Lord Harland

Chapter 178 Promotion to Viscount

Although King Charles has been in power for thirty years, he actually has no experience of joining the army and fighting on the front line.

Although he is a sixth-level knight, he relied entirely on precious potions to get there.

He did not understand the changes in the war situation at all and could only listen to the opinions below.

The palace bureaucracy is filled with various interest groups supporting different princes, and there are countless struggles every day.

When there is a dispute that requires him to make a decision, he often makes the decision based on his likes and dislikes.

He liked Felix and hated the eldest prince Chris, so he supported the Holland family and suppressed Baron Richard.

As for whether suppressing Richard would be detrimental to the overall situation and whether it would cause trouble, King Charles often didn't understand.

The reason why he hates the eldest prince Chris actually has a special reason. He discovered the queen's affair with Duke Roger.

The queen is the legitimate daughter of Duke Duran, and Duke Roger also has great influence within the royal family.

Even if there is conclusive evidence, it is difficult to gain widespread support to deal with them.

Not to mention that the rumors heard by King Charles may also be a palace struggle and based on rumors.

Because of this gap, King Charles would continue to support Prince Felix, whom he liked, hoping to support Felix as his heir.

King Charles felt very humiliated after being severely beaten by Duke Brenner, but reality forced him to endure the humiliation.

Starting from King Louis, four generations of kings lived in the shadow of Brenner.

Only his father, Philip, who was a ninth-level epic knight and had high prestige in the army, received limited respect from Brener.

Although he was a high-ranking king, Charlie had no ability to resist when faced with Brenner. Because in the royal family's base, Brener's influence far exceeds that of the king.

Contrary to Brenner's opinion, neither the royal guards nor the mages would support the king's decision.

Maybe he will break up, or even die unexpectedly, and the throne will be replaced.

"If I die, I don't know what fate will happen to poor little Felix? Anyway, the old man Brenner is about to die, and he will be able to turn over when he dies. I have remembered today's insult, and there will always be Time of reckoning.”

King Charles hated Brenner to death in his heart, but he did not dare to show it on his face. In fact, he couldn't listen to what Brenner said.

But King Charles did not dare to object to Marshal Brenner's decision.

Soon a commendation order came from the royal capital, sealing two territories for Richard.

The two territories add up to more than 4,500 square kilometers. They merged the original barony of Richard and were promoted to the viscounty of Richard, with a combined area of ​​6,000 square kilometers.

Including the territories of William and Sophia, the Haaland family's fiefdom already covers 9,000 square kilometers, surpassing Viscount Romen and becoming the hereditary noble with the most fiefdoms in Geda Province.

Although the fiefdom is large, there are not many people in the territory.

Including the 6,000 slaves rescued during this war, the population controlled by the Harland family exceeded 50,000.

Although 50,000 people cannot be said to be small, placed on a land of 9,000 square kilometers, there are only five people per square kilometer, which is only better than XZ in Richard's previous life.

Although the territory controlled by the Harland family is mountainous, it is actually very suitable for human survival.

If such a large piece of land were developed, it would be enough to feed 300,000 people.

The bureaucrats who came down from the royal capital were very discerning. When they found out that the Kingdom of Charles did not like the Harland family, they would naturally not get close to Richard.

Not even asking for the gifts from Richard, as if avoiding the god of plague, he hastily divided the territory, processed the paperwork, and returned to the royal capital without a moment's delay.

The reason why the royal capital entrusted Richard with such a vast territory was actually to use the ownerless land as a favor.

This area is uninhabited land.

If Richard gains a foothold here, this territory will become a protruding point for the orcs to attack.

With this protrusion, the defense situation of the entire Gedda Province will be greatly improved. The Harland Valley is completely in Richard's hands, and the orcs cannot invade through this valley.

The Grant Kingdom only paid a little in name, so that the ambitious nobles had to fight hard.

It is very dangerous to become a salient in a border province, especially in the north where wars are frequent and intense. The Earl of Martins is a salient, and was quickly conquered by the orcs.

Martins cannot stand firmly. The Haaland family is now stronger than the Martins family. It is equally difficult to gain a firm foothold.

He was promoted to a noble title and gained a new territory, and it was already August.

The orcs suffered a defeat in the war in Geda Province, and the Northern Army entered the Lach Province. The orc front army commander Kilam saw that the situation was unfavorable and decisively chose to retreat.

In late August, the war was over, and Richard followed the main force back to Geda Province.

After being promoted to a noble title, you need to go to the royal capital to participate in the ennoblement ceremony.

Richard rushed to the royal capital quickly. It was already the third day of September.

Holding the noble coat of arms, Richard entered the hall of the noble council.

The Noble Council Hall has six floors and is 30 meters high. Many magicians worked hard to build this building. There are no seams between the stones. It seems that they all turned mud into stone.

The decoration inside is also very luxurious, using many precious materials.

Richard came to the Noble Council and directly found Prince Chris.

After falling out with the Holland family, Richard temporarily put aside his feud with Duke Roger and became a staunch supporter of Prince Chris.

After Richard's trouble, it has become impossible for Richard to cooperate with the Holland family.

Beret Horan could no longer stay in the province of Gedda. He was dismissed from his post by King Charles and was temporarily dormant. However, his cousin Geram once again gained the favor of King Charles and became the consul of the province of Seldorf.

The province of Seldorf is located in the southwest of Noland, and its status is equivalent to the HEB province in Richard's previous life.

With this transfer, Jerram's status became even more important.

After Richard came to Nolan, he waited for more than ten days. Together with three barons, he participated in the knighting ceremony and swore allegiance to the Kingdom of Grant.

After taking the oath, Richard suddenly felt a thin chain appear in the spiritual space, as if locking his soul.

As soon as the chain entered, it was immediately absorbed by the silver necklace.

After absorbing this little bit of power, the silver necklace seemed a little brighter.

There was an abnormality in the silver necklace, which shocked Richard, and he acted a little confused.

Richard did not attend the following banquet and hurried back to the hotel.

Richard wanted to figure out the secret of this silver necklace, but unfortunately he was helpless. The feeling of having his life controlled by others made Richard hate it very much. He was secretly wary of this silver necklace, not daring to slack off for a moment and working very diligently every day. I hope to advance to Legend as soon as possible. Only when the essence of life changes can the secret of this silver necklace be understood.

After the ceremony was completed, Richard immediately returned to the territory and devoted himself to the research of magic.

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