Lord Harland

Chapter 125 Entrusted with Important Tasks

Although William was not transferred to the Legion Headquarters as deputy commander, he was promoted in rank and his influence in the Northern Army was greatly increased.

The third brigade he transferred to was also the main brigade of the Northern Army, and its combat effectiveness was stronger than that of the sixth brigade.

With him in the Northern Army, there are people above Bernie, and below them are the backbone promoted by William.

Even if the new captain wants to replace him with one of his own, it will take a long time to slowly mobilize him.

After all, there are no vacancies, no mistakes are made, and it is difficult to replace people easily in the army.

Richard said hello to his third uncle Bernie, and sat in the seat of the commander of the Heihe County noble coalition. He looked at the officers beside him, and found that Richard's position was relatively forward.

All the officers attending the meeting had arrived, but Jerram and the butler Savile stood at the door of the city lord's mansion, respectfully waiting for someone.

"The coalition of nobles from Heihe County came yesterday. How is their quality?"

Seeing that the commander-in-chief, Duke Roger, had not yet arrived, Jerram asked Savile quietly.

"I took a look and found that Richard has a good view of the overall situation. He has mobilized three main squadrons and a squadron of Warcraft Cavalry. Half of the noble coalition forces in Heihe County are elite soldiers."

"I originally wanted to deal with Richard, but I didn't expect that he would mobilize elite troops. I was in a dilemma. I didn't know what to do.

"The Blood Horns rebelled, and the rebellion has not been put down for a long time. At this critical moment, there must be no internal fighting.'6''9''s''h''u''x''.''c''o'' m' made a fuss and couldn't hide it from the old fox in the capital. He will definitely be held accountable when the time comes.

Besides, Richard has a very bad temper. If we punish him, his backlash may be fatal. We need his help now. We must not annoy this person and cause trouble for ourselves.

I think Richard leads the most elite army, and logistics should be given priority to replenish him. This will not only consume the elite troops under Richard's command, but also leave a reputation in the capital for taking the overall situation into account. "

"You are right. Since I can't offend a young man like Richard, I might as well praise him and let him go head-to-head with the rebels to consume his strength before making the next plan."

While the two were whispering, Duke Roger, the commander-in-chief of the counter-insurgency campaign, rode a unicorn to the provincial consul's residence.

Roger is the younger brother of King Charles and holds two titles, one is the Palace Duke and the other is a hereditary earl.

As nice as it sounds, a court duke needs the trust of the kingdom to wield power.

Moreover, the title of Palace Duke is not a hereditary title and will be reduced in the next generation.

After five generations, the descendants will become ordinary people.

The hereditary earls are the real nobles of the kingdom. As long as the territory is there, the title can be inherited.

But it is very difficult to become a great noble. Kill legends on the battlefield, command a famous victory, open up territory for the Kingdom of Grant, and make military exploits. Or he has made many military exploits and accumulated enough fiefdoms.

In the past hundred years or so, the Kingdom of Grant has only had two new earls, Roger and Martins.

Although Roger is about the same age as William, his achievements are much greater than William's.

Although not as famous as Martins, the legendary orc slayer, his merits accumulated over the years are enough to become a hereditary earl.

In defeating the orc army two years ago, Roger and his Warcraft Cavalry also played a very key role.

This time, the king did not use Martins to quell the rebellion, but chose Roger. In fact, the purpose was to allow Roger to accumulate military exploits, increase his prestige, and at the same time make a war fortune and speed up the management of the territory.

Rumor has it that King Charles advocated the appointment of Martins as commander, but Duke Brenner advocated the appointment of Roger.

Duke Brenner is over one hundred and eighty years old. The knight bloodline of the Grant royal family is the Fiery Lion, and the source of the extraordinary bloodline is not an immortal seed.

Even if precious medicines are used, it can last for up to twenty years.

If Roger is unable to take on the important role twenty years later, the political structure of the Grant Kingdom may be in trouble.

Duke Jonathan, a dragon-blooded knight, might gain a lot of prestige and suppress others.

Although there are five legends in Grant Kingdom, the other three are warriors and one is a vassal of Duke Edward.

Legendary warriors do not have bloodline spells, and their combat power is not much different from that of legendary knights. It takes two or three people to join forces to compete with legendary knights.

Moreover, the lifespan of a legendary warrior is only 150 years, while the legendary knight of the dragon vein can live for 300 years. By then, I am afraid that there will be a situation where the outside is more important than the inside.

For the next two hundred years, the Grant royal family will also live in the shadow of Duke Jonathan. Once the power of the two families is imbalanced, the Grant dynasty is in danger of collapse.

Roger said hello to Jerram, then nodded with Savile and entered the venue.

Roger spread out a map, pointed to the Victory City in Canyon County on the map, and said: "According to the secret report, the Scarlet Horn has prepared to hold a large-scale blood sacrifice in the Victory City, hoping to awaken the God of Slaughter.

The date of the blood sacrifice is set on October 14th, which is the birthday of the God of Slaughter.

In order to prevent the evil god from awakening early, we must break through the City of Victory before October 14th and destroy the Blood Sacrifice Ceremony of the Blood Horn. "

Hearing this explosive news, Richard was suddenly shocked.

He had been in Dawn Continent for eleven years and had only heard of the Church of the Seven Gods. He never expected that there were evil gods in this plane.

Richard was confused as to what was going on with the God of Slaughter.

After all, Richard's background was very low, and he didn't know any secret information.

However, hearing the name of this evil god and looking like he was not easy to deal with, Richard felt a little worried in his heart.

Seeing the solemn expressions of the officers present, Roger knocked on the table and said: "The Blood Horn cult has a total of six legends. This time, the legendary black magic master Marlo, the Night Walker, came to our Grant Kingdom to cause trouble.

But don’t worry, the Church of the Dawn will send a Cardinal Mavilla to help us. Marlo is dealt with by the legends of the Church of the Dawn, and our mission is to suppress the rebellion and kill the cultists hiding in the country.

I decided to use the two brigades of the Northern Army, the Royal Knights, as the core, and penetrate directly into the city of victory, the rebel base camp. The Allied Forces of the Roman County Nobles and the Allied Forces of the Wright County Nobles followed the main force in fighting.

The coalition of nobles in Heihe County is strong and can undertake the task of partial division. Reinforce Brenner County and cooperate with the coalition of nobles in Brenner County to eliminate the rebels.

After entering Brenner County, Baron Richard served as the commander of the coalition of nobles in the two counties. "

"Make sure to complete the mission."

Brenner County has a large population, nearly twice that of Black River County, with over a million people. Although the nobles in this county are already at the rear, they are still recruited every time the orcs invade to participate in the orc invasion war. The combat experience is not as good as that of Heihe County, but it is better than that of Canyon County further south.

The hereditary nobles in Brenner County have been passed down for many years, and their territory was developed early. They are generally wealthier than the nobles in Heihe County. Their subordinates can support more retired soldiers.

Because they were shoudoubo family, the hereditary nobles of Brenner County tried their best. The coalition of nobles in this county is much stronger than the coalition organized by Heihe County. There are a total of sixteen squadrons of regular troops and twelve squadrons of auxiliary troops. That adds up to more than four thousand people.

According to convention, the commander of the Brenner noble coalition should be the commander-in-chief, and Richard should be the deputy commander of the coalition.

Richard had never met Duke Roger, so he didn't expect that he would entrust him with the important task of overseeing the situation.

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