Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 547: Ability does not match reality

   Chapter 547 Ability does not match the facts

   Zhu Yun followed happily, but left dejectedly. Looking at her back, Yan Yibin suddenly smiled.

   "Hei Tu, her plan sounds okay to me. Although there are loopholes, we can fix it a little bit. Why are you being so cruel to others? They are now the goddess of thunder."

Mo Yichen didn't care, "Reporting by leaps and bounds is a mistake, and if she is wrong, she will learn a lesson. Besides, her plan is full of loopholes. It is a temporary idea at first sight, and she dares to propose it without any thoughtful action. It is enough. It proves that she doesn't care about the incident itself, she only cares about the result, this is not the quality a commander should have, and Zhu Yun is no longer suitable to stay in the position of the captain."

  Yan Yibin's expression also became serious, because he knew that Mo Yichen wouldn't make jokes easily, and he wouldn't even joke about this kind of thing.

   "You want to withdraw Zhu Yun?"

   Mo Yichen nodded, "Have you read her report?"

   "Not yet, because you came back, so I forwarded the report to you first. I went to deal with other things yesterday. What's the matter? Is there something wrong with the report?"

  Yan Yibin saw that Mo Yichen had turned on the computer, so he got up and walked over, looking at the work report made by Zhu Yun himself, his face sank a little, which was rare dignified.

   "A few days ago, I sent someone to investigate Ranbao's mother in Liguo, and they sent it back." Mo Yichen opened another document, but the things recorded on it were somewhat different from those of Zhu Yun.

   "She actually secretly served as the matchmaker between Li Guo and the Ji family!" This is the most incomprehensible and unacceptable point of Yan Yibin.

   He said how the good Ji family got on the line with the people from Liguo. Their original partner should be only Yunguo. It turned out that Zhu Yun was doing the trick.

"What is she trying to do? Treason?" Yan Yibin continued to look down, but felt that this was not the case, "She also collected all the evidence of the cooperation between the Ji family and Liguo, and reported it to you. What do you mean?"

Mo Yichen leaned back, his deep eyes were unusually cold, "For fishing law enforcement, she led the Ji family to cooperate with Liguo, so that she could accurately grasp the evidence of the Ji family's crime, then come back to claim credit, and put forward a plan to The Ji family is wiped out."

"This...she is not afraid of taking off the game? If the Ji family discloses the secrets of Huaguo to Liguo, even if the Ji family falls, Huaguo will still suffer losses, and may even be restricted by Liguo. , This woman is for credit, and she can't care about anything?"

After Yan Yibin finished speaking, he looked at Mo Yichen again, 'tsk tsk' twice, "Maybe there is another reason, just to please you, I want to climb to the same height as you as soon as possible, so that I can get closer to you, more worthy of you."

   I have to say that Yan Yibin really guessed it right, and Zhu Yun really thought so.

Mo Yichen took a detailed look at Zhu Yun's latent work in Liguo over the past year, and finally came to a conclusion, "Her work ability, what she has shown in the past, and her military exploits Chapter, it doesn't match."

  Yan Yibin was also very puzzled, "However, every time she went out on a mission in the past, she really made a contribution. Those who went out on a mission with her on the battlefield can testify, this can't be faked."

   Their Thunder has always been rewarded and promoted according to military merit, which is beyond doubt.

   (end of this chapter)

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