Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 414: too many flaws

   Chapter 414 Too many flaws

   After finishing a set of martial arts, Liu Tang was at a loss again, just because he knew this set of martial arts.

   But why is his kung fu engraved on this stone wall?

   Driven by curiosity, Liu Tang walked to the chessboard, his hand just touched the chess piece, suddenly, the stone wall turned again.

  Liu Yukai's eyes widened in shock, and he gave Liu Tang a thumbs up, "Big ice cube, good job, I will definitely take you to buy lottery tickets after I go out."

   Everyone did not dare to delay, and walked out as fast as possible in the direction of the stone wall turning, but after going out, everyone's eyes on Liu Tang changed.

  It was a coincidence once, so is it the second time?

   Qin Zhao further confirmed his previous guess, this person named Liu Tang is definitely not simple.

   "Did you hear the sound of fighting?" Suddenly, someone in the crowd said.

  The crowd listened intently.

"over there."

Everyone went in that direction, passed the long corridor, and found that the road ahead was gone. It was a huge deep pit, so deep that the bottom could not be seen, and the only connection to the opposite side was the dangling Yoyo, a chain bridge that doesn't look strong at all.

   On the opposite side of the Chain Bridge, Mo San and Mo Wu are on the left, Zuo Qiu Miao and Chu Jiang are on the right, and the two sides are fighting fiercely.

   "Xiao Ran, do you just watch them beat us?" Zuo Qiu Miao looked at Zuo Qiu Ran who was watching the play while responding to Mo Wu's attack.

   Zuo Qiu Ran was indeed watching a play, but it was not Zuo Qiu Miao, but Mo Wu.

   "Uncle Six is ​​really good at it. It just so happens that Mo Wei also needs a strong opponent to hone it. Why don't Uncle Six do it for me. It just so happens that I also learn it."

   Zuo Qiuran finished speaking, looked at Mo Yichen beside him, lowered his voice, and asked, "Do you see it?"

   Mo Yichen nodded, his eyes also fell on Mo Wu's body, his brows furrowed, "Although the moves are intended to be imitated, they are too sharp and have too many flaws."

   "Then, let's try him?" Zuo Qiuran shook his wrist, eager to try.

   Mo Yichen knew that she just couldn't hold back the desire to fight, so he smiled dotingly, and then the two of them attacked forward together.

   "Mo San stepped back!" Mo Yichen said.

   On the other hand, Zuo Qiu Miao and Chu Jiang didn't need Zuo Qiu Ran to speak. Seeing that the momentum was not right, they all retreated from the battle circle.

   The people on the other side who were still watching were blinded, what happened? Why did Master Chen and Second Miss Zuoqiu fight with their own people?

   Mo Wu was also confused, "Master, what's wrong with you? Did your subordinates do something wrong?"

  Mo Yichen and Zuo Qiuran didn't respond, they just attacked Mo Wu from left to right. Although neither of them did their best, they attacked the fatal place on Mo Wu's body.

  Mo Yichen's moves were decisive and ruthless, and Zuo Qiuran didn't give in too much, and his speed was astonishing, so fast that Mo Wubei couldn't resist.

   Just when everyone thought that Mo Wu was going to be killed by these two people, suddenly, Mo Wu's moves changed, his body flashed like a loach, and his moves were a bit more sinister than before.

   "What? You can't hold back so soon?" Zuo Qiuran kicked his legs with a sweep, and at the same time quickly punched Mo Wugong.

   This punch, Zuo Qiuran added soul power, if the real Mo Wu was hit, he would not die or half his life.

   But the person in front of him only took two steps back slightly, that's all.

   "Hehe, tell me, how did you find me?"

   (end of this chapter)

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