Lord Harland

Chapter 206 Get rich instantly

Legendary magicians have many methods of resurrection. The first one is the seven-ring magic resurrection technique. However, to use this spell to resurrect, the corpse must be intact and the soul must be attached to the corpse.

Duke Brenner killed Elena, and the Grant family would of course burn Elena's body to prevent the Venus family from using resurrection magic to resurrect Elena.

Even Elena's soul was scattered by Duke Brener's powerful sword power.

The legendary magician also has a legendary magical soul parasitism technique, in which half of the soul is placed on a piece of magic equipment.

However, this spell has a lot of weaknesses. It will lose half of the soul and memory. The magician who uses this spell to revive is quite troublesome to recover.

Elena also has another clever method of resurrection. She once obtained a page of the Book of Artifact Contract, and used this Book of Contract to sign a life-sharing contract with a legendary lich.

Her soul state is very special. She shares her soul and memory with the legendary lich through the Book of Contract. If the Lich had not been killed, Elena would not have died either. Her soul will reunite in the Realm of the Dead and then enter the Dawn Plane through a hidden plane passage.

Elena manipulated the bodies of many young members of the Venus family, and used some talented young members of the Venus family as props for resurrection.

As long as Elena's soul remains immortal, she can seize the young members of the Venus family.

The Venus family has been passed down for more than a thousand years. There are no less than hundreds of thousands of people with this family lineage. They are scattered in different countries. It is impossible to kill them all.

Only by killing the legendary lich and Elena together can the life-sharing contract be broken.

Although one can be reborn, the death of the body will severely consume the energy of the soul. The legendary lich who shares life with Elena cannot use the power of magic to fight for three years.

If Elena wants to restore the power of the legendary magician, it will take at least twenty years to gather the magic power.

After Elena was resurrected in a young girl, she immediately notified other important members of the family. All the heavyweight members of the Venus family knew about the method of Elena's resurrection.

The Venus family has developed rapidly in these years and gradually became prosperous. It can make waves in the Grant Kingdom and relies entirely on the legendary magician Elena.

Without Elena's support, the current strength of the Venus family is only slightly stronger than the four eastern Marquises, but not as powerful as the weakest Duke of Guise.

Elena's safety is the most important thing for the Venus family. After receiving information about Elena's situation, the Venus family immediately sent high-level professionals to protect her and hid her in a secret stronghold.

The Venus family has been operating this stronghold for a thousand years, and only a few high-ranking members know the location of the secret stronghold.

There is a mage tower in the stronghold, and a mid-range teleportation array has been built, which can teleport to 300 kilometers away. Even if someone discovers it, there will be enough time to escape, unless the legendary magician ambushes and hides in this secret stronghold. Elena's safety can be guaranteed under any circumstances.

After Charlemagne, Anthony, and Harden received the news of Elena's defeat, their faces immediately showed expressions of disbelief. They never expected that Duke Brenner would do this.

The powerful power accumulated by the Venus family in dormancy for more than a hundred years will be destroyed today.

Especially the Mad Lion Army commanded by Charlemagne, which was originally the regular army of the Grant royal family. Charlemagne relied on coercion, inducement, deceit and deception to get the central army to follow him south to join the war.

Once the news leaks out, Charlemagne will be 100% unable to control the Mad Lions.

Anthony and Harden are slightly better off. Although family members don't know the details, they have the blood of the Venus family and have no choice at all.

Can they still expect the Grant family to pardon them?

Before the news spread, the three held an emergency meeting.

Charlemagne raised his head anxiously and paced back and forth: "Make a decision quickly. Once the news leaks, we will be finished."

Viscount Anthony said: "In this situation, the most important thing is to be decisive. The cause of Gascoigne Province should be given up immediately. The three of us will hide with our respective family members, train the next generation of members, and continue to wait for opportunities.

"That's all we can do. Let's stay out of the limelight and avoid this period of time. We will continue to contact you two years later. The contact location is Secret Intelligence Station No. 3."

Under the protection of the legendary magician, the Venus family has developed very well in recent years. Not only has it secretly controlled the Gascoigne Province, but it has also influenced the two earls in the south. There are also hidden forces in other provinces of the Grant Kingdom, and their influence even extends to neighboring countries such as the Grand Duchy of Stanek and the Kingdom of the Rhine.

Both countries have figures similar to Baron Harden. There are hereditary nobles who have not yet been exposed to covertly, which is enough for Baron Harden, Viscount Anthony, Charlemagne and others to hide for a while.

After the three people discussed it, they immediately fled with their family members.

The leader ran away and was discovered by the superiors of the coalition forces the next day. Although they had not received any battle reports from the front line, these senior officers immediately felt that something was wrong.

After urgent discussion, they decided to take control of the army and surrender to the Duke of York.

The southern rebels were wiped out and the northern rebels surrendered.

Just into February, the Grant royal family put down the rebellion.

The Duke of York led his army to the royal capital Nolan.

Seeing King Charles, the Duke of York waved his hands arrogantly and said: "Put it down!"

"I am the head of the Grant family and your king. You swore allegiance to me, you cannot treat me like this."

King Charles waved his arms vigorously and pushed the two officers away.

The Duke of York raised his lance and struck King Charles hard.

The Duke of York is a ninth-level knight, and King Charles is a little less powerful, only a sixth-level knight.

There was a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, and the Duke of York actually broke King Charles' arm with one blow.

"Charlie, I advise you not to ask for trouble, keep it down."

Not long after the Duke of York entered Nolan, senior members of the Mages Association also returned to the Dawn Plane.

By the beginning of March, Duke Roger, who was on the southern expedition, left Steven Grant to sit in the three southern provinces as the governor of the three provinces, with full authority to manage the military and political power of the three southern provinces. He quickly returned to the capital Nolan with his own troops.

Steven Grant is a distant branch of the Grant family.

The Grant family has been on the throne for six hundred years, and the number of people with Grant family blood exceeds one million.

If these descendants of the Grant family are not capable, their social status will be like ordinary people in a few generations.

However, if the Grant family is capable, the royal family will invest resources to support it.

Steven Grant is such a character. He came from a humble background but awakened his bloodline. He is even stronger than Duke Roger.

After the death of Duke Brenner, there were five ninth-level professionals in the Grant family, and Steven was one of them. The remaining four were Philip, Pansy, York, and Roger.

The five ninth-level professionals are all important figures in the Grant Kingdom.

Steven is the governor of the three provinces and controls the military and political power of the three southern provinces. He is also a court earl and an important officer in the Praetorian Guard system.

Duke Brenner faked his death, and only two family members, Pansy and Steven, knew the inside story. Even York and Roger were kept in the dark. They only learned the detailed plan after they arrived near Nolan.

Pansy is the president of the Mage Association and controls the most powerful mage power in the Grant Kingdom.

York and Roger are both hereditary nobles, with elite soldiers and generals under their command. Roger will also take over as king and will soon take over the power of the Grant Kingdom.

When Philip was young, he was forced by the Duke of Brenner to give up the throne and enter the monastery of the Church of the Dawn.

In the monastery of the Church of the Dawn, Philip received unreserved training from the church. Now he is a ninth-level priest and an eighth-level golden knight. His combat power is stronger than that of the nine-ring magician Pansy.

Now Philip is the high priest of the Grant Kingdom's Dawn Church, the second-largest figure after Archbishop Senna.

But because of past events, Philip no longer cares much about the Grant family. What he is most concerned about now is the development of Morningside Church. After all, if a pastor wants to advance, he must move closer to God mentally and adhere to the church's creed.

Even though Philip is already an important figure in the church, facing the Venus family who colludes with the evil god, Philip will definitely go to war.

If the five members of the Grant family join forces, even if Elena is in her prime, they can fight against the legendary magician.

After Roger returned to the royal capital, he succeeded Charles as king because he was the highest in the line of succession.

As for King Charles, his eyes were gouged out and he was driven to the monastery.

Originally, Roger had to execute King Charles, but both Philip and Pansy expressed their opposition, and the Duke of York abstained from the issue.

Although King Charles survived, Prince Felix died in the war.

As for how he died, no one is investigating.

Her mother, Mrs. Holland, was also carried away by a low-ranking officer during the war and became the officer's concubine.

News of the overthrow of King Charles' rule reached Black River Castle in late February.

After receiving the news that the Duke of York had led troops into Nolan, Richard and William finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This time around, the Haaland family has emerged as the winner and does not need to worry about being liquidated.

Richard reacted quickly. After discussing with William, he immediately led his troops to leave Black River Fort and turned west to attack the Barony of Harden.

Baron Harden led the main force south, and his territory had a population of 30,000.

Baron Leon, the eldest son of Baron Harden, also has 8,000 citizens.

Nowadays, the hereditary nobles who participated in the rebellion in Gascoigne Province will be liquidated, and these territories have been reduced to fat.

In this case, there is always a quick hand and a slow hand. If you rush slower, you will lose the opportunity for rapid development.

Richard reacted quickly, and the strength of the Harland territory was very strong. Now its military power has surpassed that of Viscount Romen, and he is the most powerful nobleman in the Gedda province. He has set his sights on the Baron of Harden, and other nobles have also He didn't dare to snatch food from the tiger's mouth and compete with Richard. In order to avoid being punished by him and accused of being a traitor.

The current situation is temporarily in a state of chaos, and no one can control the attacks between nobles. The one with big fists and strong power will naturally speak much louder.

Now that the counterinsurgency war has come to an end, the remnants of the Venus family have gone underground.

Although there are still some soldiers in the Harden Baron Territory, they are now deeply afraid of being relegated to another book and becoming an accomplice of the Venus family.

When it comes to the fight for the throne, the nobles are very cruel. Ordinary people who have no backing are often implicated in a big way.

Facing the encirclement and suppression by Richard's army, the defenders of Baron Harden surrendered almost immediately, handing over their territory to Richard completely.

The war is over, and reward for merit and punishment for demerit have become the mainstream.

The Harland family is on the side of the winner this time, and naturally they are not afraid of being held accountable.

In this counter-insurgency war, although the Haaland family did not participate in the war and no blood was shed, they played a very crucial role.

It was precisely because of Richard and William that they restrained the Northern Army and prevented the Northern Army from supporting King Charles and fighting south.

Because the Mad Lion Legion was deeply involved in the rebellion, although most ordinary soldiers and junior officers were pardoned, high-ranking officers were executed.

Those who commit minor crimes will be dismissed from office, while those who commit serious crimes will be tried by law.

The nobles of Gascoigne Province were also severely reprimanded for participating in the coalition of nobles organized by the Venus family.

Viscount Cisse, the enemy of Haaland's territory, failed to take sides this time and also caused trouble. Not only was half of the territory cut off by the royal family, but the title was also downgraded to baron.

Almost all the nobles of Gascoigne Province were deceived. Most of the hereditary nobles followed the trend and sent one or two squadrons to join the noble coalition, so there was no big trouble.

Even so, the Gascoigne provincial nobles were labeled untrustworthy by the Grant royal family.

The commander of the Northern Army, Zachary Army, failed in his political stance and has been deposed by King Roger. However, he had outstanding military exploits and did not cause much harm, so he barely escaped.

Although the family territory was saved, a thousand men needed to be recruited to join the Redemptor Army.

The Redeemer Legion is a newly established legion by Duke Roger. It is mainly funded and organized by the nobles who failed this time. In addition to the nobles of the Gascoyne and Lach provinces, the rebellious barons of the three southern provinces had to provide money.

There are three legions of the Redeemer, and all annual military pay is borne by the nobles.

If there were losses, they would have to be replenished by the nobles.

These three Redeemer Legions were assigned to the Northern Xinjiang Province, and their command was vested in the Central Legion.

Because of their strong military strength, the three provinces of northern Xinjiang stationed the main central army. Therefore, King Charles attached great importance to the three northern provinces and mobilized elite soldiers and generals loyal to him to control the three northern provinces.

This time King Charles was ousted, and almost all the senior officials in the three provinces of northern Xinjiang were replaced.

Richard's old acquaintance Adelais was successfully promoted to the governor of Geda Province.

The first reason why someone like Adelais, who has no backing, can be promoted is because he is on the right side. He was a rising official in Brenagh County and had channels to contact the Duke of York.

The second reason is that the new King Roger has no direct officials, so for the time being he can only promote more senior local officials to maintain the situation.

After this rebellion, the situation of the Haaland family immediately changed very well.

The enemy in the royal capital resigned due to the failure of the political struggle, and Richard and Duke Roger also had some connections.

The most important thing is that Richard made a fortune during the war, and all Baron Harden's years of accumulation fell into Richard's pocket.

The Baron of Harden is very powerful and has a mountain of material reserves.

Richard mobilized manpower from the territory and even asked students from Riverside Primary School to participate in the count. It took several days to complete the count of Baron Harden's supplies.

There are twelve boxes of gold coins, each containing one thousand two hundred gold coins, for a total of fourteen thousand four hundred.

There are twenty boxes of silver coins, which add up to two thousand gold coins.

There are sixty boxes of copper coins, each box contains six thousand copper coins, adding up to one thousand gold coins.

In terms of coins alone, Richard got 17,400 gold coins.

In addition to gold coins, there are also a large amount of cloth, livestock, salt, spices, and grain. These materials add up to a mountain, and the amount converted into gold coins is very considerable, roughly estimated at no less than 30,000.

In addition, Baron Harden also reserves a lot of military supplies, including 300 war horses, 500 armored collars, 600 bows and arrows, including lances and swords, enough to arm a thousand infantry and cavalry.

In addition, a batch of enchanted weapons were found from the treasury, including thirty pairs of enchanted armors, fifty enchanted long swords, and twenty enchanted crossbows.

This batch of equipment is also cheaper for Richard.

The group of iron horned horses kept in the territory by Baron Harden included six second-level stallions, thirteen mares, and nine ponies, all of which belonged to Richard.

Adding up the total harvest, the value of these materials is no less than 100,000 gold coins.

The charm of war wealth is so great that it can make people rich overnight and also make people bankrupt overnight.

Taking advantage of the chaotic situation, Richard plundered a large number of people from Baron Harden and moved them to Harland territory.

Forced to leave their homes, the people of Baron Harden dared not speak out in anger.

But people under the eaves have to bow their heads. No matter how hard your temper is, you can't be tougher than a sword.

Forced by swords, the people of Baron Harden finally left their homes.

The number of people migrating from the Barony of Harden this time exceeded 34,000.

Adding this group of people, the population of Harland Territory will exceed 100,000.

The population increased, and with Baron Harden's funding, there was no shortage of weapons and equipment. Richard immediately established five infantry squadrons and a scout squadron, expanding the army by one thousand.

After the end of the counter-rebellion war, more than a dozen hereditary nobles, large and small, were exonerated, including three hereditary earls in the south.

This civil war in the Grant Kingdom led to changes in the political situation.

The last time the political situation changed was more than a hundred years ago. Duke Brener defeated the orcs, and the Grant Kingdom established three provinces in one go and granted four dukes.

The territories of the dispossessed nobles need to be re-divided.

When it comes to the division of territory, the situation becomes complicated, and the pros and cons need to be weighed and the interests of all parties need to be taken into consideration.

The Grant royal family got the fattest piece of meat, and the territories of the three southern earls were swallowed up by the royal family and became three provinces.

The Dukedom of Jonathan also gained a lot, swallowing up the Earldom of Roger.

Roger became king and could not be stationed on the front line in northern Xinjiang. His son was still young and had no ability to defend the territory.

Now it was necessary to reward Duke Jonathan for his meritorious service, so after discussing with important figures in the Grant family, Roger decided to divide this territory to Duke Jonathan.

Duke Jonathan devoured the earldom of Roger, and the Duke of York, who also made great achievements, found it slightly more difficult to reward him.

Although the Gascoigne Province has a large territory, the Duke of York is not willing to put his strength on the front line of fighting the orcs. Therefore, two thousand square kilometers of land could only be transferred from the Province of Maryland to the Duke of York.

Two thousand square kilometers of land seems very small, much smaller than the territory controlled by the Harland family.

However, the province of Maryland is a vast plain and is located in the hinterland of the kingdom. The territory here is very valuable.

The royal family has not had a title in the province of Maryland for three hundred years.

The Big Three got the benefits, followed by the two Dukes, Duran and Lorraine.

The two dukes did not want their forces to be dispersed.

Although the Gascoigne Province has a large territory, the great nobles do not like it at all. To obtain a fiefdom in Gascoigne Province, you must fight the orcs.

Although the two duchies of Lorraine and Duran often clashed with the Kingdom of Delon, the intensity was far from comparable to the orc invasion.

Although they are obliged to support the war in Northern Xinjiang, they are not on the front line after all, and the pressure is much less. Even if the territory of Gascoigne Province was given away for free, they would not take a look at it.

Because they didn't want the territory, Duke Roger rewarded them with 100,000 gold coins and a batch of pharmaceutical resources.

The other nobles basically did not take sides. The ones who made the most contributions in the fight against the rebellion were Richard and William.

Their father and son contained the Northern Army, making the battlefield near Nolan less troublesome.

If the Northern Army and the Wild Lion Army join forces to move south, they may be able to break through the Duke of York's defense line.

The situation will change, and the internal strife in the Grant Kingdom will become more serious.

Although Richard and William did not participate in the battle, Duke Roger still rewarded Richard with a remarkable feat, and the Barony of Dirham was given to the Harland family.

In recent years, the orcs' main advance routes have been through the Platos Mountains and the Harland Valley.

The Dirham Barony located in this area was unlucky. It suffered two major blows. The remaining family members lost the confidence to run the territory and gave up their right to inherit the territory.

This territory once again became a terra incognita.

The area of ​​the Barony of Dirham is not small, it is larger than the Barony of Stopa, with a total area of ​​1,600 square kilometers.

Although this territory is still hilly, the hills are very low and gentle. Thirty percent of the territory is flat land. The agricultural conditions are much better than those in the Stopa territory.

Compared with the previous territories granted to the Harland family, this territory is undoubtedly much more fertile.

After taking over the Baron of Dirham, the territory controlled by the Haaland family has exceeded 10,000 square kilometers. Counting the 30,000 people snatched from the Baron of Harden, the total population has exceeded 100,000.

Richard settled all the relocated people in the new territory.

The Barony of Dirham has developed farmland and ready-made houses. Although it needs to be squeezed in a short period of time, the conditions are better than when Richard first developed the territory.

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