Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 286: 286 Fengming Picture

   Chapter 286 Chapter 286 Fengming Picture

   That night, in the bedroom of Mo Guoxing's villa, Mo Guoxing, who once again became a groom, was ready to enjoy his wedding night.

   He walked to the bed step by step, reached out and took off Shangguan Mei's wedding dress, but saw a pattern behind her.

   That is a phoenix that is about to spread its wings and rush to the sky, its head is upward, it seems to be neighing, it looks so proud, so sacred and inviolable.

  Mo Guoxing's hand suddenly retracted, he took two steps back in a panic, rubbed his eyes, and made sure he was not wrong.

   Legend has it that one day there will be a strange woman in the martial arts world. She is the bloodline of the divine beast Phoenix. She will become a goddess and bring the martial arts world to glory again.

   This is something that the older generation in the martial arts world knows, and Mo Guoxing is no exception.

  Shangguan Meizheng waited shyly, but she didn't see any movement from the people behind her. Looking back, she saw Mo Guoxing looking at him with a look of surprise and excitement.

   "Husband, what's the matter with you?" Shangguan Mei recalled Sun Shuyi's usual demeanor, and learned that kind of gentleness to the extreme.

  Mo Guoxing is very useful, if it was before he saw the pattern on Shangguan Mei's back, he would definitely rush to it without hesitation.

  But now...he is just glad that God finally helped him once, making this person with Phoenix bloodline his bride.

"Hahaha, baby, you are really my baby!" Mo Guoxing raised his head and laughed, and then put on the bathrobe that had been taken off halfway, "You are too tired today, rest early. , I'll take you to the company tomorrow."

   Shangguan Mei was still amazed that this old thing didn't move her, but when she heard the second half of the sentence, she was happy again. Joining the Mojia company was her first step, and she didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

   After leaving the bedroom, Mo Guoxing went to the study and started to keep calling. His excited face changed several times, and finally turned into a ruthless face.

   At the same time, Mo Yichen was listening to Mo San's report in the main residence of the Mo family.

   "Master, the old man has already discovered the totem, and believed it to be true, and did not consummate the marriage with the new lady."

Mo Yi on the side was also happy, "I said the third, can you stop being so polite? But sir, your method is really good, it not only helps the second lady, but also arouses the ambition of the old man, As long as he moves, we'll be fine."

   "Well, it's time for those people on the side to clean up." Mo Qi said with a face to the side.

   Zuo Qiu Ran listened with a confused expression, and looked at Mo Yichen in surprise, "Uncle, what did you do?"

Before Mo Yichen could open his mouth, Mo Yi, who couldn't hide his words, leaned over with a gossip face, "Second miss, you don't know yet, Mo San is a psychology student, and his hypnosis technique is very good. He went to hypnotize the old man, and mistakenly thought that the new lady, that is, your sister, had a picture of Fengming on the back. I'm afraid you didn't know it not long after you woke up. There has always been a legend in the martial arts world that there will be a phoenix bloodline wearing a picture of Fengming. The strange woman appeared, leading the martial arts world to the peak and opening a new era."

   Zuo Qiu Ran blinked and looked at Mo Yichen, "Does your father believe in such a ridiculous thing?"

   Mo Yichen nodded, "He will believe it."


Mo Yi was the first to speak again, "Because Zuo Qiuhan is a legend in her own right, although she has been a bit of a mess in the past three years, but thinking back then, she was really a strange woman in the martial arts world, a rare genius, even our grandfather. They have all praised her, this woman will definitely make a difference in the future."

   (end of this chapter)

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