Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 548: greed for money

   Chapter 548 Greed for money

  Since the problem was discovered, it was impossible for Mo Yichen not to solve it. He immediately sent Mo Wei to investigate Zhu Yun secretly, but he didn't expect that this investigation would really investigate something.

   "Master, these are the ones that my subordinates discovered recently."

It was rare for Mo Ling to come back. It was because of an emergency. He held a few photos in his hand. In the photos, two women were talking. Although one of them only had a profile view, he could clearly identify it. It was Zhu Yun without a doubt.

   "This person is an hourly worker who is responsible for cooking and cleaning for the little princess of the Ji family. He has worked in the Ji family for more than 20 years." Mo Ling pointed to the woman opposite Zhu Yun.

   Both Mo Yichen and Yan Yibin's faces sank. As the Thunder Captain, Zhu Yun had private contact with the Ji family. This matter had to be taken seriously.

   "When was this photo taken?" Mo Yichen asked suddenly.

   "Three days ago." Mo Ling replied, "Because it was taken by the invisible camera I placed, I didn't find it immediately."

  Yan Yibin frowned, "Three days ago? But didn't Zhu Yun only return to China two days ago?"

   Zhu Yun returned to China one day earlier, but did not report truthfully, so what did she do that day?

   Besides going to meet the Ji family, where did she go?

   These are all doubts that Mo Yichen and Yan Yibin have to take Zhu Yun seriously.

   "You have been in charge of monitoring the little princess of the Ji family, do you know anything about this woman?" Mo Yichen looked at Mo Ling.

Mo Ling thought for a while, "A woman who looks very responsible, but has a very delicate mind, can accurately grasp the preferences and emotions of the little princess of the Ji family, and also control her social range very well, so that When she found someone trying to approach the little princess of the Ji family, she decisively broke the person's leg and informed Ji Shiming."

   Mo Yichen pointed his index finger on the table, "What about the weakness?"

   Mo Ling smiled, "greedy for money."

   He has been monitoring the little princess of the Ji family, but more than once found that this so-called part-time worker has deducted the living expenses of the little princess of the Ji family and put it into his pocket.

And some of the jewelry of the little princess of Ji's family were also replaced by the old woman with fakes and fakes. As for where it really went, it was naturally sold by the woman, and then the money went into her own account. .

"Very well, there is nothing in this world that money can't solve. It just so happens that the most important thing in my Mo family is money. I will give you three days to get this woman settled. I want to know the next move of the Ji family." Yichen ordered.

  Mo Ling left and returned to the small island where the little princess of the Ji family lives now.

Outsiders cannot enter this small island. There are power grids and countless detectors. Mo Ling also relies on special means to get in and hides on the mountain. This is why he is the only one to carry out this task, because there is one more person. will be exposed immediately.

   What Mo Ling didn't expect was that as soon as he came back, he found that the so-called part-time worker was stealing the jewelry of the little princess of Ji's family again.

  Haha, the opportunity to be delivered to your door really cannot be missed.

   When the woman found out that there was a man in her room, and the man was beside him were the jewelry and precious items that she had hidden under the bed, she was completely covered up.

   "Who are you? How did you get in? This is the place of Vice President Ji, be careful I call the police!"

   (end of this chapter)

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