Lord Harland

Chapter 170 A short break

After this incident, Richard felt embarrassed when he met Baron Sharp again.

However, he did not mention what happened yesterday. After settling the wounded soldiers, Richard led the army back to Fort Vick and rested in Fort Vick for a few days.

In the past two days, Richard had recruited 500 young men from among his subjects to make up for the battle losses.

Then a group of backbones were transferred from the squadrons with smaller casualties to supplement the first, second, and Warcraft Cavalry squadrons.

Due to the serious injury of Captain Martin of the 1st Squadron and the death of Captain Hyman of the 2nd Squadron, Richard appointed Captain Lost of the 9th Squadron to take up the post in the 1st Squadron as acting squadron commander for a period of time. Captain Jennings of the 10th Squadron was promoted to Captain of the 2nd Squadron.

Zhan Ningsi is as old as Richard and has already served as the captain of the main squadron. His talent is evident.

Richard still let Bernard manage the captured orc slaves, the satyrs were handed over to the territorial satyr slave tribe, and the remaining orcs were sent to the mines.

During this orc invasion, Richard ordered the massacre of many kobolds, and the number of kobolds in the mines was less than half of the original number.

This time a few hundred were sent, just enough to make up for the shortfall.

Richard asked all of the more than 6,000 people he rescued to sign five-year contracts with the territory, and allocated a large area near Fort Sophia to cultivate farmland.

Counting this group of people, the population controlled by the Haaland family has exceeded 50,000.

After defeating the orc Maruland tribe, the population and resources were swallowed up by Richard, and the gold coins and iron materials seized were distributed to several barons.

It was now a state of war. Although Baron Rice and others wanted to divide the population, they did not dare to offend Richard.

If you force yourself to come forward now and get Richard's attention, you may be assigned a dangerous mission during the war.

Look at Baron Diram, fighting the orcs with his guards. Because there is no direct protection by troops, the lord and guards have all been killed and wounded.

In fact, if Richard had taken care of Baron Dirham at that time, he could have allowed him to stay in the camp.

But Richard asked him to fulfill his noble obligations and lead troops to fight against the orcs.

This order cost Baron Dirham his life.

There are only a dozen guards and two first-level warriors around Baron Diram.

With such strength, he participated in the main decisive battle with the orcs.

Soon the guards were exhausted by the orcs, and Baron Diram was also killed by the orcs. His gorgeous enchanted armor was worth a small officer of the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron after cleaning the battlefield.

The Diram family is unlucky. Last time the orcs invaded, many members of the family died, and the population accumulated over the years was also plundered by the orcs.

Although Richard had snatched this part of the population back from the orcs, it was impossible to hand it over to the Diram family.

The Dirham family also lacked the strength and asked several nearby nobles to hand over the annexed population.

Back then, Sophia couldn't get Baron Harden to return the population, and the new Baron Dirham couldn't do the same.

After the war, the son of Baron Dirham ran the territory almost from scratch.

It took three years to finally accumulate a population of more than 2,000, and the war began again.

Although the orcs did not invade the territory this time, they killed the baron.

Two generations of barons in the Dirham family died only three years apart.

The four hundred young men led by Baron Diram were all annexed by the coalition of nobles from Heihe County, making up for the battle losses.

suffered major blows for three consecutive years.

If the members of the Dirham family were not ambitious and fearful of death, they might give up their right to inherit the territory.

After all, there is no strong strength or a lot of money. It is very dangerous to operate territory in the northern Xinjiang region.

Even big figures like Count Martins were killed, let alone the small Dirham family.

After the Maruland tribe was completely annihilated, the situation in Geda Province immediately changed.

The three armies of the orcs have been wiped out, and the coalition forces of the Harland family and the nobles of Heihe County can now free up their hands.

This force of more than 3,000 soldiers is a heavyweight in any battlefield.

Before leaving for the expedition, Richard told Sophia the intelligence he had collected.

Seeing that Sophia looked a little strange, Richard asked doubtfully: "Count Martins has never offended you, right? Why do you feel so gloating about her misfortune?"

With a bit of playfulness on her face, Sophia said: "Count Martins has indeed not offended me, but he has plans to marry you.

His daughter is at least half of my love rival. Now that Count Martins's daughter has died in the hands of the orcs, I feel a little happy. Why?

Is your sympathy too overwhelming?

Do you still care about the safety of your old lover? Want to marry the earl's daughter? "

"I told you a long time ago that I have never met Count Martins's daughter. Why do you always bother with this?"

“Is Count Martins’ daughter ugly?”

"According to my father, the Earl's daughter is a famous beauty. You know my father's taste. She is very picky. I feel that the looks of Mrs. Ola and Miss Kelly are better than yours."

Hearing this, Sophia immediately grimaced.

Seeing that Sophia wanted to quarrel, Richard waved his hand and explained: "Okay, no more joking. It's not that I'm overly sympathetic, but the rise and fall of Earl Martins' territory is closely related to us.

The First Father purchased two thousand gold coins to develop bonds for the territory of Earl Martins. Now that Earl Martins is dead in battle, the bonds will become worthless and completely default.

The better the Second Earl of Martins develops, the safer the Flame Castle and Edward Dukedom will be.

Now that the Earl of Martins has fallen, Flame Castle has lost its buffer and has once again become the front line. Compared with three years ago, the strategic situation of the Grant Kingdom in the north has become worse. The fall of the Earl of Martins has increased our pressure. We must expand our army after the war, which will affect the development of the territory. "

"I want to be with you on this expedition."

"You know, fighting is too dangerous. I don't let you follow because of your safety."

"If I don't follow you, who knows if your soul will be seduced by a wild woman. It's just that the man I'm looking for is too good and attracts bees and butterflies wherever he goes."

"What are you doing to attract bees and butterflies? Sophia, please believe me, I am loyal to you!"

"Did Baron Sharp arrange for a beauty to be delivered to your bedside?"

"How do you know about things in the military? Did you send someone to monitor me?"

"Uncle Vito saw it and told me. He also asked me to serve some snacks and keep an eye on you." Vito is Sophia's cousin, captain of the fifth squadron, and Richard's personal soldier. Among them was Vito's son.

"I don't agree with you going to the front line to take risks?"

"Richard, you can withstand the dangers of war, and so can I. I am a five-ring magician. You can trust my ability. I will protect myself on the battlefield."

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