Lord Harland

Chapter 207 Necromancer

In March, the situation in northern Xinjiang finally stabilized.

Zachary commanded a legion of the Redeemers, stationed at Haddon Castle.

The news that Baron Harden is a member of the Venus family has not been leaked. On the surface, Baron Harden fled the territory because he was deeply involved in the rebellion and failed in the political struggle.

If King Roger is overthrown, there is still a possibility for Baron Harden to stand up within the Grant Kingdom system.

Baron Harden ran away with his family, and the three baronies of the Harden family became territories directly under the royal family. The two baronies in northern Xinjiang fell under the jurisdiction of Gascoigne Province.

Because Richard moved the people of the Baron of Harden away, the supply of the Redemptor Army became very difficult.

Zachary had no choice but to report it to the provincial consul of Gascoigne.

When the governor of Gascoigne Province received the news, he immediately felt that he was in great trouble.

It is difficult to do things across provinces, and Richard is also a famous thorn in northern Xinjiang.

When Baron Harden robbed the residents of Stopa, Geda Province, there was no way to hold him accountable. Now it is equally difficult to hold Richard accountable for this kind of thing.

There is no other way, the Redeemer Legion can only farm their own land.

If you fail to take political sides, you can only admit that you are unlucky. The troops now commanded by Zachary are like motherless children. They have to find ways to solve problems by themselves.

The position of the Redeemer Legion in Nolan is directly as front-line cannon fodder, and their treatment is not as good as that of the city defense army with weak combat effectiveness.

Unless you make military exploits, you will have a chance to stand up.

Especially during the reign of King Roger, it would be difficult to turn over.

No matter how hard it is and how much money they lose, if they want to survive in the Grant Kingdom, the failed nobles can only endure it and wait for the next king to find a way to change it.

Patience is a survival skill that nobles must possess. Another survival skill is surrender and compromise.

First-generation nobles like Richard tend to have very tough personalities, preferring to bend rather than bend, and will not endure or compromise. Most of the time, the first-generation nobles and the nobles who have been passed down for many years are almost two different political creatures, and it is difficult to integrate into the same circle of friends.

For example, the one with the best relationship between Richard and the nearby nobles is Baron Sharp. They are all the first-generation military nobles. Compared with their uncles, Baron Duck, Baron Rice and others, Richard and Sharp are more straightforward in character.

March is the season for spring plowing. After several generations of management, the Barony of Dirham has cultivated 160,000 acres of farmland.

In recent years, the orcs have chosen to invade from the Harland Valley and the Platos Mountains. The Barony of Dirham has suffered heavy losses and eventually lost its hereditary territory.

Because too many people were lost in the war, a large amount of farmland has been abandoned in recent years.

However, it is relatively easy to restore abandoned farmland to cultivation, far easier than reclaiming wasteland. With these 160,000 acres of farmland, Richard is not planning to cultivate wasteland this year. He has 16,000 strong laborers on hand, which is enough for Richard to resume production.

Not long after spring plowing began, Richard received unexpected news.

Twenty kilometers north of the military base, a large gray fog suddenly appeared.

A scout strayed into the thick gray fog and no news came back.

After receiving this information, Richard was shocked and his expression suddenly changed.

The action of going to the world of the dead to block the plane passage three years ago was an unforgettable experience for Richard.

In that battle, his body was almost taken away by the legendary lich and his soul was fused. Looking back now, I still feel scared.

Now that he heard the news about Gray Mist again, he couldn't help but think of the world of the dead.

Thinking of the world of the undead, Richard immediately paid attention to it and immediately wrote a letter to the Dawn Church in Geda Province to inform him of the unexpected situation.

I hope to get help from the church to solve this problem together.

The Church of Dawn is very powerful in the Grant Kingdom, with a legendary magician sitting in charge. If things really can't be handled, even if the sky falls, the big man will be the one to hold it up.

If he can't stand it anymore, Richard can take his family and subordinates to develop in other areas.

The Dawn Plane is vast and boundless, and there is always a safe place. With the current strength of the Harland family, you can live a good life wherever you go. Obtaining noble status is not too difficult.

After receiving the information sent by Richard, Dawn Church did not dare to neglect it. Provincial Bishop Deng Lejin personally led the team and brought four church personnel to the Harland territory.

Richard and Sophia were also prepared and went to check near the gray fog with the church staff.

Fort Depot is already the northernmost point of Harland's territory. Going further into an ownerless territory, there is no human habitation at all.

Twenty kilometers north from the military base, the terrain gradually sloped downwards, forming an intermountain basin of several hundred square kilometers.

Drainage in the basin is not very convenient and there are swamps everywhere.

Gray mist shrouded the swamp and appeared in everyone's sight.

There was no sound in the thick gray fog, and it was so quiet that nothing could be seen.

Seeing this gray fog, Richard immediately confirmed that it was related to the world of the dead.

"I have felt the power of the undead."

Denglerkin sighed, sat cross-legged and began to recite the holy words.

Richard had seen the power of the Holy Word with his own eyes.

This magical spell is very effective against undead creatures.

As the holy words were spoken, Denglejin's body emitted rays of holy light, which immediately dispersed the gray fog.

After the gray fog gradually dissipated, Richard found hundreds of undead creatures as far as he could see.

These undead creatures staggered towards the crowd, and there were still countless undead creatures behind them, hidden in the gray mist.

All the souls of the dead who heard the holy words were instantly liberated, and their souls turned into a line of blue smoke.

Although these undead creatures were all low-level skeletons and zombies, they were still numerous. According to Richard's estimation, there were at least several thousand.

Although Deng Lejin was a seventh-level priest, he had no chance of winning if he continued to consume.

If just a few pastors from Morningside Church come to investigate, accidents may happen due to carelessness.

But Pastor Denglerkin was accompanied by Richard, Sophia, Wendy and other members of the Harland Mage Association, and there were dozens of Warcraft Cavalry protecting Richard and others.

At Richard's order, the Warcraft cavalry unfurled their bows and arrows and shot arrows at the skeletons and zombies.

Unless the arrow hits the soul fire of the undead creature, it will have very little restraint on the undead creature.

Shooting off an arm bone or tibia will not affect the activities of the undead creatures at all. Only by crushing them completely and extinguishing the soul fire can the undead creatures be destroyed.

There are only a few archers who can hit the head and heart with every arrow.

Most of the Warcraft Cavalry's archery skills are roughly at the second level. This level is neither above nor below. Although it can aim at the opponent and hit the target, it is difficult to cause too much damage to the undead creatures.

Seeing that the arrow attack was not effective, the Warcraft cavalry urged the iron horned horses to shoot magic missiles.

The power of the magic missile is very good, and it can instantly beat the undead creatures to pulp.

However, the Iron Wild Horse could only release three or four rounds of magic missiles. After killing more than 200 undead creatures, it ran out of magic power and felt depressed.

Richard did not let the Warcraft Cavalry engage in close combat with the undead creatures.

The warcraft cavalry in Harland's territory are all carefully selected. Richard is not willing to put them in danger unless it is absolutely necessary.

Seeing the undead creatures approaching, the four church members who followed Denglerkin were all mid-level warriors. They all pulled out their enchanted swords and stood in front of Denglerkin.

Deng Lejin immediately released an auxiliary magic, the Holy Flame Attachment Technique. This fourth-level magic is a group auxiliary magic that can attach holy flames to enchanted weapons. The holy flames carry a trace of the power of divine fire, which is very lethal to undead creatures and has a very good effect.

After the spell was released, streaks of holy flames immediately ignited on the swords of the four church knights.

Four Dawn Church warriors raised their flaming swords and cut off an undead creature with a single sweep. The flames attached to the undead creature and immediately burned violently. In the blink of an eye, the undead creature was burned to ashes.

Whenever hit by the holy flame, the undead creature will immediately emit light golden divine fire, turn into a fireman in an instant, and the soul fire will be extinguished in an instant.

The four Dawn Church warriors were extremely brave and invincible, clearing a large area of ​​undead creatures in an instant.

Before Richard, Sophia and others took action, the number of undead creatures had been reduced by half.

However, at this moment, a strong mental wave suddenly came from the depths of the swamp and fell directly on the four Dawn Church warriors.

Their movements suddenly stopped and they screamed in pain. It was as if a needle had been inserted into the depths of his soul, and his brain seemed to have been emptied out instantly.

"Everyone, be careful, it's soul magic, mental whipping!"

Seeing this scene, Sophia seemed to have thought of something and immediately reminded everyone to be careful.

Soul magic has always been weird and unpredictable. It is not only difficult to learn, but also extremely difficult to defend against.

Because Richard received materialistic education in his previous life, he formed a complete three views. It was very difficult to learn this kind of idealistic magic.

The few soul magics he learned were almost all gifts from the Goddess of Dawn, which were equivalent to the divine spells released by priests. Richard's magical ability is roughly equivalent to the third level.

On the contrary, Sophia and Wendy did not accept complete materialist values, and it was easy for them to self-understand idealistic things. Learning soul magic was even easier.

The necromancer hiding in the dark used a soul spell to control the four Dawn Church warriors. The remaining undead creatures swarmed up and captured the four Dawn Church warriors.

Upon seeing this, Richard immediately released the second-ring magic Requiem.

A faint magical light fell on the four warriors. Their souls suddenly felt the warmth, and they immediately regained consciousness. They immediately waved the holy flame sword to drive away the undead creatures.

In the past two years, although Richard failed to advance, he also learned several new spells.

The first is the second-ring magic tracking technique.

Although this magic is of low level, it is very useful in actual combat.

It was thanks to Sophia's use of this magic that they found the rhino-horned beast, and obtained a very critical amount of funds by killing the rhinoceros-horned beast.

Sophia used the materials from the rhino-horned beast to refine a batch of Tenghui potions and cultivated the first backbone of the Harland territory. Without this backbone of soldiers, Harland Territory would not have developed so fast.

The second magic is the weakening ray. Anyone hit by this magic will immediately fall into a weak state. It is a very good field control spell.

If you want to capture a creature alive, ray of enfeeblement is definitely a very good spell.

The third magic is Dimensional Anchor, which is a typical four-ring magic that can block the opponent and open an extra-dimensional space.

The fourth magic is Lightning, which is also a four-ring magic with very powerful single-target damage.

After learning four new magics, Richard's combat effectiveness has improved to a higher level, and he has become more comprehensive in the battle of magicians.

Seeing that the mental whipping failed, the necromancer hiding in the dark took action again, and a powerful mental wave came from the depths of the gray mist.

This powerful spiritual force was directly aimed at Richard.

In an instant, Richard lost control of his body. Although he lost control only for a short moment, he realized the essence of this mental fluctuation.

Soul control, soul-based six-ring magic.

After using this spell, relying on powerful spiritual power, you can control your opponent from the soul.

If it is an ordinary four-ring magician, although his mental power is strong, his soul is also very condensed. Faced with the mind control of a high-level necromancer, it is impossible to resist it, and you will lose control of your body in an instant.

If this magic is aimed at Sophia and Wendy, it will be very troublesome for them to resist it.

If either Sophia or Wendy were in danger, Richard would immediately be in a hurry and unable to take action.

It's a pity that this spell is aimed at Richard. Richard's soul is very special, and the power of the three gods is hidden deep in his soul.

The God of Slaughter, the Goddess of the Dawn, and an unknown deity who made the panels.

These three gods are equivalent to signing a special soul contract with Richard. If you want to control Richard, you are equivalent to controlling the three gods.

Although the three gods are not in good condition, they have fallen, fallen into deep sleep, and disappeared.

But how could a nine-ring necromancer control three gods?

Moreover, Richard's mental power is very strong, already equivalent to an eighth-level magician, his will is very tenacious, and his resistance to soul spells is very high. Normally, anyone can resist this soul control spell.

Even the legendary Lich wanted to fuse his soul, but his soul was absorbed by the power of the God of Slaughter. This necromancer hiding in the dark is not even a legend. After using soul control on Richard, he was immediately counterattacked by magic.

In an instant, a powerful wave of mental power exploded, and a faint roar came from the depths of the swamp, and then all the undead creatures stood still.

The necromancers hiding in the dark were killed by the magic backlash, and the remaining middle and low-level necromancers were leaderless.

The Necromancer is notorious and is a wanted evil force in the Dawn Plane.

Whether it is the Church of the Seven Gods, the secular kingdom, or the magic organization, they are all enemies of the Necromancer.

The Necromancer has made too many enemies and has no allies in the Dawn Plane. He can only develop in the sparsely populated darkness.

These necromancers hiding in the swamp come from a necromancer organization called the Tower of Death.

The Tower of Death was hidden in Markhome Magic Kingdom some time ago. It may be the most dangerous place but also the safest. The Tower of Death actually disguised itself as a small magic organization and has been in Markhome Magic Kingdom for seventy or eighty years.

It's a pity that Bai Mi Yishu finally exposed his flaws and attracted the attack of the Magic Council.

Although the Tower of Death is not weak, it is far from comparable to the Magic Council. The leader of the Tower of Death, the legendary mage Tarasha, was killed by the Speaker of the Magic Council, Albert Sacco, and even his soul was lost to Albert, a fourth-level man. Magician Annihilation.

The Magic Council was so ferocious that the Tower of Death could not offend. The remaining necromancers hid themselves and, under the leadership of the nine-ring necromancer Savio, fled to the desolate Eagle Mountains to lie dormant.

Necromancers dare not approach the legendary black dragons and legendary ogres that occupy the east and west ends of the Eagle Mountains, so they can only choose to establish a foothold in the middle of the Eagle Mountains. I also didn't dare to get too close to the Orc Empire, so I carefully selected this mountain swamp basin.

Through some records, they discovered that a floating city fell in this area in ancient times. The ruins of the floating city had not yet been found. They had just built part of the mage tower, but they were discovered by scouts from the Harland territory.

The Tower of Death had no time to move, and was blocked at the door by Richard and the pastor of Dawn Church.

The Pastor of the Church of the Dawn was very restrained against the Necromancer. Even though Denglerkin was only at the seventh level, he suppressed Savio.

After being defeated by the Magic Council, there were only two high-level necromancers left in the Tower of Death. Savio fought against Denglekin, and Yula, another nine-ring magician, controlled the undead to fight against Richard and others.

Yura was proficient in soul control magic and wanted to control Richard's soul. However, the magic backfired and his mental space exploded.

When the nine-ring necromancer died and lost his powerful helper, Savio, the temporary leader of the Tower of Death, immediately made plans to escape.

As soon as he opened the dimensional space, he was pinned by a dimensional anchor from Richard.

The dimensional space cannot be opened, and it has to contend with Dunlekin's Holy Word. Seeing that there were fewer and fewer undead creatures under his command, Savio had no choice but to desperately release a nine-ring magic banshee's howl.

Banshee's Wail is a group soul attack spell that requires a lot of magic power.

After this magic was issued, even Deng Lejin had to stop reciting the holy words.

After seizing the opportunity, Savio immediately opened the space door and successfully escaped before Richard could stop him.

Although Savio managed to escape, the remaining magicians in the Tower of Death could only become prisoners.

There are more than twenty magicians in total, including one fifth-ring magician, six junior magicians, and the remaining dozen magicians are apprentices.

After capturing the prisoners, Deng Lejin used the power of power to interrogate these necromancers, and killed the necromancers who were full of blood debts. One five-ring, two three-ring, three two-ring, and four apprentices would be burned to death with the holy fire.

The remaining necromancers were not guilty of serious crimes, so Denglerkin let them live.

Savio had a dimensional bag on him, which took away some of the most precious resources.

However, as a legendary magic organization, the Tower of Death has a very deep foundation. It not only seized a batch of magic materials for building the mage tower, but also a lot of undead magic information.

Although the Necromancer is evil, his research on the mysteries of the human body is at the forefront.

Lawful organizations such as the Harland Territory and the Church of the Dawn will not conduct magic experiments on human bodies on a large scale. Although they can also conduct anatomy research, they usually only dissect executed prisoners. Occasionally, some enemy soldiers who died in battle were dissected.

In terms of research on the mysteries of the human body, the Church of Dawn is actually far inferior to the Tower of Death. In addition to human experiment data, Richard also found some magic books, which recorded many soul spells.

These soul spells complete the foundation of the Harland Mage Association.

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