Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 531: Uncle, I miss you so much

   Chapter 531 Uncle, I miss you so much

   Know the taste.

It is a time-honored brand that has been passed down for hundreds of years. The founder was the eldest lady of the Tang family and the niece of Tang Wuye, but now it has been transferred to others. Although the signboard is still there, it is no longer the original taste. .

   But despite this, Zhiwei is still one of the most popular restaurants in the imperial capital.

   When Zuo Qiuran arrived, Lu Zhiyuan was already in the private room. He looked at a calligraphy and painting on the wall, as if he was remembering something.

   "Elder Taishang, thank you for agreeing to meet me."

   For Lu Zhiyuan, Zuo Qiuran is very respectful, this is a very legendary old man.

  Lu Zhiyuan returned to his senses, suppressed the sadness on his face, and smiled, "Xiao Ran is here, come in quickly."

  Similarly, Lu Zhiyuan also liked Zuo Qiuran very much, and he was very pleasing to the eye from the first time we met. Maybe, this is what people often say.

   Zuo Qiuran walked to the opposite side of Lu Zhiyuan and sat down. Soon, the waiter came in and served the dishes. Four dishes and one soup were simple but not simple. Every dish was top-notch in terms of color, aroma, and taste.

"I'm really sorry to have ordered before you came, but these dishes are the signature dishes of Zhiwei, which have been passed down for hundreds of years. I haven't eaten them for a long time, and I suddenly want to try them again. "

   Said, Lu Zhiyuan took a mouthful of fish stewed tofu. Not long after he entered it, he frowned lightly, and then sighed, "Alas, the taste of the past is gone."

   "Oh, by the way, Xiao Ran, this is for you."

  Lu Zhiyuan pushed the document bag on the table over, Zuo Qiuran opened it, and inside was the information about that factory.

   "I've been in seclusion for so many years, and I don't care much about the affairs of the medical Taoist door. This is what I found through a few reliable disciples. It's not very comprehensive. I hope it can help you."

   Zuo Qiu Ran did not expect that Lu Zhiyuan would really help her. After all, what she was investigating was the Medical Dao Sect, and the predecessor of the Medical Dao Sect was the direct descendant of the Lu family. If you think about it seriously, the entire Medical Dao Sect was already the property of the Lu family.

   "Thank you, Elder Taishang."

Lu Zhiyuan shook his head, "Don't be so polite to me, I only have one request, if you really find out that those things are really related to the Medical Dao Sect, you must tell me, although I seldom do the door cleaning, but It doesn't mean that you can't do it, the medical practitioners practice the right path, and medicine practitioners not only destroy people's human nature, but they are also extremely sinister, and they cannot be tolerated."

  Lu Zhiyuan didn't stay long, and soon left because of other things. Zuo Qiuran picked up the documents, and after leaving the private room, he pushed open the door to the bakery room.

Inside, there was also a table full of dishes, and Mo Yichen was sitting next to her, welcoming her with a doting smile.


  After closing the door, Zuo Qiuran ran directly over, threw himself in Mo Yichen's arms, put his arms around his neck, and placed a kiss on his lips.


   "Uncle, I miss you so much."

   This is the first time Zuo Qiu Ran tries to miss, and for the first time he understands what it means to be absent in one day like every three autumns.

   When she was catching Mo Guoxing before, she wanted to throw down the uncle, but because the time and place were not suitable, she tried her best to restrain herself. Now, there are only the two of them in this private room, so she completely indulged herself.

   (end of this chapter)

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