Chapter 446 Odd Ring Snake

   looked at Naqi Ring Snake for a moment, Zuo Qiuran threw it away, and then walked towards the corner ahead.

   There is the edge of the cave and the source of the water.

   is also the most terrifying and terrifying place.


  Lin Shu just glanced at it and couldn't help screaming in surprise. Although Lin Yuanzhou didn't say anything, the incredible look on his face also showed that his heart was not at peace at this time.

   It was a small water pool, and the constantly returning water flow indicated that it was living water and the source of water, but in this pool, there were dozens of odd-ring snakes.

They are big and small, thick and thin, and they are just coiled in the pool, with only their heads exposed. Lu Yingying's eyes stared at Zuo Qiuran and the others, as if they saw the enemy who suddenly broke into their territory. Be alert, ready to attack at any time.

   "This, this... vomit!"

   Thinking that they had been drinking water from this pool all the time, Lin Shu's stomach couldn't help but churn.

  Lin Yuanzhou was equally uncomfortable. At the same time, he also thought of a very important thing.

   The krait is venomous.

   is extremely poisonous.

   "It seems that the problem really lies in the water, but I took the water samples back for testing, and I didn't find any toxins. Why is this?" Lin Yuanzhou was puzzled.

   Zuo Qiu Ran secretly released his soul power and used absolute coercion to stop these odd ring snakes who were about to attack them, and then answered Lin Yuanzhou's words.

   "First, someone deliberately tampered with your experimental data."

  Lin Yuanzhou shook his head again and again, "It's impossible. I did the experiment from start to finish, and the experimental data of each step was also counted by me. There was no fake hand in the whole process, and it was even less likely to be tampered with."

Zuo Qiuran nodded, "Then there is only one last possibility left, that is, although the odd ring snake is extremely poisonous, its toxin has a fresh-keeping period. After this period, the poison will disappear. It must have taken a lot of time for the samples to return to the imperial capital, right?"

  Lin Yuanzhou recalled, "The whole day and night, from the time I took the water sample to the time I returned to the imperial capital to do the experiment, it took me one day and one night."

   "Sample the water again, and bring back a strange ringed snake to analyze the toxins in its body. I think the strange components in your Lin family's blood should be related to this snake."

   In addition, Zuo Qiuran also discovered one thing.

After driving all the ringed snakes out of the pool, she found a narrow channel at the bottom of the pool, a little thicker than her fist, from which a steady stream of new water gushed out, and there was obviously an artificially polished channel in that channel. trace.

Although    is not obvious, and it should be very old, Zuo Qiuran still found it.

   "Someone deliberately built this living pool, and also set up a formation."

   After the words were finished, Zuo Qiuran turned to look at the odd ring snakes that she had driven aside. They seemed to be wilted, completely dead, as if they were going to die at any time.

   In order to confirm his conjecture, Zuo Qiuran drove the snakes back into the pool.

   In just a few seconds, these cyclosnakes regained their energy again, and even some of them were swimming back and forth in the water pool excitedly.

   "What's going on?" Mo Jiu looked surprised, it was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

  Lin Yuanzhou and Lin Shu also had the same surprised expressions, they both discovered that something was wrong with the odd ring snake.

  I’m not feeling well today, so let’s do more first, how about supplying you tomorrow?

   (end of this chapter)

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