Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 445: 445 Water Source

   Chapter 445 Chapter 445 Water Source

   Mo Jiu, who was about to shoot the odd ring snake: "..."

   Lin Yuanzhou and Lin Shu, who were already rushing forward, were about to capture the seven-inch ring snake: "..."

   When did the odd ring snake become so cowardly?

   It is the most ferocious creature in the entire oasis?

   "Let's go." Zuo Qiuran was very calm, and continued to walk forward with her short legs. The color of Garfield in her arms echoed the entire desert.

   "Second Miss, withered wood valley is in front."

  Lin Yuanzhou looked at the dead wood forest in front and couldn't help sighing. In fact, he was tired after so many years, but he had to come here because of his ancestor's teaching.

   Zuo Qiu Ran looked around, "Where did you all live when you were here in the past?"

  Lin Shu pointed to the front, "There is a wooden house over there, which was specially built by our Lin family. Every time we come, we will live there."

   Zuo Qiu Ran nodded, walked over, walked around the wooden house twice, went inside and looked inside again, but found nothing.

   "It's not here." Zuo Qiuran shook his head, "Apart from this wooden house, is there anything else you must be able to do here, and the location is fixed?"

  Lin Yuanzhou and other Lin family members thought about it for a long time, but nothing came to mind.

   In the end, Lin Shu's eyes suddenly lit up, "It's water! There is the only source of water in an oasis in the cave ahead. When we live here, we will drink the water there."

   Zuo Qiuran had a hunch that the problem might be on the water.

   "Take me there."

  Lin Shu and Lin Yuanzhou left the other Lin family members in the wooden house, and they took Zuo Qiuran and Mo Jiu to the cave.

  In the desert, it is rare to have such a cave, not to mention the cave and the water source, which is even more bizarre.

   "I took a sample of the water here and brought it back to the imperial capital for experiments, and the results showed that there was no problem, it was just normal water." Lin Yuanzhou saw the doubt in Zuo Qiu Ran's eyes, and quickly explained, saving Zuo Qiu Ran's useless efforts.

   Zuo Qiuran walked around the cave, and finally his eyes fell on the water.

  The water flows out from the depths of the cave, with a hint of sweetness in the clearness.

   "Do you know where the water came from?" Zuo Qiuran asked suddenly.

   Lin Yuanzhou and Lin Shu both shook their heads. They had never thought about this issue for so many years.

   Zuo Qiuran frowned and walked towards the depths of the cave along the water source.

   The further he walked, the more frightened Zuo Qiuran became, because the cave seemed to have no boundaries.

"Second miss, this place is a bit weird, be careful." Mo Jiu followed Mo Yichen to fight in the north and south for many years, and has an unusually sensitive insight into danger. Just now, he suddenly felt the hairs all over his body stand upright, and his intuition told him , there is danger ahead.

   Zuo Qiuran nodded slightly, raising her guard in her heart, and soon, she heard a very familiar voice.

   Susu Susu...

   Then, a strange gaze fell on Zuo Qiuran.

   "Second miss, it's the snake just now!"

Mo Jiu subconsciously stood in front of Zuo Qiu Ran, but this action seemed to anger the odd ring snake. Its sinister eyes stared at Mo Jiu, and the movement of spitting out the core quickened, as if ready to eat Mo Jiu at any time. .

   "Mo Jiu, step back."

   Zuo Qiu Ran suddenly spoke up, and after Mo Jiu took a few steps back, she quickly stepped forward, grabbed the Qi-Cun Snake with a very fast movement, lifted it up, and looked at her.

   (end of this chapter)

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