Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 511: Paternity Testing

  Chapter 511 Paternity Test


  After the woman fell to the ground, her eyes that couldn't rest were just looking in Zuo Qiuran's direction.


   The child, who was still lying on the woman's body, didn't know whether it was because he lost his warm embrace, or because he sensed the death of his mother, and suddenly began to cry.

   However, without Mo Yichen's order, no one dared to take care of the child, so he let his cries resound throughout the Mo house.

   Mo San walked over, stretched out his hand and sniffed under the woman's nose, "Master, she's dead."

   This matter is troublesome, and there is no proof, they just don’t want to take over the child now.

   Mo Yichen's face was as black as charcoal, and he turned to look at Zuo Qiu Ran, "Ran Bao, this child can never be mine."

   In fact, when he said this sentence, Mo Yichen himself was at a loss.

   That night a year ago, he was in a deep coma. After waking up, he was rescued by Mo Wei and returned to the Mo family. As for what he experienced on Nanshan, he really had no impression at all.

   Mo Yichen's eyes were dazed, Zuo Qiuran also saw it, which made her heart clench fiercely.

Just now, she was still immersed in the joy of being proposed by her uncle, as if her whole body was being lifted up by a bubble of happiness, but now, reality has directly slapped her and pushed her back to the ground. I can't fall to death, but my whole body hurts everywhere.

   "Should be pulled!" Zuo Qiuran said coldly.

   Ying Wan from the crowd hurried to Zuo Qiu Ran's side, looking at her with distressed eyes, but looking at Mo Yichen with full of condemnation.

   seems to be saying, you scumbag dares to bully my master, I will not let you go.

   "Second miss, you..."

   "Collect blood." Zuo Qiuran said while looking at the crying child.

   Ying Wan paused for a moment, then understood, nodded, and went out to the car to get the medical kit. Professionally and quickly, he took a little blood from the child's fingertips.

   Immediately walked up to Mo Yichen again, and said in a very indifferent tone: "Master Chen, please cooperate with me, I need a hair of yours."

   As he wished to get Mo Yichen's hair, Ying Wan nodded to Zuo Qiuran again and said, "Second Miss, this subordinate will take the blood sample back to Chenghan for DNA testing." Then he left.

   "Ranbao, I..."

   Mo Yichen wanted to explain, but found that at this time, any explanation would be futile.

"Mo Yichen, what do you want to say? Xiao Ran trusts you so much that she would break up her meridians and leave the family for your sake, but what about you, how did you treat her? On the surface, you are very kind to her and dote on her very much, but secretly But you and other women even have children. Do you want Xiao Ran to be a stepmother for your child? You are dreaming!"

   After finally catching Mo Yichen's braided Zuo Qiu Miao, of course he refused to let this opportunity go, and he was bombarded at Mo Yichen.

   Mo Yichen waved his hand, and Mo Yi and Mo San immediately stepped forward to isolate Zuo Qiu Miao.

   "Ran Bao."

  Mo Yichen didn't want to defend himself, he just wanted to talk to Zuo Qiuran. She kept silent like this, not saying a word, which made him feel more and more uneasy.

   Did Ranbao believe what that woman said and thought he was a love liar, so he regretted agreeing to be with him, and even wanted to stay away from him?

The thought of    made Mo Yichen panic, and he grabbed Zuo Qiuran's hand regardless.

   Zuo Qiu Ran raised his eyes and glanced at him, knowing that he had something to say, but he didn't ask, just said lightly, "We'll talk about everything after the results of the paternity test come out."

   (end of this chapter)

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