Chapter 413 Endgame

   "Could it be that they have made other discoveries and are stealing treasures behind our backs?"

   "No, Lord Chen is not such a person."

   "Huh, the treasure is in front, who can guarantee that there is no selfishness? Can you? Anyway, I can't. Greed is human instinct."

Once the sound of    started, it couldn't be stopped, and it quickly brainwashed other people.

  Yes, with giant treasures ahead, who can truly be selfless?

   "Let's hurry up and find a way to get out of here and find them."

  The crowd began to look for the exit, and Zuo Qiumei turned slightly to the side, exposing the stone wall behind him. Sure enough, someone quickly noticed it.

   "Hey? Why is there a picture here?"

   On the stone wall, there is a chessboard engraved with black and white chess pieces.

   "This is an unfinished endgame."

   "Could it be that as long as you break this game, you can get out of here?"

  Everyone turned to Lu Zhiyuan. As we all know, in addition to the superb medical skills, the most powerful elders of the Medical Daomen are chess skills.

  Lu Zhiyuan quickly found a way to solve the chess game, but the crux of the problem is that there are no chess pieces here.

   "Hey? It stands to reason that if Emperor Tang designed such a mechanism here, he should prepare chess pieces. Let's look for it, is it in some hidden place?"

   Just as everyone was looking for pieces, Zuo Qiu Miao gave Chu Jiang a wink.

  Chu Jiang flicked his finger, and a chess piece landed at the position just pointed by Lu Zhiyuan.

  The wall turned suddenly and quickly, bringing Zuo Qiu Miao and Chu Jiang to another room.

   By the time others found out that they wanted to follow and block, the wall quickly returned to its original position, and there were no chess pieces in their hands that could open the mechanism again.

   "Grass! What the **** do you mean by Zuoqiu Miao?" Someone from the Qingyan Club immediately cursed angrily.

The representative of   Qingtian Gang immediately turned to look at Shangguan Mei, "Patriarch Zuoqiu, shouldn't you give us an explanation for this?"

   Although the others didn't speak, the expression on their faces was the same as Qingtian's help.

Qin Zhao didn't stop him. In fact, he also expressed his anger at Zuo Qiu's behavior. He came with a mission this time. If anyone dared to interfere with him, he wouldn't mind letting them disappear in this world. .

Shangguan Mei didn't expect these people to suddenly target herself, "Zuo Qiu Miao did this, everyone knows that I don't get along with him, and I expelled him from Zuo Qiu's house long ago, his behavior not my business!"

   At this moment, the chessboard on the stone wall suddenly changed.

The    pieces moved and reassembled into a pattern. From a distance, it seemed like several people were fighting.

   "Elder Taishang, shouldn't this be a martial art?" A disciple of the Medical Dao Sect asked as if he was looking for evidence.

  Lu Zhiyuan didn't speak, just glanced in the direction of Liu Tang beside Liu Yukai.

   "It's really a martial art! Quick, everyone, write it down."

The    chess pieces continued to change, each time they changed their postures. Everyone quickly took out their mobile phones to take pictures and recorded all the changes of the chess pieces.

   "Hey, Xiao Tang, what are you doing?" Liu Yukai was recording the video, but found that Liu Tang suddenly started martial arts beside him.

"Okay you, Big Ice Cube, you learned so quickly?" Liu Yukai stopped recording the video and started learning with Liu Tang. He has been learning martial arts with Liu Tang these days, and he has laid a solid foundation. Son, coupled with good understanding, I finally embarked on the road of cultivation again.

   (end of this chapter)

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