Chapter 272 Piranha

   "Zuo Qiu Ran, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute. If you talk nonsense, believe it or not, I'll throw you off the plane!" Shangguan Mei lowered her voice deliberately, her eyes filled with murderous intent, and her tone was full of threats.

   Zuo Qiuran looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, overlooking the river below, and suddenly, leisurely asked: "Sister, do you think there are piranhas below?"

  Piranha, a legendary species in the martial arts world, with a scary name, but rarely eats people. Of course, the premise is that no one breaks into their territory. This is a gregarious race that attaches great importance to territory.

   "How do I know?" Shangguan gave her a glare.

   "Should we go take a look?" Zuo Qiuran opened her eyes with a sincere look.

   Heck sincerity!

   Shangguan Mei looked at Zuo Qiu Ran who suddenly opened the cabin door, and shouted angrily against the wind: "Zuo Qiu Ran, what are you doing crazy! You... ah!"

  The two figures held hands and fell from the plane. From a distance, they might think they were a couple who died in love.


"You... bitch... wild kind... if you want to die... don't pull... me..." A lot of gust of wind kept pouring into Shangguan Mei's mouth, coupled with boundless fear, made her say a single sentence. Can't say the whole thing.

  Tomorrow she will get married, she will become the happiest woman in the world, admired by the entire martial arts world, she cannot die, she absolutely cannot die!

   The strong desire to survive made Shangguan Mei struggle to break free from Zuo Qiu Ran's hand and try to find a way to save herself.

   But, so what?

  This is mid-air, and she has no wings. There seems to be no other way out than to fall into the river below.

   Damn Zuo Qiuran!


  The moment before she fell into the river, Shangguan Mei was still using all the dirty words to insult Zuo Qiuran, and then the next second, she was in the icy river water, and she poured in two mouthfuls of water without checking for a while.

  The river was in a hurry, so Shangguan Mei couldn't bear to react, so she rushed downstream.

   "Master...Save me..." In a trance, Shangguan Mei seemed to see Song Lin running towards her.

   But the next moment, Zuo Qiuran's voice sounded in her ear, "Sister, I heard that there are piranhas down there."

   Zuo Qiu Ran was also in the river, but unlike Shangguan Mei, her body was dry and the river seemed to be forcibly isolated.

   "You, how could you..."

  Before a question was asked, Shangguan Mei felt her body was plummeting, along with the flow of water.

   It turned out that there was a waterfall here.

  Shangguan Mei turned her face down and clearly saw in the river below a group of ugly piranhas waiting for her with their mouths open...


   Shangguan Mei shouted and woke up suddenly, but was dazzled by a strong flash of light.

   Kacha Kacha!

   is the flash.

   "Patriarch Zuoqiu, is this unprovoked coma because of a physical problem, or because of the pre-marital anxiety that most brides get?"

   "Patriarch Zuoqiu, you kept yelling when you were in a coma just now. What kind of nightmare did you fear?"

  Shangguan Mei put down her hand covering her eyes, and only then did she see clearly that a group of media was standing in front of her, with microphones and cameras facing her, while herself was sitting in a wheelchair.

   Take a look around, this is a tarmac.

what happened?

   Wasn't she pulled off the plane by that wild beast and fell into the river to be eaten by piranhas?

   The feeling of the piranha's teeth biting into her skin was still so clear, and that kind of fear was clearly haunting her heart, why did it suddenly appear here?

   (end of this chapter)

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