Lord Harland

Chapter 179 Army Reorganization

After defeating the orcs, Richard seized a bottle of dragon marrow liquid.

Because communication was very inconvenient during the war, this bottle of dragon marrow liquid was always in Richard's hands.

After returning to the territory, Richard wrote to the Duke Jonathan family and decided to exchange dragon marrow liquid with the Duke Jonathan family using ordinary resources such as a batch of Iron Wildebeest and Tenghui Potion.

At the same time, Richard did not keep the dragon skin of the earth dragon beast, and also used it in exchange for the Tenghui potion.

This time it was Stareno, the son of Duke Jonathan, who came to the Harland territory.

Dragon Marrow Liquid has a price but no market value, and can only be roughly estimated based on the needs of both parties.

The Jonathan family has a much higher thirst for dragon marrow liquid and can only pay a certain premium.

Richard bargained with Starenor and decided to exchange this bottle of dragon marrow liquid for sixty-five iron horned horses and five hundred bottles of Tenghui potion.

A powerful force like the Duke of Jonathan has a special team of monster hunters under its command. It can produce no more than two thousand bottles of Tenghui potion every year, and it produces less than a hundred iron horned horses every year.

A bottle of Tenghui potion costs thirty gold coins, and a gelded iron horned horse is worth about a hundred gold coins.

This bottle of dragon marrow liquid was exchanged for resources of more than 20,000 gold coins.

Two years ago, Richard hunted the flying dragon and used the dragon marrow liquid to exchange the life evolution potion and some other resources with the Jonathan family.

This exchange achieved a win-win situation for both parties. The Jonathan family was promoted to a Silver Knight, and William was also promoted to the seventh level.

Two years later, Richard unexpectedly obtained dragon marrow liquid again. Such good luck made Stareno sigh.

Such a powerful force as the Jonathan family has only hunted two earth dragon beasts and one bipedal flying dragon in the past five years, and obtained three bottles of dragon marrow liquid.

A year ago, the Jonathan family's Warcraft hunters entered the Eagle Mountains to hunt a flying dragon and overturned their car, killing a silver knight and a sixth-level knight.

Because of this incident, Duke Jonathan fought with a legendary black dragon, and in the end no one could do anything to the other. A boundary can only be drawn through negotiation, and the Jonathan family's Warcraft hunters are not allowed to cross the boundary to hunt.

Especially dragon-veined monsters, the Jonathan family is prohibited from hunting and killing them.

And every five years, the legendary black dragon will exchange a bottle of dragon marrow liquid with the Jonathan family.

Although there is a stable channel for exchanging dragon marrow liquid, there are many people in the Jonathan family who are stuck in the sixth level of knights. If these people want to advance, they can only find other ways to obtain dragon marrow liquid.

The sixty-five iron horned horses sent by Duke Jonathan are all geldings and cannot expand the population. But with the addition of these sixty-five iron horned horses, the Warcraft cavalry in Harland's territory finally expanded to a hundred cavalry, which would far exceed Baron Harden's.

Baron Harden only has more than thirty professionals and sixty warcraft horses under his command.

Now the number of Warcraft horses in Harland's territory has exceeded that of Baron Harden. Although there are currently fewer professionals in the cavalry squadron, after using 500 bottles of Tenghui potion, it is estimated that many people will advance and will soon exceed Baron Harden.

Sure enough, in November, thirty-nine of the veterans in the territory were promoted to professionals after using the Tenghui Potion.

Richard added twenty-three people to the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron, bringing the number of professionals in the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron to forty.

Nowadays, the number of professionals in the World of Warcraft Squadron in Harland Territory is comparable to that of the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron of the main army.

For the remaining sixteen professionals, Richard dispersed them to different infantry squadrons to replenish their personnel.

Six years of experience in leading troops made Richard realize that the current popular army formation method is a bit bloated.

It is actually difficult for a brigade commander to command more than a dozen squadrons.

Especially in small-scale operations, if a squadron has too few people and a large group has too many people, several squadrons are often required to cooperate in the operation.

In this case, superiors often appoint a deputy captain or senior squadron leader to command several squadrons.

For example, in the first few battles that Richard participated in, Lieutenant Colonel Marvin and Captain Diarra were responsible for commanding one direction.

However, several squadrons have different organizational systems, and most of the time they don't cooperate well.

After careful consideration, Richard decided to establish several new squadrons and expand the infantry in the territory into several small brigades.

Richard transferred 70 veterans from each squadron, added 50 new recruits, and incorporated 30 of his own soldiers to form a guard squadron, responsible for the security of the headquarters.

Graham's military law system, Hayden's intelligence system, Adrian's military medical system, and Frank's training system are all headquarters command systems. Because there is no qualified chief of staff, they are temporarily under the direct jurisdiction of Richard.

The First Squadron, the Sixth Squadron, the Ninth Squadron and a new squadron, the Eleventh Squadron, formed the Territory's First Battalion, and the captain appointed Martin.

After the battle to encircle and annihilate the Maruland tribe, Martin rested for three months, and unexpectedly broke through the bottleneck in October and was promoted to the fourth level.

Captain of the 1st Squadron, promoted Julian. In a few years, although Julian's talent is not as good as Jennings, he has also improved to the second level. Two new professionals served as deputy squadron leaders.

The captain of the Sixth Squadron is Richard's cousin Kent. Kent's talent is very average. Even if he does not lack resources, he has only been promoted to the second level at the age of thirty-two.

People with outstanding talents like William and Roland have already become mid-level professionals at this age.

The captain of the Ninth Squadron, Richard, was transferred to the deputy squadron leader of the Seventh Squadron, Tai Lun. Tai Lun was originally an officer of the Grizzly Legion and a second-level professional, but later became a refugee leader and was recruited by Richard. I also broke through the realm some time ago and was promoted to the third level.

However, Tyron's breathing method has only been redeemed to the third level. Without good opportunities, it is impossible to develop in the future.

The 11th Squadron is a new squadron, and Richard transferred Nia, the deputy squadron leader of the 3rd Squadron, to serve as the squadron leader.

The captain of the second battalion also has four squadrons under his jurisdiction, namely the second squadron, the fourth squadron, the tenth squadron, and a new squadron, the twelfth squadron.

The captain is the third-level knight Lost. This person is a contract slave purchased by Richard. He was originally a noble officer of the Kingdom of Lane. He finally chose to be loyal to Richard. It has been a year and a half now.

Lost's loyalty was recognized by Richard. Although he had only joined the army for a short time, he was promoted to the core position of captain because of his strong ability.

The captain of the second squadron is Zhan Nings. Zhan Nings is very talented and is a young officer whom Richard focuses on training.

There is still no change in the 4th Squadron, with Bradlick still serving as the squadron leader. Bradlick has been a member of the Territory for six years and has always been dedicated to his work.

Because of the limitations of the breathing method, his strength has not improved. It is impossible for a third-level warrior to be promoted to a brigade officer.

The training time of the 10th Squadron was relatively short, less than a year and a half. The squadron leader was Peilan, the former captain of the 2nd Squadron. After practicing breathing techniques for six years, Peilan also advanced to the second level.

The 12th Squadron is also a new squadron, and Robin, the deputy captain of the 6th Squadron, was appointed as the squadron leader.

The Third Group was composed of the Third Squadron, the Seventh Squadron, the Thirteenth and the Fourteenth Squadron, and Norman was appointed as the captain. Norman is the nephew of Soros, and his talent is quite good. He has also been promoted to the fourth level this year.

Alves, the captain of the 3rd Squadron, is a veteran in the territory like Bradlik and has served the Harland family for six years.

The 7th Squadron is mainly composed of recruited refugees, and the squadron leader is still Marcus.

The 13th and 14th Squadrons are newly formed squadrons, and Bruno, the deputy squadron commander of the original main squadron, and Charles are appointed as squadron commanders.

The Fourth Brigade is composed of the Fifth Squadron, the Eighth Squadron, the 15th and the 16th Squadron. The captain is Sophia's uncle Vito. Vito is over fifty and has been promoted to the fourth level two years ago.

The Fifth Squadron was adapted from soldiers from the Stopa Territory. After Vito was promoted to captain, the successor squadron leader was still a member of the Stopa family. This man was Sophia's distant cousin, named Bellman.

Claude, the captain of the 8th Squadron, is a second-level warrior. He was also born as an indentured servant and has been following the Harland family since being purchased by Richard.

The 15th and 16th Squadrons are also newly formed squadrons, with the deputy captain of the original main squadron as the chief officer, and the new professional as the deputy squadron commander.

Among the four brigades, the first brigade is the strongest and the fourth brigade is the weakest.

The second and third brigade are in the middle. Relatively speaking, the second brigade has more veterans and is slightly stronger in combat effectiveness.

The two main squadrons of the Fourth Battalion have relatively average combat effectiveness.

The First Squadron under the First Battalion can defeat the Fourth Battalion.

For each brigade, Richard also added thirty soldiers to take charge of the security of the brigade headquarters.

After miscellaneous calculations, this time the reorganization expanded about ten squadrons of new recruits, adding 1,500 soldiers.

The Warcraft Cavalry squadron was expanded to one hundred, and the two squadrons of heavy cavalry that followed the Warcraft Cavalry were expanded to two hundred.

The medium cavalry was reorganized into a reconnaissance squadron and was under the direct control of the headquarters.

The reconnaissance squadron is also a key unit for this reinforcement. Richard mobilized five new professionals to join the reconnaissance squadron. The squadron leader appointed Richard's cousin Morgan.

In this year's war, Soros made considerable achievements.

In the battle, he killed the sixth-level orc Maruland and obtained a great merit. Adding in scattered merits, he accumulated one great merit and six medium merits.

Soros also received many meritorious deeds in the counter-insurgency battle. After joining the Harland Territory Army, Soros and his son Kent have accumulated two major merits and five medium merits, in addition to his original merits. There are already six great merits and seven medium merits, and they are not far away from being knighted.

In order to achieve more meritorious service, Soros wrote a letter to Morgan, asking Morgan to retire from the main army and follow his cousin Richard.

Morgan has great talent, he is already a second-level knight, and he served as the captain of the reconnaissance squadron upon his return.

After completing the reorganization of the army, the Haaland family already has four infantry brigades, a cavalry brigade, a guard squadron, and a reconnaissance squadron. A total of seventeen infantry squadrons and four cavalry squadrons of military strength.

Including the personnel at the headquarters, the total number has exceeded 3,000. The army is equipped with a large number of enchanted armors and alchemy bombs. If the new soldiers are trained, their combat effectiveness will be very impressive.

There are only 40,000 words left in the archive, and starting from today, updates will begin. This month is not going well. I have only coded 70,000 words until today. I have already uploaded about 230,000 chapters. I am updating five times a day and I am overwhelmed. Please forgive me.

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