Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 225: live streaming

   Chapter 225 Live

mother? !

   Everyone looked at Sun Shuyi with differences in their eyes.

  Sun Shuyi is not so scared now, she flicked away the support she should have, and glared at the 'girl ghost', "Don't talk nonsense! Who is your mother!"

The 'Ghost Girl' lowered her head, very sad, her voice was low, and it was not difficult to hear the loss, "Mom, do you really not recognize me? The ghost messenger said, a lonely soul like me who has no family to worship. Wild ghosts, even if they enter the ghost realm and enter the reincarnation, it is difficult to be human again, and there is a high probability that they will be accompanied by livestock, mother, I don’t want that, I am afraid.”

   Zuo Qiuran, who has been watching the play, has a cute face, but he couldn't help but complain in his heart. I didn't expect that Xie Quan would pretend to be pitiful and sympathetic.

   Indeed, the remarks of the "female ghost" have indeed won the sympathy of many people. Who wants to be reincarnated as an animal in the next life after death, and even cook other people's snacks?

   "Mom, as long as you and Dad erect a monument in your name and burn some paper money, I can fight for the chance to be reincarnated as a human again."

   The 'Ghost Girl' looked up at Sun Shuyi again.

Sun Shuyi directly swears in anger, "You fart! Who knows where you are a lonely ghost, you actually want to have a relationship with me, my daughter is here, her name is Zuo Qiuhan, the head of the Zuoqiu family, and she also Live well."

"Mom, I'm Shangguan Mei, your Mei'er, why don't you recognize me!" Suddenly, the 'girl ghost' became angry again, her eyes glowing red, "She is a daughter, but so am I Ah, for the power of the Zuoqiu family, you keep claiming that I am your niece, and I recognize it, even if I can only call you mother in a place where no one is there, as long as you want me, I will recognize it, but why? , why did you sacrifice me for her!"

   The words of the 'girl ghost' fell, and he rushed to the position of Shangguan Mei in anger, full of murderous aura.

  Jingchen hurriedly used an immobilization amulet to fix her in place.

When Liu Wanmei was the closest person to Sun Shuyi's mother and daughter, she chuckled sarcastically, "Tsk tsk tsk, the number one lady in Wuqing City, a well-known wife and mother in the martial arts world, she was so unwilling to be lonely, a thief even gave birth to a daughter. Now, it’s still so big, I really don’t know if the former Zuoqiu Patriarch knew that he had been wearing a cuckold for a long time, would he be angry and come back to life?”

   Shangguan Mei was feeling uncomfortable, and even more irritated when she heard Liu Wanmei's words, she slapped her without thinking.

"Shut up!"

  Liu Wanmei didn't expect Shangguan Mei to suddenly attack her. When she reacted, she only felt a dull pain on her face and the corners of her mouth were sticky. After wiping it with her hand, it was blood.

   She laughed instead of being angry, "Hehe, Zuo Qiuhan, you dare to hit me? Look there."

   Liu Wanmei pointed in Zuo Qiuran's direction, and saw that she was holding her phone, and the camera was aimed at them.

   "Your good sister has been streaming live. I wonder how the majority of netizens will feel when they see your brain-damaged behavior?"

   Shangguan Mei and Sun Shuyi were both angry and shouted at Zuo Qiuran: "You bitch, shut down the live broadcast soon!"

   Zuo Qiu Ran didn't respond, and the two of them couldn't make a ripple in her heart now.

   But Mo Yichen couldn't stand it. How could he allow others to scold the person he cared for at the top of his heart?

   "Having the word 'cheap' on his lips all day long, this is the tutor of the Zuoqiu family who was once famous in the martial arts world?" Mo Yichen's tone was light, but his eyes were sharp.

   (end of this chapter)

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