Chapter 530 Half-sister

   Ji Min's work efficiency is very high. I didn't find Zhang Li's information before because I didn't know Zhang Li's specific location. Now, Zhang Liren is in Huaguo, and everything can be solved easily.

   Ji Min sent all the ghost servants under his command, and soon, there was a reply.

   "My lord, that person gave Zhang Li 50 million, just to solve the problem of Zhang Li's son's medical expenses, so she agreed." Ji Min reported all the information she had found to Zuo Qiuran.

   Zuo Qiu Ran flipped two pages at will, and then sneered.

   "Three years ago, 'Zuo Qiu Ran' was sold for 5 million yuan, but three years later it is worth 50 million yuan today. It seems that having a daughter is a good deal with great profits."

  's almost self-deprecating tone made Ji Min very distressed, and even felt a sense of mutual pity.

   "Lord, you don't need to care, a woman like her is not worthy of being your mother at all."

   Zuo Qiu Ran shook his head solemnly, "No, you are wrong, she is not worthy of being a person."

  The information Ji Min investigated is more detailed than what Mo Yichen asked Mo Wei to investigate before. How could anyone do such a thing?

   She had always suspected before that her father was a very old-fashioned person, how could he have derailed and raised a third child?

  It turned out that everything was designed by Zhang Li. She was obviously a bitch, but she still had to set up a memorial archway, and threw the pot to her father.

   aroused the guilt in Dad's heart to seek more welfare.

Not only that, after Zhang Li gave birth to her original body, she kept sending samples of her original body to other people's homes, and only paid a small amount of alimony every month, and then she went around many men until she met the man now. , I thought that I had finally found true love, so I talked about Zhang Hong's books.

   In addition, this document also stated that Zhang Li had a daughter before she gave birth to her original body, and she had met this person before.

   "Zhang Miaomiao?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran thought it was the same name at first, but it was not until she saw the photo above that she was sure that the half-sister who had the same body as her now was really the Zhang Miaomiao who was in Wuqing City.

   "She came to the imperial capital and joined the Mo Group?"

Ji Min nodded, "Yes, my lord, because Zuoqiu Group's tax evasion was exposed before, so even with Zuoqiu Miao's support, those elders and shareholders agreed that Zhang Miaomiao's behavior was called eating inside and outside, so he was fired. she."

   And the Mo Group has always been upright, and what I like most are employees who are full of justice in their hearts, so they admitted Zhang Miaomiao by exception?

   Zuo Qiu Ran's eyes swept across the information about Zhang Miaomiao's recent good performance and being transferred to the president's office of the Mo Group, and a dim light flashed in her apricot eyes.

   "Does Zuoqiu Miao know Zhang Miaomiao's identity?"

  Ji Min shook his head, "I don't know, Zuo Qiu Miao hasn't shown anything, but he cares about Zhang Miaomiao very much, almost answering what he wants, but he doesn't seem to be pursuing her."

   Zuo Qiu Ran sneered and put the information aside, "Ignore them for now, what's going on at the Medical Daomen?"

   "I have already contacted the elder Taishang of the Medical Daomen. He asked the Lord to have a meal at Zhiwei at noon tomorrow."

   Zuo Qiu Ran nodded, indicating that he understood.

   After a while, Mo Yichen, who was far away in Mo's house, received a WeChat message.

  'Uncle, I heard that Zhiwei's dishes are a must, we'll see you tomorrow at noon. ’

   After listening to this news dozens of times and saving it again, Mo Yichen's mood instantly surged.

   (end of this chapter)

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