Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 302: best treatment

  Chapter 302 Best Treatment Options

  Lin Shu looked at Zuo Qiu Ran's eyes almost flooding. She had waited so long for such a medical genius to finally arrive. Can she hope that this girl is the destined person who can save the Lin family?

   Zuo Qiu Ran didn't know what Lin Shu was thinking. After the patient's signs were normal, she withdrew the silver needle, and then looked at Song Lin coldly.

   "I don't have the ability to save the dead. Is the only master-level alchemist in the world who can't tell the difference between the living and the dead?"

  Song Lin's face seemed to be slapped a few times, and it was burning hot.


   "Master Song is trying to say, you didn't sentence this person to death just now? Didn't your assistant notify his family to prepare for the funeral?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran's question made Song Lin's face turn blue and red, and he couldn't find a reason to justify it for a long time.

  Especially when looking at the suspicious eyes of the teachers in the medical school, he has a feeling that his coat has been stripped off and he is being seen thoroughly.

Zuo Qiu Ran took his look into his eyes and said with a chuckle, "The reason why I just said that this person will not wake up and will not die is because Master Song, you hang this person's life with Gu techniques all the year round, and this is also him. The real reason for being in a vegetative state, if it weren't for your silver needle, he wouldn't be what he is today."

   "Gu technique?" Lin Shu suddenly turned his head to look at Song Lin, "Master Song, is what Zuoqiu said true?

Zhang Ming quickly defended, "The Gu technique was judged by the martial arts world hundreds of years ago to be a crooked way. Anyone who practices this technique can be punished. Master Song is the only master-level alchemist in the world, how could he be able to practice it? Do you practice that kind of forbidden art?"

  Song Lin squinted his eyes and looked at Zuo Qiu Ran, and said solemnly, "The little girl keeps saying that it is a Gu technique. What is the basis? Did you ever see a Gu technique? Or...you can!"

   In the face of the dog who was biting back, Zuo Qiuran did not panic, and pointed to the patient in the wheelchair, "Whether it is a Gu technique, you can open the skull and see if there are any Gu worms in his brain."

   "Surgery? In his current situation, he will die after surgery. How can you be so vicious at such a young age?" Zhang Ming glared at Zuo Qiuran.

   "Can he live without surgery?" Zuo Qiu Ran took a pen from a teacher's hand, opened the front of the patient's shirt, pulled it down, and turned his body slightly.

   A large area was exposed on the back, full of carrion, and the stench spread instantly, and several people who had smoked covered their noses and almost spit it out.

   "This, is this a bedsore?" Lin Shu looked surprised.

  Veterans are bedridden all the year round, so they are prone to bedsores. If they are in the hospital, nurses and nurses will wipe the body of the patient every day, and change clothes and bedding frequently to prevent bedsores.

   But this patient was specially in charge of Song Lin, who had been living in his own Danxing Hall.

   Zuo Qiu Ran sneered, "This is the patient taken care of by Tangtang's first alchemist, with bedsores all over his body, rotten to the bone?"


  Song Lin slapped Zhang Ming with a backhand, with a look of anger on his face, "That's how you take care of patients? I usually ask you to study more and be less lazy, but you just don't listen. How can you be a doctor by acting like this?"

   "It is not difficult for this person to be cured. Master Song claimed to be the number one alchemist at that time. He made a Jiuzhuan Pill and gave him a meal, and then used acupuncture and medicated bath to warm it up for a while."

After   , Zuo Qiuran looked at Lin Shu, "Teacher, this is the best treatment plan I have given."

   (end of this chapter)

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