Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 237: Do you want to try and see if I'm still

   Chapter 237 Do you want to try to see if I am still me?

   "So, the people who came that night were from Tiandaomen?" Zuo Qiuran looked at Mo Yichen.

   Before Mo Yichen could respond, Yan Yibin's voice sounded again, "What? They have already come?"

After a pause, he turned his eyes to Mo Yichen, looked up and down, "Hei Tu, how are you? Is there any injury? If you are injured, you must tell me, and I will definitely find the best medicine for you. You must not be ashamed of yourself, you have to…”

   The corners of the mouths of the people in the room twitched.

   "It looks like you are recovering well." Mo Yichen swept his eyes coldly, "You still have the strength to say so much."

   In the end, since Yan Yibin went online again, in order to shut him up, Mo Qi was responsible for telling him about the attack that night.

Yan Yibin had a horrified expression on his face, "Seize the house? Did I hear it right? Does anyone still understand this thing? I only heard it from the old people in the family when they told stories. You won't be possessed by some kind of demon, will you..."

   Another blah blah blah.

   Mo Yichen's patience was finally announced.

   "Would you like to try to see if it's me or not?"

There was a cold light in his eyes, which made Yan Yibin tremble, his throat made a swallowing motion, shook his head, and said with a smile: "I have been your brother for so many years, how could I not recognize you, you It is black soil, if it is fake, there is no need to prove it."

   In the next time, several people discussed the current situation based on Yan Yibin's intelligence.

"If you say that the people you see colluding with Zuo Qiuhan are really people from Tiandaomen, then that means that if you can't bring people here, it's not necessarily because of desireless things, but it's probably because you want to talk to Zuoqiuhan. The Qiu family is connected? And the reason why they are so stiff now is that they are acting as a show for others to see?" It is rare for Mo Qi to say so many things at once.

Mo Yichen shook his head, "It can't be impossible, have you forgotten the civil strife in Tiandaomen? You can't be the most direct victim, and since then, I have hated all ghosts and soul-cultivators, not to mention stealing quit."

  Yan Yibin also nodded, "Well, Hei Tu is right, I have seen him once, and his figure is nothing like the man in black that I saw that day."

   Zuo Qiuran suddenly thought of the abandoned factory, the man who briefly looked at her and whose strength was comparable to hers.

   "Uncle, have you seen the head of Tiandaomen?"

   Mo Yichen nodded, "I have seen him, you doubt him?"

   "How old is he?" Zuo Qiuran asked again.

   Mo Yichen thought for a while, "Tiandaomen just held his 100th birthday the year before last."

   Then it's not him.

Zuo Qiuran looked at Mo Yichen, "The other day I found a man in an abandoned factory, he... has a very strange aura, he has long hair and can't see his face clearly, but he should be a young man with a strength equal to I'm almost."

   What she didn't say was that the man's aura was very similar to hers, which was why the two of them were obviously hostile to each other at that time, but neither of them did anything.

  Mo Yichen frowned, "Be careful going out in the future. If you encounter that person again, let me know as soon as possible, and don't act rashly."

   He knows that his girl has extraordinary abilities, but the most common thing in this world is that there are people outside people, and there are heavens, especially he just felt the cautiousness in the eyes of the girl, which shows that the man is very difficult to deal with.

   Zuo Qiu Ran nodded, "Don't worry, I know it."

   (end of this chapter)

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