Chapter 285 Ghost Spirit

   After Zuo Qiu Miao left, Zuo Qiu Ran's eyes suddenly turned cold as he glanced at the green tea on the table.

   This was her favorite tea in the past, but now, it has become Zuoqiu Miao's means to test her. As expected of the most suitable hidden guard chosen by her father, she began to doubt her so quickly.

Thinking about it, Zuo Qiuran took out her mobile phone and quickly opened a tracking software. A red dot flashed on it. She walked towards the Mo's Hotel and turned on the panorama mode. The position of the red dot was already at twelve. Ballroom on the floor.

   There is the place where the Mo family held their wedding banquet today.

   "I hope you don't let me down." Zuo Qiuran's lips curled slightly, she put away her phone, got up and left the cafe, walking towards the back path.

   After a minute, Zuo Qiuran paused slightly, glanced back quickly, and then stopped a taxi and left.

   In the dark, Mo Jiu's whole heart was in his throat.

  Second Miss, did you find him again?

   No, the task that the master explained is to protect the second miss Zhouquan, even if the second miss finds out, he has to continue to follow.

   Mo Jiu followed the taxi all the way, and found that the car was actually parked on the fork behind the Chenghan Research Institute.

  What is the second lady doing here?

   In such a distracted moment, Mo Jiu discovered that the taxi had driven away again, and there was no one inside, and Zuo Qiuran was nowhere to be seen.


An hour later, Zuo Qiuran appeared at the Mo's Hotel, no longer in the bridesmaid dress, but in a very casual casual dress, simple and neat, with long hair tied into a ponytail, looking very energetic, but the Garfield in his arms suddenly destroyed With this temperament, there is some contrast.

  The moment Mo Yichen saw her, his heart finally fell back to its original position, his coldness subsided a bit, and Mo Qi pushed him up to meet her.

   "It's been so long, but what troubles have you encountered?" Mo Yichen asked.

   Zuo Qiu Ran glanced at Mo Jiu behind Mo Qi, and then looked at Mo Yichen, blinked his eyes, lowered his head, his eyes were full of cunning, "Uncle, do you mind that your father's marriage is not real?"

   Mo Yichen raised his eyebrows, he already knew that after the girl came back, he went to the bride's lounge first.

   "He's getting old, so it's better to do less of some things, hurting the body." That's why I don't mind.

   Zuo Qiu Ran smiled, "Actually, you can do it with others, as long as it's not Zuo Qiu Han."

   After the words were finished, she saw Mo Yichen's face was confused, so she leaned forward and whispered a few words in his ear.

   Mo Yichen's expression changed from surprise to helplessness, and finally turned into indifference, rubbing Zuo Qiuran's head dotingly, "Ghost spirit."

Retracting his hand, Mo Yichen's smile faded a bit, and he said solemnly, "Ranbao, if you don't like your sister marrying my father, I can cancel this wedding now. "

   The corners of Mo Qi's mouth twitched violently. The Mo family spent tens of millions to prepare the wedding and wedding banquet. They invited the first-class family in the entire imperial capital. The media gathered, and there was even a live broadcast. How could you say cancel it so easily?

   Zuo Qiu Ran was also slightly startled, then shook his head, "No, it's a pity to cancel such a luxurious wedding, I just..."

   After a slight pause, Zuo Qiuran whispered in Mo Yichen's ear: "I just...don't want that body to be touched by others, it will make me feel disgusting."

   Mo Yichen was puzzled and puzzled. He wanted to find out the answer, but when he bumped into Zuo Qiuran's eyes, he gave up the question.

   "Okay, I'll help you."

   (end of this chapter)

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