Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 477: Are you afraid of it

   Chapter 477 Are you afraid



   Zuo Qiuran's voice and explosion sounded almost at the same time.

   In the next second, the entire cell suddenly became gloomy and cold, and a dark red mist filled the air, with a **** aura and a suffocating aura that sent chills down the spine.

Not only that, but time seemed to have stopped. Mo Yi blinked and saw that the man who was flying to avoid the bomb was floating in the air. Behind him, the participating force of the explosive seemed to be still in the void, and the four people were blown away. , like the person who helped the bomb out, his body was blown to pieces, shaking in all directions, but at the moment of landing, it suddenly stopped.

  The entire prison, as if the pause button was pressed while watching a movie, as if the air was not flowing.

   Zuo Qiu Ran's expression was cold, his body flashed, and he appeared beside Mo Yichen, stretched out his hand, caught him, and the two slowly descended from the sky.

   "Uncle, how are you?"

Zuo Qiu Ran looked around Mo Yichen worriedly. The explosion just now was real. The weight of those explosives was estimated to blow up the entire cell. Although she was already in the explosion. In an instant, he used his soul power to help the uncle block some of the explosive power, but he was still worried.

   Mo Yichen's back was actually injured a little by the blast, and it was painful, but he didn't have the heart to care about that now.

   "Ran Bao?"

Although the appearance and temperament of the person in front of him had changed somewhat, Mo Yichen recognized him at first sight. Those almond eyes had already been deeply imprinted in his heart, and only a slight touch could arouse his heart. The lake was rippling.

   "Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to wait for me in the imperial capital?"

  Thinking of the shootout and explosion just now, Mo Yichen raised his heart. If Ranbao was injured in a corner he didn't know he couldn't see, what would he do?

   He didn't dare to imagine that scene, and he couldn't bear the consequences.

   Zuo Qiuran still held Mo Yichen's head in both hands, and the two were leaning on each other like this. Suddenly, she laughed, a pear vortex flashed, and a soft voice sounded, "Uncle, I miss you."

  I miss you, so here I come.

The words    made Mo Yichen feel the sweetness he had never enjoyed before.

  His girl misses him.

  Ranbao said he missed him.

   "It's dangerous here, I'll take you away first."

Mo Yichen stood up, he naturally wanted to have a good conversation with Ranbao. After all, the two have never been apart for so long since they met, knew each other, fell in love, although it was only a short week, but they were still in love with each other. To him, it seemed like a century.

  But now was not the time, he couldn't let Ranbao be in such a dangerous situation.

   However, when he turned around, Mo Yichen realized that something was wrong around him.

  Everyone seemed to be still, and even the gunshots outside disappeared.

"This is?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran fixedly looked at Mo Yichen and looked into his eyes, "Uncle, if I say that this situation is caused by me, are you afraid?"

   "You caused it?"

   Mo Yichen looked around again, the dark red mist and the faintly sensed suffocating aura indeed matched the aura that occasionally overflowed from the girl's body.

   Not to mention, the spirit power in his body accepted all of this right away, and even because of the spirit power, he felt a touch of kindness towards this terrifying evil spirit and environment.

   (end of this chapter)

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