Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 236: lion open mouth

   Chapter 236 The Lion's Big Opening

  City Lord Xu deliberately sold out, and only slowly spoke when Liu Wanmei's anger reached the peak.

   "It's the tomb of Emperor Tang."

Liu Wanmei frowned, "Emperor Tang's tomb? What are you kidding me? Emperor Tang has been missing for so many years, no one knows whether he is alive or dead, but now he suddenly discovered his tomb, or I just bought it and want to develop it. Under the project's land?"

  Liu Wanmei thought this was a big joke.

  Because if it is really the tomb of Emperor Tang below, she knows that with the identity of Emperor Tang and his influence on the martial arts world, her land is definitely to be given up, and there can be no objection.

  Otherwise, she would be drowned by the spittle of those loyal fans of the Tang Emperor.

  City Lord Xu looked at Liu Wanmei disapprovingly, "Nice niece, this matter was determined by the president's office, how could it be fake, don't worry, your contribution to the martial arts world is known to the president's office and the people of the martial arts field."

Liu Wanmei sat down again and forced herself to calm down a little bit. If it was really the tomb of Emperor Tang, then there would be no room for retaliation. Since that was the case, why didn't she take this opportunity to fight for better interests for herself? ?

"Well, since it is the tomb of Emperor Tang, I have nothing to say. However, in order to buy this land, our Liu family spent almost all our financial resources and paid a lot of money. City Lord Xu wants to use this mere tens of millions of dollars. It's a bit too stingy to send me away, isn't it?"

  City Lord Xu no longer pretended to be stupid, and asked directly, "What does the niece want, you might as well say it directly."

   "I want the independent development right of the imperial capital Baisikou Bridge project." Liu Wanmei opened her mouth wide.

   City Lord Xu was stunned for a moment, and then he looked embarrassed, "My niece, will you have too much appetite? You should understand that I am just the city owner of our Wuqing City, and I can't control the imperial capital."

"You can't control it, someone can control it. Didn't you just say that the people run by the president still live in the City Lord's Mansion? Anyway, if you want me to give up the land, just consider my conditions carefully, I think in their hearts , Tang Huang should be more valuable than the Baisikou Bridge project."

   Liu Wanmei left after she finished speaking, she had the confidence that they would agree.

   Sure enough, it didn't take long for Liu Wanmei to receive a call from Xu Chengzhu, and the people in charge of the president agreed to hand over the Baisikou Bridge project to her.


   Qiuwuyuan, Yan Yibin, who had been in a coma for many days, finally woke up.

   "Where's the black soil?" A hoarse voice sounded. He didn't seem to have any energy yet, but he insisted on sitting up and wanted to get out of bed to find someone.

   Mo Wu held him down, "Young Master Yan, I've already had someone inform you."

  Yan Yibin had no strength in his legs because he had been lying on the bed for so many days. As soon as he stood up, he fell back on the bed. He had no choice but to wait. This process made him extremely anxious.

   About five minutes later, Mo Yichen was pushed in by Zuo Qiuran, followed by Mo Qi.

   "Black soil, the people who attacked me were from Tiandaomen. They colluded with Zuoqiu's family and wanted to kill you." Yan Yibin anxiously told the truth.

   This news surprised both Mo Wu and Mo Qi.

   Only Zuo Qiuran and Mo Yichen remained calm.

   "Tell me about the process of your injury first, you're just looking for the green silk fruit, how could you make yourself into this virtue?" Mo Yichen asked.

  Yan Yibin had to explain in detail how he discovered the trace of the person who stole the green silk fruit from him, how to track it, and how he was discovered.

   (end of this chapter)

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