Lord Harland

Chapter 246 Creating Research on Elemental Magic

Richard discovered through experiments that if six points of mental power are invested, iron metal will be generated, if twelve points of mental power are invested, copper metal will be generated, and if eighteen points of mental power are invested, silver metal will be generated. Once the mental power invested exceeds two At fourteen o'clock, about one kilogram of gold metal will be generated.

Gold is a very precious precious metal. Even though its value is not as high as gold coins of the same quality, one kilogram of gold is worth about thirteen gold coins and four silver coins.

According to Richard's estimation, the rate at which his mental power can be converted into magic power is higher than that of ordinary people. A normal magician who wants to use creation to create gold would have to invest about thirty points of mental power.

In order to verify his conjecture, Richard asked Sophia and Wendy to learn the art of creation, and devoted all his mental energy to release this spell.

Wendy's mental strength is still slightly insufficient, so she can only wear a star necklace to release powerful creation spells.

Through continuous research and testing the strength of mental power, Richard found that Sophia needed to consume about 27 points of mental power to make gold, and Wendy needed to consume 29 points of mental power.

Why would different metals be produced by applying different magic powers?

Why do different people need to invest different mental energy to create different metals?

Why is the magical structure of Creation so special?

Richard's strong desire for knowledge made him particularly want to understand the principles behind it.

In the knowledge that Richard learned in his previous life, elements are a general term for atoms of the same type with the same number of protons.

Atoms are composed of nuclei and electrons, and nuclei are composed of protons and neutrons.

Endless matter is composed of different combinations of two basic types of matter, namely nuclei and electrons.

Among them, the positively charged nucleons are protons, the uncharged nucleons are neutrons, and the electrons are negatively charged.

What keeps protons and neutrons together in the nucleus is cohesion.

But the interior of the atomic nucleus is still unstable, because half of its nucleons are positively charged protons, which causes two opposite forces to exist in the nucleus: one is the surface tension that binds the nucleons together, and the other is the nuclear force. The repulsive forces between the charged parts tend to split the atom into several pieces.

If surface tension prevails, the nuclei will not split apart on their own, and two such nuclei will tend to come together and fuse when they come into contact with each other;

If the repulsive electric force prevails, the nucleus will tend to split itself into two or more pieces that fly away at high speed. This splitting process is called fission.

However, whether it is fusion or fission, it requires extremely strong influence to be possible.

Assume that the microphysics of the Dawn Plane is also an atomic structure, but among protons, neutrons and electrons, there is another kind of basic particle, magic energy particle.

Magic energy particles exhibit various magic effects through special operating rules.

Although the conditions are not yet mature for studying the rules of the operation of magic energy particles.

However, you can study the spell structure of Creation and create new spells.

From the knowledge he learned in his previous life, Richard knew that the number of electrons in the outermost shell of atoms of metallic elements is small, generally less than four; the number of electrons in the outermost shell of atoms of non-metallic elements is larger, generally greater than four.

Why can the art of creation create metal? This may be the key factor.

In addition, there is a magic water-making technique, which can also create things out of thin air, creating hydrogen and oxygen elements.

With doubts in his mind, Richard set up a research team and organized the most thoughtful magicians in the territory to calm down and study the structure of these two spells.

By splitting the two spell structures, Sophia keenly found the key points and discovered the most critical basic spell structure, which can bring together different elements. Using this most basic spell structure, Sophia creatively added a new spell structure and developed a four-ring spell, gold manufacturing.

After releasing this magic, it consumes ten points of spiritual power and can produce about 500 grams of gold.

An ordinary four-ring magician with a mental power of around 16 points can cast a four-ring magic gold manufacturing technique, which can produce gold worth about six gold coins and eight silver coins.

If the mental power is consumed too much, it will take an ordinary magician about three or four days to recover without using potions to restore mental power.

A fourth-level magician who uses the gold-making technique once every three days can produce about 800 gold coins worth of gold in a year.

The Dawn Plane is a gold-magic crystal joint standard system. Both magic crystals and gold are extremely scarce resources. Because of the lack of gold-magic crystals, almost all regions are in deflation.

In a deflationary economy, asset prices fall and market demand slumps, which is very detrimental to economic development.

Hundreds of years ago, the Holy Glorious Empire wanted to break the status quo and issued parchment currency based on national credit.

However, firstly, the neighboring countries did not acknowledge the account, secondly, the anti-counterfeiting problem could not be solved, and thirdly, the rulers of the Holy Spirit Empire did not cherish the national credit and issued banknotes indiscriminately, destroying the most important circulation basis of parchment currency.

Various reasons led to the failure of the issuance of parchment currency.

Although the gold coins of various major kingdoms now have different weights, they are still mainly made from gold smelted into waste magic crystal powder.

Normally, it would be difficult for an ordinary fourth-ring magician to earn 800 gold coins a year.

If a magician of this level is not proficient in side jobs such as potions, enchantments, and alchemy, and is placed in the main army, his normal salary is about one hundred and twenty gold coins.

But the fourth-ring magician is considered a big shot in a region. He relies on protecting some businessmen, and his annual income adds up to between three and four hundred gold coins.

Before William became a hereditary noble, his annual income was only three hundred gold coins, including the shares donated by his uncle Goland. Including Mrs. Ola and Powell running part of the business, and Bernie's military salary, the Harland family, which was not divided at the time, had an annual income of about 800 to 1,000 gold coins.

Now, as long as an ordinary fourth-ring magician learns this new spell, his income can be doubled immediately.

The gold created by the magician is equivalent to increasing the amount of gold put into the market, which is also very beneficial to easing deflation.

However, compared to gold manufacturing, iron, copper and even silver are metals with relatively large reserves. Using these three magics does not have that big economic benefit. But in special circumstances, the art of creating things out of thin air can play a very important role.

Because gold manufacturing technology has a very significant impact on the economy, Richard has no plans to make it public for the time being.

When Harland's territory develops to a certain level, with a large number of fourth-level magicians in the territory, and the family has a royal seal in their hands, which can prevent magicians from leaking secrets, Richard will be able to restrict the spread of this spell and use it to make gold. , to increase part of the income of Haaland Territory.

After Sophia created the gold manufacturing technology, Richard, Wendy and others also created the steel manufacturing technology, brass manufacturing technology, and silver manufacturing technology.

After mastering the elemental gathering structure, the magician can study different elements and create different magic structures to produce different elements.

If you delve deeper into the research, you can also refer to the water-making technique to create different elemental compounds. This research must be very promising in the magical world.

After inventing the new magic, Sophia's meditation speed immediately increased by about ten times. This rapid improvement, like an initiation, lasted for about two months.

Because the feedback from meditation is so good, the effect of meditation in just two to three months is equivalent to that of two to three years. However, the time for her to break through to the sixth level magician is still short, and it will take some time to accumulate before the meditation method can advance. According to the normal meditation speed, it will take about four to five years. Only by creating new magic again and researching new magic theories can the speed of advancement be accelerated.

After entering October, Richard began to patrol the territory, contacting the most grassroots free citizens and indentured servants, breaking the information cocoon set up for him by the bureaucrats, redressing the grievances of the people, and dealing with the bureaucrats who were corrupt, derelict in their duties, and oppressed the people.

By the end of this year, according to statistics from the civil affairs department, the Harland Territory already had a population of 258,000. Compared with last year, the population increased by about 28,000, of which 10,000 were Duke Richard Tongis. Purchased indentured servant.

Of the other 18,000 people, more than 1,000 are private slaves purchased by merchants in the Harland territory, and more than 1,000 are outsiders who migrated into the territory in admiration.

Last year, there were approximately 15,000 newborns in the territory.

The fertility rate in Harland territory is about 5%.

Because they are well fed and clothed, the territory's high fertility rate has been maintained for ten years. Children under the age of twelve add up to more than 60,000 people, accounting for about 23% of the total population.

Whether they are private slaves purchased by merchants or migrant immigrants, they can only settle in agricultural planting areas such as Vicksburg and Malte Castle to prevent the core secrets of the territory from being leaked. Only a small number of outsiders can pass the review of the territorial intelligence department and enter the core castles such as Fort William and Fort Sophia. They must also undergo strict supervision and can only move in specific locations and cannot wander around at will.

For example, private slaves purchased by merchants in Fort William must not appear in confidential places such as the City Lord's Mansion, Riverbank Elementary School, research institutes, and laboratories. If something goes wrong, many people will be held accountable by law.

Fort William, Sophia, Marsh Basin and other secret-related departments have soldiers on guard and patrolling.

After so many years of education and bloody lessons, both freemen and indentured servants have developed the habit of staying away from secret-related departments. To avoid being too curious and breaking taboos, he would be thrown into the mine and become food for the orcs.

The area of ​​Harland's territory is already quite large, with more than 18,000 square kilometers of land and about a hundred villages of various sizes. In addition, there are various factories and mines. It would take two months to visit each village. about.

After Richard returned to Fort William after inspecting the territory, it was already mid-December, not far from the goddess's birthday.

Before the Goddess' Day, Richard first summarizes this year's income and expenditure. He summoned the bureaucrats from the territory to the city lord's palace to count this year's income and make a budget for next year.

The first one to report was still Gibson. He was William's butler and a distant member of the Harland family. He was William's cousin according to his seniority.

Because Richard and William have not separated, William's territory has always been managed by Richard. Although Gibson has no position in the Harland territory, his status is very high, second only to Richard's uncle Roger, and is considered a civil servant. The number two character in.

"The business of Black River Castle is very good this year, with a net profit of 2,400 gold coins. However, this year Mrs. Ola spent 5,000 gold coins to purchase a manor. The manor has about 1,300 acres of farmland and 160 slaves. It is close to the river and has waterwheels to irrigate the farmland. It is a very high-quality property. If the owner of the manor had not planned to live in the royal capital, it would have been impossible for us to purchase this property. After purchasing the manor, there is not much in the treasury of Heihe Fort. For working capital, Mrs. Ola also owes a short-term debt of one thousand gold coins.”

Gibson talked eloquently and introduced the various businesses of Black River Fort clearly.

After William became a hereditary baron, the Harland family's business in Black River Castle developed rapidly. Mrs. Ola not only owned a large number of properties for rent, but also owned hotels, chain pubs, woolen clothing stores, grain stores, shoe stores, and cobbler shops. Outside the city, there are farms, waterwheel mills, four-wheel carriage transport teams, and a large mercenary force dedicated to serving Mrs. Ola.

Mrs. Ola has a hand in almost every business that makes money.

In the past few years, the territory had been unable to make ends meet, and cash had to be withdrawn from Mrs. Ola every year. As a result, Mrs. Ola dared not speak out. As soon as she had money in her hand, she immediately borrowed money to invest, fearing that Richard would borrow it and the meat bun would beat the dog.

Mrs. Ola planned to leave this property to her children to inherit, and Richard knew this in his heart. Of course he would not object to his younger siblings inheriting this property. As long as he does not compete with Richard for the inheritance rights of the William Territory, Richard will try his best to meet some of the property requirements.

After Gibson, it was Richard's cousin Tang En who reported.

Don En is responsible for the agricultural work in Harland Territory.

Agricultural income is the bulk of a territory. The same goes for Haaland territory. It's just that Richard uses his agricultural income every year to buy slaves, which is reflected in the cash flow, as if agriculture has no income.

In fact, thanks to the indentured slaves purchased through agricultural accumulation, coupled with the population brought about by the war, Baron Cisse compensated the population, and the Harland territory could develop to its current level.

"Excluding this year's grain reserves, we sold 26,000 tons of grain in exchange for about 10,000 indentured servants. From the grain trade, there is no cash income this year."

"The growth momentum of the textile trade this year is very good. Wool spinning has brought a net profit of 26,000 gold coins, and the profit of cotton spinning is about 4,000 gold coins. Wool spinning plus cotton spinning, the net profit of the textile industry adds up to 30,000 gold coins, which is already The territory’s largest revenue. The most important point is that half of the revenue from textiles relies on the territory’s internal market and half on the outside.”

The head of the textile department was Scott, who invented a new textile machine that increased textile efficiency by more than eight times.

Because of his outstanding contributions, he was promoted by Richard to be in charge of the textile business.

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