Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 301: prepare for the funeral

   Chapter 301 Prepare for the funeral

  Why are there silver needles on the patient's body?

  Who put it?

   When was it released?

   What is the motivation?

   A series of questions revolved in Lin Shu's mind, and then he looked at Song Lin.

"Master Song, this is your patient, but why is there a silver needle in the back of his head?" Lin Shu came from a medical family, Lin family, and studied Chinese medicine and Western medicine since childhood. What effect will the position of that silver needle have on the patient.

In the face of Lin Shu's questioning, Song Lin did not panic at all, with one hand behind his back, with the demeanor of a master, "This patient's condition is special, the blood clot suppresses the nerves, and it must be dredged and drained before the operation. The location of this silver needle is Although it is dangerous, as long as you control it well, you can seek stability in danger. During this time, the blood clot in his brain has become much smaller, and the position has shifted a little. The operation can be done soon, but just now this little girl will use the silver needle. When I pulled it out, all my efforts during this period of time were in vain."

   At this moment, Li Ming shouted, "Master, it's not good, the patient's vital signs are declining!"

  In order to cooperate with the interview, all the patients are connected to the equipment, and now, the equipment behind this patient has issued an alarm.

  The teachers of the medical school were also panicked. Since the establishment of the school, they have never killed a patient during an interview. As soon as the news came out, several of them were afraid that their future would be ruined.

   A hint of happiness flashed in Song Lin's eyes. Once the patient died, Zuo Qiu Ran would be involved in a major event. Even if he was guarded by Lord Chen, it would be difficult for him to do anything. Moreover, he also helped him bear the blame, which really killed two birds with one stone.

   He strode forward, checked it, sighed, and said regretfully, "Notify his family and prepare for the funeral."

   It's over!

   This is the voice of the teachers of the medical school.

   On the other hand, Li Ming glanced at Zuo Qiuran proudly, and this was the end of going against them.

   "Preparing for the funeral? Are you planning to save him then?" Zuo Qiuran raised her eyebrows and asked with a light smile.

   Li Ming sneered, "Are you scared and stupid? The master has already said that people are dead, and you still want to save them? Could it be that you can still save the dead?"

   Zuo Qiuran stepped forward and took out a silver needle bag from the messenger bag.

"What do you want to do?"

   "Everyone has been killed by you, and you still don't know how to repent? What are you still doing here?"

   Several medical school teachers glared at her, their futures may be ruined because of this ignorant girl!

   Song Lin didn't know what Zuo Qiuran wanted to do, but his intuition told him that he had to stop her.


   Before he finished speaking, Song Lin's hand was knocked away by an invisible force before even touching Zuo Qiuran.

   includes several others.

   Then, they watched Zuo Qiuran quickly put the needle on the patient, and the needle hit the key point.

  Lin Shu is secretly sending a message to Mo Qi. In Mo Weizhong, she only recognizes Mo Qi. Since this girl was sent by Lord Chen, she must have something to do with the Mo family. I hope they can come over and help her in time.

   Just when she put down her phone, she suddenly heard a breath of exclamation.

   She looked up and saw that the person who had just been sentenced to death by Song Lin had now recovered, and the instrument that she remembered to remove in the future showed that his vital signs were gradually returning to normal.

   "Am I dazzled? She, she actually brought a dead person back to life?"

   (end of this chapter)

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