Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 271: Beware of misfortune coming out of your mouth

   Chapter 271 Beware of misfortune coming out of your mouth

   Everyone burst into laughter, and finally, because of Song Lin's fluttering eyes, they all restrained.

   How could they forget that the Zuoqiu family's patriarch is already Master Song's apprentice.

   I hope Master Song will not put them on shoes because of this.

"Teacher, it's mediocre not to be envied by others. In the future, you should be calm. If you don't mess yourself up, the enemy will not find the opportunity to attack you." Song Lin said to Shangguan Mei with a smile, and then his eyes fell on Liu When Yu Kai was on his body, it gradually became cold.

  Liu Yukai didn't change his face, but his back suddenly stiffened. Why did he feel like he was surrounded by poisonous snakes just by looking at him?

   "Teacher, it's almost time, it's time for you to leave." When Song Lin finished speaking, everyone suddenly heard the sound of a helicopter.

   went out, but saw a plane suddenly parked in the open space in front of Zuoqiu's house, with a totem symbolizing the Mo family printed on the fuselage.

   Shangguan Mei was even more proud, and looked around, but unfortunately, Liu Wanmei was not there, "It's my future father-in-law. He said that he was worried that I would be in danger by flying alone, so he had to send a special plane to pick me up."

   Her gaze swept around, and finally, it landed on Zuo Qiuran.

   "Sister, you grew up in the country and haven't been to the imperial capital yet. I only have your sister, why don't you go with me and be my bridesmaid."

   Shangguan Mei was just polite and polite. She really didn't want to invite Zuo Qiu Ran to be a bridesmaid, and she didn't want to let her go to the imperial capital with her. She thought Zuo Qiu Ran would definitely refuse, after all, they both hated each other.

  Unexpectedly, Zuo Qiuran nodded, "Okay."

"What did you say?"

   "I said yes." Zuo Qiuran nodded again, and then took the lead in getting on the plane. At the window, the Garfield in her arms just showed its head, and looked at Shangguan Mei with contemptuous eyes.

Shangguan Mei wanted to go up and drag Zuo Qiu Ran down, but because Song Lin was still there, and Master Xin was watching her, she must not let him think that she was jealous, that even a younger sister couldn't stand it, and she went back on her word. .

"Master, my sister is still young and doesn't know the rules, so she went up one step ahead of you. I hope you don't mind. I'll talk about her later." Shangguan Mei wanted to appear to be very knowledgeable, but unfortunately, some people didn't allow it. .

"Tsk tsk, everyone in Qingcheng in Wuqing knows that Master Chen is so fond of Second Miss Zuoqiu, but you are indifferent to Zuoqiu Patriarch like a stranger. Under such circumstances, Zuoqiu Patriarch can still stay with Second Miss. So kind, I don't know if she is used to acting, or is she really a Virgin enough to give up her future husband?"

   Liu Yukai felt Shangguan Mei's killing intent towards him, but so what? After all, he is also the person of the second young lady now, so he can't watch the little master being bullied and do nothing, right?

   "Mr. Liu, be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth." Shangguan Mei was in a hurry to get on the plane, so she didn't argue with Liu Yukai.

   On the plane, Shangguan Mei, Song Lin, and the entourage brought by Song Lin sat on one side, and Zuo Qiuran sat on the other side.

   "Sister is getting married, don't you tell her mother? As a mother, she should really hope to see her get married, right?" Zuo Qiuran touched Garfield and said suddenly.

   Shangguan Mei didn't expect that she would suddenly mention Sun Shuyi at this time, she quickly turned to look at Song Lin, and she was relieved to see that he was closing his eyes and resting, so he probably didn't hear Zuo Qiu Ran's words.

   (end of this chapter)

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