Lord Harland

Chapter 201 Family Banquet 2

After cutting out the inflamed appendix, using therapy to stop the bleeding, disinfecting and suturing the wound, Ruiz survived successfully.

After surviving the disaster, he somehow felt a sense of belonging to the Harland territory.

Under the careful care of his wife, Ruiz recovered well. When Ruiz was about to be discharged from the hospital, he discovered that his wife was two months pregnant.

This suddenly appeared unexpectedly and shattered Ruiz's loyalty to Viscount Cisse. After careful consideration, he decided to surrender to the Haaland territory.

Ruiz is not a nobleman and does not have the blood of the Cisse family. Although he has received a relatively high income from the Cisse territory because of his special talent, he does not have much loyalty and affiliation to the Cisse family due to serious class conflicts.

The only thing he fears is that his family will be implicated. Vitas, the intelligence officer of the Cisse family, also threatened him with his family to get Ruiz to serve the Cisse family.

Ruiz found his surgeon, Griffin, and explained his situation.

When Griffin heard the shocking news, he told Wendy immediately without hesitation.

Wendy informed Hayden, who immediately sent people to find Ruiz and control him first.

Through the clues given by Ruiz, Hayden decided to adopt a secret arrest method to catch all the spies on this line.

After several years of development, the Haaland Territory Intelligence Department now has more than 600 people.

Half of the more than 600 staff members are intelligence personnel stationed abroad.

Black River Fort, Flame Fort, Wright Fort, Grizzly Bear Fort, Victory City, and Osma Castle all have intelligence teams in the Harland territory. Even Elena Castle, Platos Castle, and Harden Castle have intelligence agents stationed.

The remaining half of the manpower, more than 200 people, is the action team. There are six professionals in the action team, and each professional commands more than thirty people.

There are more than a hundred people in the headquarters, in addition to file management personnel, torture experts, and personnel with special talents. The most numerous are intelligence analysts.

After several years of training, Hayden has become a capable intelligence veteran.

He personally directed some intelligence agents wearing black woolen coats and steel helmets to open the door of the spy's room, sneaked in quietly, searched the room of the suspicious person, and found some valuable evidence.

The Intelligence Department has always attached great importance to strictly guarding the technical secrets of the territory and has dispatched a large number of detectives to take charge of this matter. The territory not only has laws prohibiting migration, but also has established a strict confidentiality system and surveillance system, which effectively prevents the leakage of technology.

In addition, Richard would also send people to publicize to the indentured slaves and rely on the power of the masses to find spies.

Due to various restrictions, it is difficult for intelligence personnel from outside to collect useful intelligence in a short period of time.

Perhaps these systems cannot completely prevent the leakage of technology. For example, liquor with simple technology was leaked to the outside this year.

But as long as the technology can be leaked one day later, Harland's territory can earn one more gold coin.

The meritorious service of the intelligence officers was clearly known to Richard. At the end of every year, Richard would take time to meet with key intelligence personnel, listen to their opinions, and ask about their requirements.

Ruiz was a very important intelligence officer in the territory of Viscount Cisse. Through his clues, Hayden made a lot of gains and captured more than a dozen intelligence agents who had been planted and infiltrated by Viscount Cisse.

Through interrogation, these people explained everything clearly.

Those who can withstand the interrogation must be people with firm will and faith. Such people are very few even if they are leader Harland.

None of the intelligence agents deployed by the Cisse family are determined.

Richard listened to Hayden's report. After being silent for a long time, he sighed and said: "The digging out of Viscount Cisse's intelligence network this time was also due to a coincidence. Viscount Cisse can place intelligence personnel in the microscope research team. Will other nobles have deeper hidden secrets? Manpower? You must consider this carefully. Confidential factories and research teams must go through them carefully to ensure 100% safety."

"What are you going to do with these people Ruiz?"

"I am going to recruit this group of people into the Intelligence Department and ask them to provide some less important information to Viscount Cisse. At the critical moment, they can deliver false information to severely damage the opponent."

"You can catch big fish by putting a long fishing line. You are right to do so. But you must be careful when trading and don't expose any flaws. Viscount Cisse was able to confirm so quickly that we attacked the Elena Castle Casino. The official in charge of intelligence Not a simple person."

After digging out Viscount Cisse's intelligence network, there have been no major incidents in the territory.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it’s the eve of the goddess’s birthday.

On the eve of the goddess's birthday, it is the time for the Harland family to gather. Compared with last year, there was one new member attending the party, Margaret, the eldest daughter of Richard and Sophia.

Margaret's birthday was in March. She is now almost two years old and has passed the time of babbling.

Richard is busy every day, either making enchanted armor or patrolling his territory. He also takes time to practice breathing and meditation techniques.

When I have some free time, I also have to think about the development of the territory.

Sophia doesn't particularly like taking care of children, and also spends time on magic research.

In fact, both of them failed to fulfill their parental responsibilities and failed to accompany their children for too long. The one who really stays with the child every day is Sophia's assistant Anne, and Margaret has a closer relationship with Anne.

After night falls, William's mansion in Black River Fort is brightly lit.

Margaret looked at the magic lamp with great curiosity, and would flick it with her fingers from time to time. Her abundant energy and strong curiosity made her have a great time.

This year's family dinner still seemed very luxurious, with even more music and dancing.

Attendants carrying fruit wine and wine glasses walked through the crowd, and the hall was filled with precious food.

In June of this year, Mrs. Kelly became pregnant again.

It seems that Mrs. Kelly has been very favored by William in recent years. She behaved in high spirits at banquets, which is completely different from the submissive behavior she had two years ago.

In July of this year, my third uncle Bernie broke through the realm and became a fifth-level professional.

According to common sense, fifth-level professionals generally hold the position of captain. However, both brothers serve as captains in the Northern Army, and their influence is too great.

Bernie doesn't want to go back to the territory yet, he wants to continue working in the army.

Now William is communicating with the commander of the Zachary Army, preparing to transfer Bernie to the Wild Lion Army. If all goes well, he will serve as the captain of the seventh team of the Mad Lions next year.

If the third uncle goes to Flame Castle to take office, the Haaland family's influence in Flame Castle will be stronger. Now the Harland family's business in Flame Castle mainly relies on Richard's relationship protection.

Richard's old comrades in the Mad Lion Legion, Diarra, Dida and others, have all developed well. In addition, Ron has served in the Mad Lion Legion and has made some friends over the years.

But as the Harland family's business in Flame Castle grows, relying on the relationship with their comrades is no longer enough.

When the time comes, Uncle Bernie will be transferred to the captain of the Wild Lion Legion, and with the care of Diarra, the deputy captain, the Haaland family's business in Flame Castle will be stable.

Although the liquor market has been given to the Cisse family, the Harland family can still sell steel products, brown sugar, honey, woolen cloth, sweaters, and glass products in Flame Castle, and their annual income is still very considerable.

Viscount Cisse has great influence in Flame Castle. Without the care of powerful people, the Harland family's business in Flame Castle would not be able to continue.

After all, Diarra is not from the Haaland family. At most, he supports Richard and stands on the platform. Diarra is not suitable to come forward in many things, and Richard cannot let others interfere.

But Ron's position is lower, his strength is weak, and he cannot hold up the scene at critical moments.

This year's business has been affected to some extent. Troublemakers continue to appear, and we have encountered several robberies. Not only were we robbed of payment, but some people also died. If it continues to deteriorate like this, the Harland family's business organization will be driven out of the Flame Castle.

It was the right time for Third Uncle Bernie to be transferred to the Wild Lions.

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