Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 230: Treasure advancement

   Chapter 230 Treasures are born

  I thought the farce was finally over, because Shangguan Mei was not feeling well, so the second elder, as the representative of the Zuoqiu family, apologized to everyone present, but before the words were finished, the Zuoqiu family was forbidden to start another incident.

  The ground began to shake, more and more violently.

"How is this going?"

   While trying to stabilize their bodies, everyone looked in the direction of the forbidden area in surprise.

   I saw a faint glow in the center of the forbidden area.

   "Could it be that the legendary treasure is about to be born?" Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

  Everyone in the Zuoqiu family knows that there are treasures hidden in the forbidden area, which were left by their ancestors, but no one knows what it is, because no one has ever obtained it for so many years.

  Shangguan Mei's situation improved a lot after the skeleton was taken away by Sun Bureau's people. At this time, she ignored all the uncomfortable feelings and looked at the forbidden area excitedly.

   She finally waited for this day.

   There is also Liu Wanmei who is also greedy. She really wants to thank the person who told her to come here tonight, otherwise, she may miss a peerless treasure.

   Everyone was heading towards the forbidden area, except Zuo Qiuran and Mo Yichen.

   "Uncle, it's very late, we should go back to sleep."

   He knew that Zuo Qiu Ran's words were purely superficial, but Mo Yichen still couldn't help but want to tease her, "Together?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran opened the car door for a while, then turned around and looked at Mo Yichen with a smile, "Okay, as long as uncle doesn't lose sleep anymore."

   Mo Yichen thought about the last time he had sleepless nights with the girl in the same bed, it was a torment from body to heart.

   "Cough cough." He coughed twice, touched his nose, and Mo Yichen changed the subject, "Ranbao doesn't want to go and see what treasures are in the forbidden area?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran didn't even look at the forbidden area, and got into the car directly, "It's mine, can't run away, it's not mine, and I don't care."

   That thing was seen when she first entered the forbidden area back then. It was indeed a treasure, but if it was placed in Shangguan Mei's hands, it would be a blessing or a curse.

   Hehe, she waited to see.

   "Mo Yi, release the news, Wuqing City has not been born with treasures for many years, so it's better to be lively." Zuo Qiuran looked out the window, the corner of her mouth smirked, but her apricot eyes were full of coldness.

   Mo Yi glanced at the rear-view mirror, and couldn't help but feel cold behind his back. Without saying a word, he quickly sent a few messages to let people spread the news of the birth of a treasure in the forbidden area of ​​Zuoqiu's family to each family.


   After a night of silence, Zuo Qiuran woke up the next day and sat at the dining table for breakfast with Mo Yichen while listening to Mo Yi's report.

   He said and made gestures. He didn't sleep all night, but he was full of energy, and the words "gossip" were written all over his face.

"You mean, go... Zuo Qiuhan did not hesitate to offend the major families at the same time in order to get the alchemy furnace, and also injured a lot of people?" Zuo Qiu Ran really didn't expect that Shangguan Mei would be able to do it for that. The stove used can actually do this.

   At the same time offending the major families, if the Zuoqiu family can always maintain their current strength and become the first family in Wuqing City, it is nothing but a deterrent.

   But once the Zuoqiu family began to go downhill, the incident last night was the fuse that led to the attack of the Zuoqiu family.

   But these Zuoqiu Ran didn't care. She took a bite of the crystal bag that Mo Yichen had clipped to her, and asked, "Has the Zuoqiu family been on alert level 1 and declined visitors?"

   (end of this chapter)

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