Chapter 476 The Last Minute

   Mo Yi couldn't disobey Zuo Qiu Ran's order, and if Master knew about it, wouldn't he kill him?

   Therefore, he endured the distress and threw out an 'egg'.


  The two explosions destroyed most of the buildings in front, and many prison guards died directly. Many prisoners took this opportunity to run out, and the entire D area was in chaos.

   At this moment, gunshots also rang out in the C area next door.

  Mo's eyes narrowed, "No, it must have been exposed by the Lord!"

   Zuo Qiu Ran didn't even think about it, ran directly towards the source of the gunshots, and asked Mo Yi who was behind him, "What's going on? Make it clear!"

Mo Yi also rushed over and explained: "My father and I sneaked into the prison separately. I pretended to be a newcomer to the cafeteria doing errands, and my father directly pretended to be a new prison guard. We had agreed to find Professor Chang. I just informed Mo Wei outside, Mo Wei created chaos, and Ye took Professor Chang away from another secret passage, but now the gunfire is so chaotic, obviously something is wrong."

  Although the numbers of Area D and Area C are next to each other, the distance is not very close. Zuo Qiuran and Mo Yi ran in a straight line all the way. Whenever they encountered prison guards or prison staff along the way, they all fell down decisively.

   Especially Zuo Qiuran's movements, which were fast and fierce, Mo Yi grinned straight from behind, and felt pain for the dead people on the ground.

   The front was getting more and more chaotic, and there were people in the back chasing Zuo Qiuran and Mo, and attacking from both sides. The situation was very serious.

   "Throw again!"

   Zuo Qiu Ran glanced behind him, the killing intent in his eyes was so obvious.

   Mo Yi didn't have time to feel distressed, another 'egg' was thrown over, and when the explosion occurred, he and Zuo Qiuran had already dodged to Area C.

  The cell building in Area C was now surrounded by layers of people. Judging by the clothes and equipment, it should not be the prison guards in the prison, but the local military in Hegang.

   Soon, another group of people rushed over and got into a fight with them.

   Mo Yi's pupils shrank, "It's Mo Wei!"

  What are you doing? At this time, you don't need to use detour tactics to cooperate with the Lord. What are you doing with these little brats?

   "Second miss, let's..."

Mo Yi just turned his head, but found that Zuo Qiu Ran, who was by his side, had disappeared. He frowned and looked at the battle circle in front of him. Mo Yi gritted his teeth, turned around, and slipped past the blind spot of vision. The two soldiers of the Yun Kingdom quickly turned over after grabbing the weapons and entered the prison building.

   The prison cell is surrounded by three floors. There are stairs on all sides leading to the first floor. The first floor is the activity area.

On the stairs on the second floor, several people were fighting. To be precise, five people were fighting one. Mo Yichen was surrounded by the middle. Although he was at a disadvantage, he didn't show any panic. The weapon, the backhand is a knife, and the person will be solved.

Seeing this, the remaining four became angry and attacked in unison. Originally, it was not difficult for Mo Yichen to break through and fight back. However, at a critical moment, a man rushed out of the room behind him with a kind face. His facial features, but his eyes were ruthless, he tore off his jacket, revealing the explosives tied to his body, and flew towards Mo Yichen.

   "Master! Be careful behind!"

   Mo Yi shouted in fright, but he was too far away, and it was too late to use Qinggong.

   (end of this chapter)

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