Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 510: Worse than the TV show

   Chapter 510 More **** than the TV series

   Zuo Qiu Miao also knew that, given his current relationship with Xiao Ran, no matter how much he said in her eyes, it would be just to sow discord and have ulterior motives.

   He dodged to the side and let the road behind him, "Xiao Ran, see for yourself."

  Everyone saw that there was a woman behind Zuo Qiumiao. She was covered in blood, her hair was messy, and her face was pale. It didn't matter. The important thing was that she was still holding a sleeping baby in her arms.

Zuo Qiu Miao looked at Zuo Qiu Ran, and a bit of bitterness flashed in his eyes, "Xiao Ran, I'm here today purely to see you again, to clear up the misunderstanding between us with you, but at the door of Mo's house, When I met her, she seemed to be injured by a gunshot, but she refused to go with me to the hospital. She knelt down and begged me to bring her in. I couldn't bear it, and I thought of her gunshot wound, maybe because of some grievance or grievance. , I wanted to ask Lord Chen for help, so I brought her in."

   Zuo Qiu Ran's gaze turned to the woman again. At this time, she had fallen to the ground, her face was covered in cold sweat, only those eyes were bright, looking at her... Mo Yichen beside her.

   "Chen, Lord Chen, do you still remember June 18 a year ago?" The woman fell to the ground, her voice a little like a gossamer, but she still tried to amplify her voice to make her words clearer.

   Hearing this date, all Mo Wei's heart froze, Lord is alone in that day, and life has undergone a huge change since then.

   "Who are you?" Mo Yichen stood up slowly, his expression solemn. Years of intuition told him that what the woman said next would be very unfavorable to him.

Sure enough, the woman paused for a moment and continued: "That day, I went to Nanshan with someone for an outing and lost our way, and I happened to meet you, the injured Lord Chen. I have always liked you, so, while you were in a daze, and You had a relationship, and later, I found out that I was pregnant, thinking it was the crystallization between you and me, so I dropped out of school and gave birth to him."

  's words were as if a thunderstorm had been thrown at the scene, and everyone who exploded was stunned.

  The scene of Lord Chen's marriage proposal actually showed a scene of a woman holding a child to recognize her relatives, which is even more **** than in the TV series.

   Mo Yichen frowned and looked at Zuo Qiuran subconsciously, for fear that she would leave in anger.

   But Zuo Qiu Ran didn't react at all, just looked at the woman quietly, waiting for her next words.

The woman took a few breaths before she could speak again, "I never thought about using this child for anything, I am an orphan myself, so thinking about having a child is considered a relative, but now, I am going to die. Now, I don't want this child to be an orphan at such a young age, just like me, Lord Chen, I beg you, for the sake of his son, keep him."

"Why do you have to prove that he is my child?" Mo Yichen didn't pay attention to whether this woman was really dying. He was very unhappy at this time, because he had planned a marriage proposal for a long time, and it was just like that. This inexplicable woman was ruined.

The woman's pale face squeezed out a faint smile. She sat up hard and looked down at the child in her arms. He still slept soundly because the woman had always protected him very well, even if he just fell. At the same time, he did everything he could to protect the child in his arms.

   "Chen Ye can do a paternity test, and then do... plan... count..."


   The woman suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and when she fell down again, the corner of her eyes kept looking at the child in her arms, and a few crystal tears quickly flashed from the corner of her eyes.

   There was obvious reluctance and farewell in her eyes.

   (end of this chapter)

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