looked at Zuo Qiuran, only she could fulfill this request for him.

   Zuo Qiuran nodded without saying a word, so half an hour later, the two of them had already boarded the special plane to Wuqing City.

  The plane was owned by Mo Yichen himself, and the driver was Mo Qi.

In order not to disturb others, Mo Qi directly parked the plane at the back mountain of Wuqing City, before the forbidden area of ​​Zuoqiu's family. Since the treasure was born, this place is no longer so mysterious. Although the formation still exists, Zuoqiu's family has already No one is assigned to guard here anymore.

   At the entrance of the forbidden area, Zuo Qiuran was about to cut himself and broke the formation with blood, when he felt the formation loosen for a while, and then the formation blocking them disappeared.


   Zuo Qiu Ran turned his head in confusion, just in time to see the bottle in Mo Yichen's hand that he had not been able to retrieve. There was blood in it.

"This is?"

   "The last time you were injured, the blood that came out." Mo Yichen put away the bottle very preciously, and there was some blood left in it.

   Zuo Qiu Ran looked surprised, and instantly remembered that it was also here that time, when she deliberately injured herself and broke the formation, could it be that time?

   "Uncle, why are you collecting my blood?" Zuo Qiuran asked as he walked inside, with a smile on his face and teasing in his eyes.

   Mo Yichen certainly wouldn't say that he not only collected Zuo Qiu Ran's blood, but also many other things, so he bent down suddenly and blocked Zuo Qiu Ran's mouth with his lips.

   After being separated for many days, he wanted to do this for a long time, so this kiss was a bit out of control.

   Zuo Qiu Ran would not refuse, and she even learned to respond.

   The response was very green, but it was because of this that Mo Yichen was even more excited.

   let go of Zuo Qiuran, Mo Yichen was breathing heavily, his eyes darkened, "This is not a good place, we will continue after we go back, eh?"

"Continue what?" Zuo Qiu Ran raised her head and looked at Mo Yichen, her delicate doll's face was full of ignorance, but in her watery apricot eyes, a sly light flickered, "Uncle, what do you want to do to me? I heard that some things cannot be done before marriage. If you do, you will be a bad girl, but I am a good boy, so..."

"...What are you thinking, I just said, I will continue to make cakes for you after I go back. I just learned a new way to make cakes." Mo Yichen forcibly changed the words that came to his lips, and Ranbao couldn't let Ranbao think that , he really wants to eat her now.

   (end of this chapter)

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