Lord Harland

Chapter 171 Surprise Attack on a Rainy Night 1

With Sophia's strong insistence, Richard finally agreed to her request and brought Sophia with him.

This time, the two of them brought all the remaining alchemy bombs in the territory and stationed troops together with the coalition of nobles from Black River County in the Felic Castle in the Baron of Bazel.

Felik Castle is only thirty-five kilometers away from Black River Castle.

If needed, Richard would be able to rush outside Black River Castle in just one day to participate in the main decisive battle.

Viscount Luomen's garrison station is in Baron Barton's Fantini Castle, which is also not far from the coalition forces in Heihe County.

Baron Baron is next to Black River Castle, Fantini Castle is only fifteen kilometers away from Black River Castle, and Felik Castle is slightly further away, no more than twenty-five kilometers away.

A large number of troops were stationed in the three castles, forming a complete line of defense against each other.

After the Harpy scouts discovered that a large number of soldiers were stationed in Felic Castle, in order to prevent their retreat from being cut off, they mobilized three more brigades to strengthen the strength of Gunderson's troops and fight against the army commanded by Richard.

Outside the Black River Fort, a large number of carriages were crowded on the riverside pier, and dozens of ships were docked at the pier in Yan'an. The white masts looked like a dense forest.

Some dock workers used pulleys to unload boxes of goods. They shouted slogans and moved very skillfully.

In the cabin, knights came out one after another holding their horses. This unit was well-equipped and had high morale. It was the Cavalry Regiment of the Grant Kingdom Knight Academy.

They took a boat via the Starks River to the docks of Black River Fort to reinforce the garrison's Northern Army.

The Starks River is a tributary of the Black River. This river crosses the entire Dragon Canyon from south to north. The source of the river is located in the high mountains in the west of the Dragon Canyon, not too far away from the area where Richard blocked the plane passage. Far.

The river passes through the Knights College, bypasses Wright Castle, and joins the Black River in the Barony of Barton, with a total length of 260 kilometers.

This river is a very important lifeline for Gedda Province.

Relying on this river, supplies from the rear can be easily replenished to the front line of Black River Fort.

This heavily armed cavalry appeared at the dock and was immediately noticed by the orcs.

The orcs launched an attack, which was repulsed by trebuchets on the walls.

The commander of the orc army, Drenci, was riding on a giant earth bear, staring at the reinforcements with a serious expression, observing the number of reinforcements.

His expression became more and more serious, and finally turned into a long sigh.

This year, the orcs went south, although they added four main legions in the direction of the Grant Kingdom, conquered the Earl of Martins, and killed the Earl of the Grant Kingdom.

But the results could only go so far.

As the Grant Kingdom calmed down, reinforcements gradually began to appear.

The first group to arrive was the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment.

This cavalry of several hundred people cannot be underestimated. Its combat effectiveness is equivalent to that of an orc brigade.

After a while, reinforcements from the provinces of Sodamia and Gabria will arrive.

Although the combat effectiveness of the legions in these two inland provinces is average, their huge numbers can still contain a large part of the orcs' strength.

In addition, Marulande's troops were completely wiped out, and Drenci knew very well that as the war continued to become clearer, the hope of conquering Black River Fort was getting smaller and smaller.

"It seems like we're going to give it up and make plans to retreat."

With the idea of ​​retreat in mind, Drancy's use of troops became very steady.

He continuously sent troops to hoard the looted population, gold, silver, and property, and transported the heavy troops to the garrison point in the Eagle Mountains.

Since the invasion of the orcs in March, in more than a month, Western Delenn has captured more than 30,000 human slaves in the two provinces of Lach and Gedda, and the harvest has been considerable.

Drancy wanted to call a truce and settle down.

Zachary, the commander of the Northern Army, did not want the orcs to get their wish.

It has been three years since Zachary was transferred to the Northern Legion. This is his first time fighting against the orcs since he became the commander of the Legion.

If the orcs were allowed to return home with their plundered slaves, he would have no prestige in the Northern Legion.

Many of the slaves captured by the orcs were the parents, wives, brothers, friends, and playmates of the Northern Legion soldiers.

The anger of the soldiers of the Northern Legion has been suppressed for a month, if they don't go to war again. I'm afraid the soldiers will rebel.

Zachary is also an officer who has led troops for many years. He can often detect any disturbance in the army in advance.

Especially when it comes to military morale, Zachary and I have unique management experience.

I found that the fighting spirit of the soldiers was about to be overwhelmed, and today the Cavalry Regiment of the Knight Academy happened to come for reinforcements.

Zachary decided to choose a better day than to hit the sun and launch a night attack.

Before the battle began, Zachary decided to do a pre-war mobilization.

Speeches before war are the most effective means of mobilization. A general who is good at giving speeches can greatly boost morale during mobilization, as if to give blood to a chicken.

Zachary let the soldiers have dinner and gather in the school yard.

The sky was already dark, dark clouds had gathered together, and a silver lightning occasionally flashed across the dark sky.

The electric light shone on Zachary's face, giving him a flickering feeling.

Seeing that the night was about to rain, Zachary's blood kept boiling. He waved his fists and screamed at the soldiers with all his strength.

"Soldiers, I know that during this period I suppressed everyone and did not allow soldiers to go out to fight, and the brothers had complaints against me.

But I am the commander of the legion, and my intelligence sources are wider than yours. The reason why I suppressed everyone and refused to go to war is because the fighter planes did not appear.

Some time ago, Baron Richard led the coalition of nobles from Heihe County to annihilate three orc brigades and fought a beautiful battle of annihilation. In order to protect the food route, the orcs mobilized three large groups of soldiers from the front of Black River Fort.

Today the Knights Academy Cavalry Regiment has arrived for reinforcements. Our strength is enough to fight the orcs head-on.

It's raining heavily now, and the night has weakened the orcs' reconnaissance advantage. I decided to attack with the entire army today and launch a night attack on the orcs.

Brothers, I completely understand your anger.

Today I also want you to take a look, am I, Zachary, a man? Do I have balls?

Let us tear the orcs apart, and victory belongs to the Northern Legion! "

After mobilizing before the war, Zachary ordered the entire Northern Army to set off, with the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment, and the Scout Cavalry Brigade as the first echelon.

The 1st Infantry Brigade and the 3rd Infantry Brigade are the second echelon.

The brigades directly under the legion, the legion mage corps, the second infantry battalion, the fourth infantry battalion, and the sixth infantry battalion are the third echelon.

The remaining five infantry brigades are the fourth echelon.

In today's battle, the Northern Army had almost no tactics at all. They simply rushed up to fight the orcs in a chaotic battle.

In April in Geda Province, it is still a bit cold.

The rain at night seemed to be freezing, and marching in such weather was miserable.

Only the main force like the Northern Army can overcome such bad weather and have strong organizational capabilities to launch a surprise attack.

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