Lord Harland

Chapter 126 Pre-war meeting

After the pre-war meeting, Richard received a batch of supplies.

What is surprising is that this batch of supplies has a complete range of products and there are no deductions.

In addition to food and grass, there are also clothes, shoes, socks, pots and pans.

Richard also received a batch of weapons, including long spears and heavy swords. The quality was pretty good and there was no rust. They could be sharpened and used after receiving them.

Saville, the steward of Archon Jerram, also personally came to Richard's military camp and delivered sixty pieces of chain armor, one hundred iron helmets, three enchanted crossbows, and ten explosive arrows.

He directly pointed out that this batch of equipment was purchased by Consul Jerram, hoping that Richard could put aside his prejudices and work together to eliminate the rebels as soon as possible.

Richard divided this batch of equipment among Baron Sharp. Of course, more precious materials such as chainmail, iron helmets, enchanted crossbows, and explosive arrows were all equipped in his direct troops.

Although the rebels entered Brenner County, the county town of Osma was still in the hands of the coalition of Brenner nobles.

It is about eighty kilometers from Leyte Fort to Osma.

There is also a military station to rest along the way. Richard planned to spend three days rushing to Osma Castle.

After wearing leggings, the serf soldiers walked more easily, especially when marching in the jungle, the leggings played a very good role.

Although this small piece of equipment is inconspicuous and very cheap, it is very useful in war, preventing leg scratches and promoting blood circulation in the legs.

With the help of leggings, as well as the improvement of willpower, physical strength, and organizational structure, in the next three days, the coalition of nobles from Heihe County easily arrived at Osma City.

Seeing the reinforcements arriving, they did not appear to be serf soldiers with low combat effectiveness. There were hundreds of cavalry to help, and there were dozens of Warcraft horses in total. The Brener nobles were also very happy.

After entering the city, Richard settled the soldiers first, and then rushed to the city lord's palace with a few barons, preparing to meet the main officers of the Brenner noble coalition and listen to the true thoughts of the frontline officers.

After settling in the soldiers and notifying the officers, they were busy for a while, but night had fallen.

The light in the room became faint, and Richard lit two candles in the military tent. The candles burned quietly, and the flames flickered.

The candlelight is projected on the wall, reflecting criss-crossing light and shadow.

After waiting for less than an hour, all the high-ranking officers in Osma Castle arrived at the venue.

Brenner County Mayor Adelais was also present in person. He looked a little disheveled. He was probably fooling around with his lover. He received a summons from Richard and hurried over for the meeting. There was still a little bit of displeasure on his face.

Seeing that most people had arrived, Richard took out the appointment letter signed by Duke Roger, read it out, and then circulated it to everyone.

"Duke Roger appointed me as the commander in the direction of Brenner County, with full authority to command the aristocratic coalition forces in the two counties. Regardless of whether you are satisfied or not, the order has been issued, and as soldiers you must obey the military order.

For those nobles who are not present today, I would like you to inform them that if they do not come to the meeting next time, I will make them pay a generous fine. "

In the Grant Kingdom, the status of nobles is naturally different from that of commoners.

Richard could kill the serf soldiers to scare the monkeys, kill the soldiers through strict military laws, and intimidate the soldiers into obeying orders.

But for nobles with titles, they cannot be killed easily.

Unless serious losses are caused, nobles with titles can be killed.

After the war, he had to be questioned by the Parliament of Nobles to explain the necessity of killing the hereditary nobles.

Not to mention Richard, even a commander-in-chief like Duke Roger would not attack a hereditary noble unless it was absolutely necessary.

"I have just arrived at the front line and I don't know much about the enemy's situation. I would like to ask the officer from Brenner County to tell me about the enemy's situation."

After Richard finished speaking, he stared at the noble officers of Brenner County. Baron Plani stood up, pointed to the simple map on the desk, and said: "After the rebels entered Brenner County, they have already broken through. Two baronies. In our recent reconnaissance, there are signs of a large-scale gathering of rebels, and it seems they want to attack Osma City."

"How strong are the rebels?"

"Most of the rebels are a ragtag group. But the cultist Blood Horn cannot be underestimated. There are a small number of elite soldiers.

In addition, there is a blood-boiling potion within the rebels, which the cultists will give to some cultists before each battle.

After using the blood-boiling potion, the cultist soldiers will immediately become angry and violent, and their physical fitness will increase three times, and they can already compete with elite veterans and even professionals.

We also seized several blood-boiling potions and found that the effect of this potion is only half an hour, which is enough to fight a short war.

The use of potions also has serious sequelae. The potions will extract part of the power of the origin of life. After using the blood-boiling potion, the physical fitness of the soldiers will be severely reduced. Some people's strength and stamina are not even comparable to those of adult women.

Soldiers who take the boiling blood potion are called boiling blood converts. These people have very strong explosive power. When encountering a large number of boiling blood converts, it will be difficult for us to win in a head-on battle. "

"Have you ever caught the Blood Horn cultist?"

"We did catch some. Through the divine interrogation by the priests of the Church of the Dawn, we know that the cultists in the Scarlet Horn are divided into five classes.

The highest level is the cult leadership, which includes the pope, high priest, and four cardinals, totaling six people. Now coming to our Kingdom of Grant is Cardinal Night Walker Marlo.

Below the leadership are the high priests and cardinals. The man who now commands the rebels in Brenner County is Cardinal Gallivan.

The third level is the local bishop, responsible for managing cult activities in a certain area, usually held by third- or fourth-level cultists. The reason why the rebellion broke out in Canyon County was because the cultists of the Blood Horn had been conducting missionary activities more than ten years ago.

The fourth level is the missionaries. These people are the foundation of the cult Blood Horn cult organization. They carry out the instructions from above. Responsible for conducting various religious ceremonies, prayers, preaching and other activities, and supervising the behavior of other believers.

Generally speaking, cultists preach in secret, making it difficult for outsiders to get involved.

The lowest level is ordinary believers, and these people have many fanatic followers. It is believed that after death, one can enter the kingdom of the God of Slaughter and gain eternal life.

Most of the people who take the blood-boiling potion and cause disadvantages in our battle are these people. "

After listening to Baron Plani's introduction, Richard immediately felt the seriousness of the situation.

If the cost of refining blood-boiling potions is not high, the Blood Horn can produce a large number of fanatic believer soldiers.

The impact of these fanatical believer soldiers is much more powerful than that of the orc army.

Think of thousands of cultist soldiers, all of whom have professional combat capabilities, launching a charge at the same time. Although the duration is shorter and the equipment is slightly better, it is enough to defeat a main army.

If you want to deal with this kind of explosive cultist, you can only use Warcraft Cavalry to take advantage of long-range combat and faster speed. No wonder the noble coalition forces in Brenner County were so happy when they found out that Richard was bringing reinforcements with Warcraft Cavalry.

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