Chapter 231 Jail

  Mo Yi's eyes widened, this is exactly what he was going to say next, how did the second lady guess it by herself?

   "Second miss, how do you know that the Zuoqiu family is on first-level alert? They even dispatched dark guards."

   Zuo Qiu Ran took another bite of the crystal bag, then waved to Mo Yichen, "Uncle, enough is enough, I can't eat any more."

  Mo Yichen's chopsticks paused in mid-air, and still sandwiched the crystal into Zuo Qiuran's bowl.

   "Eat one more, you've eaten too little." After he finished speaking, he raised his big hand, rubbed Zuo Qiuran's head, and added, "Be obedient."

   Mo Yi was a little hungry at first, but now he is suddenly a little full.

   Zuo Qiuran pouted, but still ate the crystal packet, and then replied to Mo Yi's words.

   "Go... Zuo Qiuhan got the treasure, so she is naturally afraid of others to **** it. Moreover, she has suffered a lot of setbacks recently, and she is eager to increase her strength. I guess she is holding the treasure in a corner to study and cultivate."

   "Second miss, you guessed right again, Mo Wei did come to report that the head of the Zuoqiu family is not in the mansion now."

After    finished speaking, Mo Yi suddenly felt something was wrong, "Second miss, why don't you ask what the treasure is?"

   Mo Yi's face was written with the words 'you ask, I will tell you when you ask'.

   "Alchemy furnace?"

   Mo Yi's expression froze. He was so excited that he was about to announce the news that he had finally found out to the world, but it felt really bad to find out that everyone else already knew it.

Zuo Qiu Ran looked indifferent and continued: "The ancestors of the Zuo Qiu family were famous for their medicine, so it is not surprising that what the ancestors left behind was an alchemy furnace. Now that the martial arts world has declined, alchemists are even rarer. If Zuo Qiuhan becomes an alchemist, he will be able to walk sideways in the martial arts world in the future."

  Mo Yichen raised his head, "With me here, you can also walk sideways in the martial arts world."

   His girl, as it should be.

   Zuo Qiu Ran wanted to say that without you, I could walk sideways, but when she looked at Mo Yichen's deep eyes and saw the flickering love inside, she involuntarily took her words back.

   nodded, "Hmm."

   Mo Yi felt that his blood tank was empty. He felt that he should report as soon as possible and leave here.

"In addition, the Zuoqiu clan elders held an emergency meeting last night. Except for the four elders who were out and did not return, everyone else agreed to deal with Sun Shuyi and Song Yan for treason, but three hours ago, Song Yan was suddenly arrested. The people from Zuoqiu's family are looking for him."

   Zuo Qiuran frowned, "Where's Sun Shuyi?"

   "She was taken away by Bureau Sun, ready to wait until the evidence is complete to formally file a case against her for murder."

   Zuo Qiuran got up and went back to the room. When he came out again, he had a document bag in his hand and threw it to Mo Yi.

   "Give this to Bureau Sun."

   "What is this?" Mo asked consciously.

   Zuo Qiuran smiled mysteriously, "Evidence."

   Soon, Mo Yi saw how powerful the so-called evidence was, because not long after he handed the document bag to the Sun Bureau, Sun Shuyi was formally arrested and charged with murdering his own daughter and embezzling public funds.

   Inside the detention center, Sun Shuyi was still waiting for her man and her daughter to rescue her. She never imagined that one day she would become a murderer and be a prisoner.

   And she never thought that the first person to see her since she was detained was actually Zuo Qiu Ran.

   "Why are you?" The first time Sun Shuyi saw Zuo Qiu Ran, she subconsciously felt a sense of resistance and disgust. She wanted to turn around and go back, but was forcibly pressed on the chair by the prison guards.

I fell asleep and had a dream. I dreamed that I didn’t update myself. I was so scared that I woke up immediately. When I saw it, I really forgot to set the timing. I quickly got up and updated this chapter. dream beautiful

   (end of this chapter)

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