Lord Harland

Chapter 245 Six-ring Magician

The Stopa family has domesticated purple-headed peaks for many years. Although they are familiar with the habits of purple-headed peaks, they have no idea of ​​researching antidote drugs because of their disregard for the lives of beekeeping slaves.

Anyway, they have enough strength to suppress the slaves, use the beekeeping slaves as consumables, and consume the lives of the beekeeping slaves in exchange for royal jelly and honey. As long as the purple-headed peak is profitable and not a loss, and can make a lot of profits, the Stopa family has not changed at all. Thoughts of ideas.

The Stopa family has always relied on consuming the lives of serfs in exchange for royal jelly. On the contrary, the doctors in Harland Territory have treated a large number of indentured slaves stung by Zitou Peak in recent years. They have summed up some treatment experience, discovered a plant that can relieve the bee venom of Zitou Peak, and developed Detoxification drugs.

In order to reduce the casualties of beekeeping contract slaves, Richard also customized a very thick leather jacket as a beekeeping suit, and made a gauze hat. While strengthening labor protection materials to reduce the number of stings, he also increased investment in medical treatment.

Over the past few years, although some indentured slaves were stung by Zitou Peak, they received good treatment and no one died.

Breeding Zitoufeng is no longer a life-threatening job, beekeepers have become more motivated, and the production of royal jelly is far higher than before.

In recent years, the indentured slaves who farmed Zitoufeng have become free citizens.

These free citizen beekeepers have accumulated rich experience and can be regarded as special technical talents. Richard offered the beekeepers a relatively high income of six silver coins per month.

After discovering the little queen bee, the beekeeper immediately reported the news. Sophia personally moved the new hive to Fort William. With the new queen bee, the production of royal jelly in the territory will increase, and the production of hemostatic ointment will also increase. .

Zitoufeng is highly aggressive and has a large range of activities. The two queen bees will also devour each other. The hives cannot be too close. Generally speaking, they should be placed twenty kilometers away.

The main reason why the Stopa family raised a queen bee back then was because the territory was not large enough.

In the past five years, through three main legion soldiers, the effect of the hemostatic ointment has spread throughout northern Xinjiang.

The production of ointments has increased, there is no shortage of sales, and the territory has another product that can earn gold coins.

Selling hemostatic ointment to other nobles, the profit is three times higher than that of the three main legions.

The royal jelly produced by the little queen bee this year is not a lot, but the amount of hemostatic ointment increased by 24,000, which increased the net profit by 2,000 gold coins.

According to the growth rate of the queen bee, it will take about three years to reach adult level. By then, the territory will have added 80,000 hemostatic ointments.

When the royal jelly produced by the little queen bee reaches the level of the adult queen bee, the revenue from the hemostatic ointment will be close to 10,000 gold coins. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

The income from the hemostatic ointment reaches 10,000 gold coins, which will undoubtedly be a very important income for the territory.

In addition, there are two hives in the territory, which greatly increases the probability of birthing a new queen bee. Now there is a large enough territory to avoid conflicts between hives. When a new queen bee is cultivated in the future, the hemostatic ointment can also bring in more income.

Richard secretly calculated that to fully satisfy the market in Northern Xinjiang, at least 300,000 copies of the hemostatic ointment would be needed, which would bring in a net income of more than 25,000 gold coins. If it monopolizes the large market of Grant Kingdom, it can bring 80,000 gold coins in revenue to the territory.

Although the market expectation of the burn ointment developed by Connie is not as good as that of hemostatic ointment, the therapeutic effect is not immediate and far inferior to that of hemostatic ointment.

But with the credibility created by selling hemostatic ointment, there will be no shortage of sales for burn ointment.

According to the hospital's estimate, if it can be sold on a large scale in northern Xinjiang, it can earn a profit of one to two thousand gold coins a year.

The income of one or two thousand gold coins is considered an important income even for the Harland territory. Hospital leaders attached great importance to Connie's research project and invested a lot of resources to assist Connie in completing her research.

The results are about to be seen during this period. Connie is feeling a little uneasy. In addition, she has been in love in recent months and has a lot to say to her brother Jennings.

But seeing that Zhan Ningsi was busy all day long, she could only hide what was in her heart.

"Brother, how many days can you stay in Fort William?"

"I only took one day off. I will go back tonight. I will go to He'an Elementary School to see your sister-in-law in a while. I will also go home to meet the child. It has been two months since the child was born, and I haven't seen the child yet."

After hearing this, Connie planned to tell Jennings about her boyfriend. But I was embarrassed, for fear of delaying Jennings’ time. After all, Jennings and Flora haven’t met yet, so the rest of the time should be left to his sister-in-law.

Connie pushed Jennings and said, "Then go quickly and don't keep my sister-in-law waiting."

Looking at his already slim sister, Zhan Ningsi suddenly discovered that Connie was twenty-two years old and had reached the age of marriage.

The families of Jennings and Connie are now the upper-class families in Harland Territory, second only to the lords.

Even if children from upper-class families get married later, they are already old girls at the age of twenty-two.

Thinking of this, Zhannings suddenly felt a little guilty. He had been busy with military affairs in the past two years, and he rarely cared about his wife, children or sister.

However, judging from the mainstream values ​​​​of the Dawn Plane, Jennings is undoubtedly a very good husband and relative. He has outstanding qualifications and extraordinary abilities. He has climbed to the top of the territory at a young age, and he does not have any messy problems such as eating, drinking, prostitution, and gambling.

At the age of less than thirty, he has already accumulated two great achievements. By the time he reaches middle age, he has a great chance to become a hereditary noble and bring his family to achieve a class jump.

The mainstream values ​​​​of the Dawn Plane, strength, official position, and self-struggle, are far more important than care, companionship, and love. Most people here do not have enough to eat and do not need love or moaning about illness. Their greatest success is to change the fate of their class and become hereditary nobles with noble blood.

Only by increasing your strength and being promoted to the nobility can you meet the requirements of mainstream values.

"Connie, you are twenty-two years old and have reached the age of marriage. Is there anyone you like?"

Connie smiled and said generously: "I was just about to tell you this. Greta is pursuing me, and I am quite satisfied with him. I have already taken Greta to meet my parents. When you have a holiday, I will I will take him to let you see him."

Greta is a magic apprentice who is one year behind Connie. She has been studying magic for five years and has advanced to a first-level magician a few days ago.

Normally, if a low-level magic apprentice breaks through successfully, it will take about six to ten years to meditate to become a formal magician. It took Greta five years to become a first-level magician, and she was already quite talented.

Today, the Harland Mage Association has twelve official magicians and more than thirty magic apprentices. It ranks ninth among the Grant Kingdom magic organizations, second only to the royal family and several duke families.

The great nobleman of Grant Kingdom only spreads magic knowledge to a few people, and the development of magic power is very backward.

The Harland family spreads magical knowledge on a large scale in the territory, and the Mage Association is still developing rapidly. Through the channels of Riverbank Primary School, new blood joins every year.

Because the Harland Mage Association does not communicate with the outside world and develops secretly in the swamp basin, outsiders do not know their strength. Although the Mage Association has been established for several years, the news that Richard has spread a lot of magical knowledge and cultivated magical power has not been leaked.

"Now that you have someone you like, I'll take a few days off next month, and you can bring the person over and let me take a look. If it's suitable, get engaged as soon as possible!"

After chatting with Connie for some time, Jennings left the hospital and returned home. After holding it in for several months in the military camp, he first made out with Flora.

Released the desire and entered the time of the sage. Jennings held Flora in his arms and talked to Flora about Connie's marriage.

Connie and Greta are both students at Riverbank Elementary School. Teachers at Riverbank Elementary School pay special attention to students with magical qualifications.

From principal Flora to ordinary teachers, what they care most about is whether these students have sound personalities and whether they have any anti-human or anti-social tendencies.

A magician with an antisocial personality is a time bomb for a territory and a huge trouble.

The teachers and principal of He'an Elementary School are the first line of defense for monitoring magic apprentices.

If a teacher or principal discovers a magic apprentice with an antisocial personality, Richard, Sophia and others will pay close attention and dispatch extraordinary talented intelligence personnel from the intelligence department to monitor the situation.

After having the evidence, the top leaders of the Mage Association will personally take action to break the mental space of anti-social personality apprentices to prevent anti-social magicians from growing up and threatening the security of the territory.

"I have been observing the child Greta for several years, and I know her character very well. This child has a relatively honest personality and a relatively average family background. Now she has become an official magician. If the marriage can come true, she will be a good match for our family. .”

Jennings only took one day off, and he will have to participate in training in person tomorrow morning.

In fact, with Zhan Ningsi's current status, no one in the Sixth Brigade can supervise him. Even if he doesn't go to the brigade headquarters for a few days and is found out by Richard, it is not a major problem. He will be fined one month's salary at most. Unless serious losses are caused, he will be held strictly accountable to scare the monkeys.

But if an officer wants to have prestige, it is a basic requirement to lead by example and follow orders and prohibitions.

A day off can only be one day.

Otherwise, if the battalion leader slacks off, the squadron leader will also slack off. If the squadron leader carries it, the soldiers will have to herd sheep.

An officer who cannot be strict with himself will certainly find it difficult to be strict with his subordinates.

Although he was very obsessed with his wife's soft and tender body, Zhan Nings gritted his teeth and climbed up, rode the wildebeest overnight on dozens of kilometers of mountain roads, arrived at the Flower Castle the next morning, and returned to the brigade headquarters to cancel his leave.

Although he had not slept all night, the strong physique of the fourth-level soldier made Zhannings not tired at all, and he easily completed the training with the soldier. Only by having strict requirements on yourself can you control the troops and command your subordinates.

Time passed day by day, and October arrived in the blink of an eye.

On the first day of October, following the prompts from the attribute panel, Richard finally advanced the meditation method to the ninth level and became a six-ring magician.

After becoming a sixth-circle magician, Richard has not yet learned the sixth-circle magic.

However, in recent years, despite being extremely busy every day, Richard has still learned many new spells.

The first is a ring of magic that enchants the weapon. This magic can pour magic into the weapon, which is regarded as an auxiliary magic. For example, if Richard poured fire-attribute magic power into an enchanted weapon, the weapon would have fire-attribute damage.

Although the structure of one-ring magic is simple, sometimes it cannot withstand too powerful magic output, and its efficiency in using magic is not as good as that of high-ring magic. However, when used at critical times, one-ring magic can still be of great use.

Even now, every time he fights with the enemy, Richard likes to use the first-level greasy spell, wooden winding and other control spells.

Then there are the second-level magics of Laughter, Blindness, and Ghost Hands.

The Laughing Technique can make the enemy laugh violently, affecting the enemy's ability to move. The Blindness Technique can blind people for a short time. The Ghost Hand can send out an invisible ghost hand to manipulate distant objects.

These three second-ring magics are all very practical spells, suitable for solo combat.

Richard, a three-ring magician, learned water breathing and body-holding techniques.

The water breathing method is a transformation spell. It can transform an organ similar to fish gills and move freely in the water in a short period of time. Immobilization is a single-target control magic, which is very useful when fighting alone.

Richard, a four-ring magician, learned optical invisibility, fire wall, roar, and short-distance teleportation.

Wall of Fire is an enhanced version of Fireball. It is more of a defensive spell, releasing a wall of fire to block enemies during combat.

The roar technique is similar to the lion's roar technique, which is a group sound attack technique.

As the name suggests, optical invisibility can make oneself disappear optically, which can sometimes play a unique role. However, this spell is detected by ultrasonic waves and restrained by the extraordinary talent of smell. If you rely too much on invisibility, you may suffer.

The short-distance teleportation spell can teleport ten kilometers. As long as Richard is within ten kilometers of the Tower of Flame, he can use this spell to escape immediately if he cannot defeat the enemy.

Richard, the five-ring magician, also learned two new magics: treasure chest in the spiritual world and creation.

The spirit treasure chest is a space magic that can open a spiritual space with fixed coordinates and store precious items in this space. But this spell is not absolutely safe, because there are special spiritual creatures in the spiritual world, and the precious items you store in the spiritual world may be taken away by the spiritual creatures.

The size of the second spiritual world treasure chest is not very large, and the standard magic is only about one-third of a cubic meter. Such a small size is far inferior to the internal space of the Star Bottle, and is not suitable for storing a large amount of materials.

Creation is a very special magic. A standard Creation can create a piece of metal from the air by consuming magic power.

Although he still doesn't understand the principle, Richard has been studying this spell during this time.

The creation of elements out of thin air is true alchemy.

When using this spell, different amounts of magic power will be generated, and different metals will be generated.

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