Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 226: Secret method

   Chapter 226 Secret Law

  Sun Shuyi and Shangguan Mei could only choose to shut up. At this time, Zuo Qiuran spoke again.

   "Uncle, I heard that there is a secret method that can be applied to bones to recognize relatives?" She looked at Mo Yichen, a pair of apricot eyes was the brightest scene at night.

   Mo Yichen instantly understood what Zuo Qiuran meant and nodded, "Well, Tiandaomen has such a secret technique."

  I couldn't receive Mo Yichen's eyes, and I instantly understood that my feelings called him here tonight, just to recognize this skeleton?

Implementing the secret technique requires some preparation time. During this process, the 'girl ghost' stared at Shangguan Mei with resentment and jealousy, and kept mumbling, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't die, why should you enjoy it with peace of mind? Everything now, why?"

   Everyone couldn't help but muttered in their hearts, but because of the identity of the head of the family, they didn't dare to show too much.

   Zuo Qiu Miao and Chu Jiang looked at each other.

   "Sixth Master, who do you think did this game tonight?" Chu Jiang asked in a low voice.

   Zuo Qiu Miao shook his head slightly, but his eyes fell on Zuo Qiu Ran. His intuition told him that this matter had nothing to do with this girl.

   At this moment, the 'Ghost' seemed to sense something, raised her head sharply, and looked at the woods ahead to the right.

   "Dad..." Then, she looked at Sun Shuyi, "Mom, Dad is here too. Would you let him come out and meet me? I miss him so much."

"Don't talk nonsense, who asked you to frame me here? I am the wife of Zuoqiu's family, how could it be your mother? My husband has been dead for many years, how can I know your father? If you ruin it again My reputation will ruin the reputation of my Zuoqiu family, and I will make you beat up!" Sun Shuyi is very good-natured, she has not learned anything else in the past few years, but she often does things with cruel words, and she is very handy.

"Hehe, whether it's a false accusation or not, let someone go over there to see if you can find out. If there is no one, it will prove Mrs. Zuoqiu's innocence. If there is someone..." Liu Wanmei smiled deeply and waved her hand behind her. , the people she brought immediately rushed in the direction of the grove, and no one else could stop them.

   Soon, they came back, but they brought back not one person, but a group of men.

   is Song Yan leading a team of Zuoqiu family escorts.

"Miss Liu, you are going too far. I was ordered by the master and my wife to bring people to support me, but you brought us here like prisoners. What do you mean?" Song Yan threw off the clamp man with his arm.

   Liu Wanmei didn't speak, she just looked at the 'girl ghost', sure enough, the 'girl ghost' spoke up in the next second.

   "Dad, I miss you so much, Dad, why haven't you come to see me in the past three years? You used to love me the most."

  The ghost has no tears, but at this time everyone can feel the sadness of the "female ghost", her soul is crying.

  Song Yan frowned, he came late, he didn't know what happened, "Who are you?"

   "I'm Meier, Dad, what's wrong with you, don't you recognize me?" The 'Ghost Girl' seemed to want to go, but there was a talisman on her body and she couldn't move.

  Song Yan subconsciously glanced at Shangguan Mei next to him, and exchanged glances with Sun Shuyi, guessing the situation in front of him, he and Sun Shuyi had the same reaction.

   "You're mistaken, I'm not your father."

   At the same time, Song Yan also realized that other people looked at him strangely.

   I went out to mail you dolls early in the morning before I got home, this chapter is a little late, don’t mind my babies, I love you guys

   (end of this chapter)

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