Lord Harland

Chapter 200 Spy’s Surgery

The currency system of Harland Territory is the same as that of Grant Kingdom, which is based on gold and magic crystal.

The gold coins in the Dawn Plane are all smelted from gold and magic crystal powder, and can be used to arrange magic arrays, which is a precious resource in itself.

This kind of currency is different from credit currency with national credit as the anchor.

The deficit problem cannot be solved by printing money.

Moreover, the right to mint currency is a right that the Grant royal family is very concerned about. Only nobles above the earl can obtain limited currency minting rights.

If you want to issue banknotes with national credibility, you need to overthrow the Grant Kingdom and formulate new rules of the game.

Although the Harland family has developed rapidly, compared with the Grant Kingdom, its strength is far insufficient. Naturally, it is impossible to challenge the currency rules set by the royal family.

Therefore, avoiding deficit is the most important task of the financial department.

Due to the heavy pressure of military expenditure, Richard was unable to invest in industry and education this year.

Even the profits from primary industry were siphoned off by him.

The cash income of more than 30,000 yuan for the whole year was only over 1,000 gold coins at the end of the year.

Although there is still no cash flow, the Harland Territory has reclaimed 60,000 acres of farmland this year, and including newborns, the population has increased by 17,000.

Population is the most important resource of a territory. If this year's harvest is converted into gold coins, the fixed property of Harland Territory will increase by about 200,000 gold coins.

If the territory can be defended, the population and farmland can be considered wealth. If the territory cannot be defended, these fixed properties will only be destroyed and robbed by the orcs.

In Fort Vic, it was getting late. Ruiz finished the work at hand and walked home without looking back.

It has been a year since Ruiz moved to Vicksburg. He was a spy planted by Viscount Cisse into Harland territory.

Although he has sent out a lot of public information over the past year, the results achieved did not meet Vesta's requirements.

Vesta asked Ruiz to infiltrate key departments to obtain more important intelligence.

But Ruiz found this request difficult to fulfill.

The system in Haaland Territory does not trust outsiders. The territorial decree prohibiting free movement virtually confined Ruiz to the vicinity of Fort Vic.

Many colleagues would venture deep into Harland's territory in order to find out more secretive information, but without exception, all of these people disappeared.

The lesson of blood made Ruiz know that if he was not careful, he would be doomed.

Ruiz has a special talent. He is one of the lucky ones who has awakened his extraordinary visual talent. His eyesight is ten times better than that of ordinary people.

For this reason, Ruiz was selected by Vesta and became a spy trained by the Cisse family.

When Ruiz returned home, his wife had prepared food.

The staple food for dinner is wheat rice with a piece of salted fish.

Although there is a waterwheel mill two kilometers away from Vicksburg, wheat can be ground into flour and more exquisite foods can be made from the flour. The bran left over from milling can also be used to feed livestock.

However, families living in poverty are still reluctant to bear this extra expense. They cannot afford flour or raise livestock.

After Ruiz entered the territory, in order to avoid suspicion, he married a slave girl as his wife.

His wife had three years to go before she became a freewoman.

The work of the indentured servants was very hard. Ruiz's wife had to go to the fields to cultivate during the busy farming season, and to sew and mend the quilts in the slack season.

Indentured servants did not receive any salary and most of them lived in collectives.

A female indentured slave who started a family only had 400 kilograms of grain, ten kilograms of salt, three kilograms of brown sugar, and one set of clothes a year.

Male indentured servants will be given an extra 100 kilograms of grain and two kilograms of liquor every month.

Such meager treatment made it difficult for indentured servants to get married and support their families.

However, most of the slaves purchased by Harland Territory had complete families, and almost all the strong male slaves took care of their families.

The territory will provide subsidies to the elderly and child slaves, and the food distributed will ensure that they will not starve to death.

Single young slaves are very rare in Harland territory.

Ruiz was a free citizen who moved from other territories. After arriving in the Harland territory, he quickly stood out because of his special talents.

First because of his extraordinary eyesight. He was selected into the auxiliary squadron and became an observer to calibrate the position of the heavy trebuchet.

Then he was selected by the territory and joined a secret research group.

The task of this group is to build telescopes and microscopes.

Once clear glass could be produced on the territory, the group began building telescopes.

However, grinding glass requires a lot of experience and requires the mirror grinder to have superb grinding skills.

None of these Haaland territories exist.

Although it took more than three years to build a simple telescope and accumulate some experience and technology, it was still a long way from making a microscope.

Ruiz's extraordinary vision was discovered by Harland Territory, so he was assigned to join the microscope manufacturing team.

After joining the team, Ruiz quickly came into play. His super vision could observe the subtle differences in glass mirrors. Coupled with hard work and special talent, he became the best mirror grinder in the microscope manufacturing team. Now, his salary has also been increased to about eight silver coins.

It was because of his high-paying job that Ruiz was able to get married and start a family.

Ruiz had just fallen asleep after eating when he suddenly felt a strong pain in his abdomen, which made him even scream.

The wife heard the noise, woke up, and asked anxiously: "Ruiz, how are you?"

"I asked you to buy flour, but you didn't listen. Maybe you have a bad stomach."

Because of severe abdominal pain, Ruiz's face turned pale and he spoke intermittently.

Ruiz's abdominal pain was so severe that his wife had to get up overnight and go to the city lord's mansion to find a doctor.

Since the three magic apprentices learned the spell to treat minor injuries, the hospital in Harland's territory has approximately doubled in size.

Normally, there are four magic apprentice doctors in the territory.

Except for Adrian who is at the hospital headquarters, the remaining three magic apprentice doctors all follow the medical team and undertake certain medical missions to the countryside.

It is Richard's request to go to the countryside for medical treatment, not only to treat patients, but also to accumulate experience and improve medical skills.

Recently, the medical team came to Vicksburg.

In order to create a sensational effect, they also publicly demonstrated the operation, cutting open a soldier's belly and performing an appendix removal operation.

It was because of this scene that Ruiz's wife decided to seek help from a doctor.

The medical team is led by Wendy and includes about ten people including doctors and nurses. In addition to treating illnesses and saving people during this medical trip to the countryside, Wendy also wanted to test the medical use of a new method of ultrasonic detection.

Ruiz's wife was blocked from the city lord's palace and quarreled with the guards, alerting Griffin, the doctor on duty.

After hearing Ruiz's wife's story, Griffin roughly judged that it was acute appendicitis and decided to send someone to take Ruiz to the city owner's mansion for surgery.

I have been suffering from insomnia very badly in the past few days. I can only sleep three or four hours a day. I am currently seeing a Chinese medicine doctor. I have no code and am consuming saved manuscripts. I can only update 4,000 words.

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